The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 562 - Side Story (1)

Chapter 562 - Side Story (1)

The news that the Undefeated Incarnation of Training had become the Incarnation of Humanity and the only constellation on Earth spread quietly but quickly.

There were quite a few hunters out there that served constellations, and their masters severed their ties, telling them that they could no longer interfere in Earth’s affairs. The hunters had to realize what was going on.

...The constellations’ competition over Earth was over!

Some of those hunters hadn’t been aware that once the constellations’ game was over, the master of Earth would be decided, and they couldn’t believe it when it actually happened.

Had the master of Earth really been determined? Then how would things change?

-Have you also lost the power of your constellation?

-Yeah, I was cut off too.

-Then... what should we do? Should we serve a new constellation? I received an offer once before...

-What nonsense are you saying? There’s no way we can serve other constellations!


Hunters who hadn't been serving constellations were less shaken, but for those who had, it felt like the sky itself had collapsed on them. Several of the skills that had been in their arsenal for a long time were gone; this was a massive blow to all hunters who had contracted with a constellation.

-Wouldn’t it be better to accept it now and serve the new constellation?

-If you serve the Incarnation of Humanity...

-Serving isn’t the problem. The question is how the constellation views us.

-Will I get additional points for serving the Arrogant Light Elf?

-It should be impossible if you’ve ever served an evil god constellation, right?

As the hunters were uselessly worrying about what to do, a new shocking fact emerged.

-Apparently the Incarnation of Humanity was originally the Undefeated Incarnation of Training?

-What does that... Can the name of a constellation change? Can it actually change?

-It’s impossible... Anyway, what’s important right now...

-In fact, I heard that Hunter Choi Yeonseung is the Undefeated Incarnation of Training? Is that true? I don’t even know what to say...

-No matter how great of an S-grade hunter he is, he can’t be a constellation. That’s fake news.

-But it’s not just the hunters who were there that said it. The Chinese also stated that Choi Yeonseung really is a constellation.

-It’s a conspiracy of the Chinese.

-...What?! Why make such a conspiracy...?

-I don’t know that!

-So Hunter Choi Yeonseung is actually a constellation, and he became the master of Earth?

-Whoa... That sounds so outlandish that I just can’t accept it.

-Why hasn’t Hunter Choi Yeonseung made an official announcement? Can’t he clarify it quickly?

-If you were in his position, would you clarify things?

-If Hunter Choi Yeonseung has really become a constellation, won’t those bastards be banished to the Abyss?

-Contact Dragon Industry!


As the hunters were debating whether Choi Yeonseung really was a constellation or Earth’s master, the big businessmen acted rationally and pragmatically. They ambitiously came up with new projects to restore Earth after being devastated by the recent invasion and conflicts and to support humanity...

...Actually, that was what their subordinates were doing. The CEOs were preoccupied with something a bit different.

“Come in.”

“Th-thank you.”

“On your knees.”

“...What did you just say?”

“Come in on your knees.”

Tofira, the CEO of Rapid Corporation, a company that everyone would know by name in the United States, stared in disbelief.

Of course, Rapid Corporation had acted a bit unscrupulously during the Master of Slowness and Silence incident. At a time when logistics around the world had come to a halt and factories in China had been frozen, they contacted the Master of Slowness and Silence and asked him to look after their company.

In the process of making the request, the employees of Rapid Corporation had sent their faith to the Master of Slowness and Silence.

...But still, asking him to kneel was too much. Considering the reputation of Rapid Corporation in the United States and in the whole business world, Tofira would never do something like that.

What type of company was Rapid Corporation?

It was on a different scale from many other textile companies—it was capable of leading the fashion trend in the industry, and was overall so powerful that even A-grade hunters were used as models for their headquarters.

In fact, Rapid Corporation was so great that some hunters considered their products to be more than just clothing and armor; they saw it as art...

“If you don’t kneel quickly, I’ll throw you out the window.”

Tofira hurriedly knelt after hearing the secretary’s emotionless warning. It reminded him of a story he had once heard.

-This happened last time when Hunter Choi Yeonseung was managing the international clan competition in South Korea. He threw out all those he had a grudge against.

-Uh... Well, that’s all he can do, right?

-It was from the thirty-seventh floor.


That was clearly impossible. The CEO of Rapid Corporation didn’t believe it at the time, considering it nothing more than a ridiculous rumor. In the United States, Choi Yeonseung had a firm reputation for rescuing people by himself while other A-grade hunters did drugs or blew away people’s cars.

It was probably a rumor from the Chinese side.

CEO Tofira had thought so...

Until he heard it with his own ears.

“Ah, a new guest has come.”

“Miss Lawrence!”

The moment the CEO saw Aine’s face, his face lit up with joy as though he had come across a good god constellation in the Abyss.

Of course, Aine broke his expectations with a single sentence.

“This is the CEO of Rapid Corporation, who joined forces with the Master of Slowness and Silence while our hunters were fighting for their lives.”


The CEO was speechless.

“Well... You know... I had no other choice!”

“You think such an excuse works in this situation...? In any case, go in. Many people have come and many more are yet to arrive. Don’t waste his time,” Aine said in a cold voice.

Tofira decided to just go in quietly instead of saying anything else and making her even angrier. He opened the door while kneeling, so he couldn’t clearly see Choi Yeonseung in front of him.

The CEO started with an apology.

“I’m sorry, Hunter Choi Yeonseung! I should’ve stopped it...! With shareholders protesting and investors clamoring... My subordinates told me it was okay...”

“You’re lying.”


The CEO looked up in surprise.

Choi Yeonseung was petting a large rock snake on his lap as he looked down at Tofira.

“That’s a lie. Mister Tofira, have you heard any rumors that I am a constellation?”

“Huh? Yes...”

The CEO still wasn’t sure whether Choi Yeonseung was actually a constellation. In any case, there was one important fact—constellation or not, Choi Yeonseung could tear him and his whole company apart!

“Well? Do you think I’m a constellation or not?”

“Huh? Ah... Well...”

“Don’t waste time.”

Choi Yeonseung glanced at the open window while petting the rock snake again. At that, the CEO couldn’t help imagining himself being thrown out the window.

‘D-don’t tell me...’

“I think you are a constellation!”

“That’s right. Then what do you think about those saying I have become the master of Earth?”


At that moment, Tofira instinctively realized that all the rumors were true!

‘Am I... Am I looking at the master of Earth...?!’

If that was the case, no one on Earth had as much power as the constellation in front of him. Both human and constellation—Choi Yeonseung was the only one of his kind!

The CEO got goosebumps and was trembling from head to toe. He was overcome with intense fear, knowing that the entity in front of him could crush him like an insect.

“I think... I think they’re right.”

“Yes. You’re a clever guy. So why did you lie to me?” Choi Yeonseung asked casually.

A constellation could obviously tell what the other person was truly thinking when speaking. Choi Yeonseung’s power of existence, which had become infinitely mightier than before, allowed him to see through greedy mortals like Tofira.

“...I was wrong.”

“Is that so?”

“My life... Please spare my life.”



Not realizing the meaning of Choi Yeonseung’s question, Tofira immediately agreed.

“I understand. I will spare your life.”

“Th... Thank you!”

“So what will you do with the rest of your assets?”


At that, Choi Yeonseung asked with an annoyed expression, “Didn’t you just ask for your life? Doesn’t this mean you don’t need any of your assets?”

“...That...” CEO Tofira stammered, completely dumbfounded. He wanted to make some kind of excuse. Or rather, he wanted to try and siphon off money using a slush fund or double ledger he had created while running the company, but he couldn’t do so.

He was too scared to make that decision.

“I... I will dedicate them to you.”


“Gi-give back to society... All of it...”

“That’s right.”

“To promote the Korean wave... Make use of all the power of our company...”

“No, there’s no need for that.” Choi Yeonseung looked Tofira as if wondering what he was saying.



Jackson, the CEO of Philo Industries, one of the United States’ leading defense companies, was taken aback by the gloomy atmosphere at that day’s meeting. Those who would usually swagger around and boast like peacocks wore dejected expressions.

They looked like prisoners sentenced to death.

“What? Did something happen? Do you have cancer?”

“You... Rather, why are you in such a good mood?”

Tofira and the other business CEOs were confused by Jackson’s overly joyous expression. Clearly, Philo Industries was one of the companies that had acted carelessly during the Master of Slowness and Silence incident.

If he had gone to Choi Yeonseung, he would’ve only been able to escape more dead than alive and without any of his assets.

“Why? Is there any reason to feel bad? The Master of Slowness and Silence has died and the Chinese government is staying still... I’m working on a new contract this month.”

“...Didn’t you go to Hunter Choi Yeonseung?”

“Huh??” Jackson was dumbfounded by that. “Why should I go to him?”

“Didn’t you cooperate with the Master of Slowness and Silence during the incident?”

“Was it just me? Didn’t a lot of people do that? Wait, that’s why you’re so depressed?”

Jackson burst into laughter. It was ridiculous that these people were despairing as if the world had ended because of such a trivial matter.

“Don’t worry! The government won’t bother you about something like this. I know a lot of people in the government.”

“I don’t think that’s the problem right now...”

One of them tried to explain the situation properly, but Tofira quietly stopped him. He wanted to see what would happen.

After laughing some more, Jackson walked away.

“Don’t worry about such useless things!”

He was confident for a reason. Of course, he had done something illegal, but the company had prepared all the excuses.

The government received bribes as well as various goods from Philo Industries, so he didn’t think the government would give them much of a punishment.

‘Are they afraid of Hunter Choi Yeonseung? Idiots.’

Of course, the prospect of hindering an S-grade hunter’s raid was terrifying, but Hunter Choi Yeonseung wasn’t the kind of person to retaliate. It made more sense to be afraid of an A-grade hunter like Gerrity rather than someone who, despite possessing tremendous power, only did good deeds.

Once Jackson returned home, he snuggled up under his blanket and fell asleep.


...But he was suddenly woken up by the angry orcs that surrounded his house and barged in.

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