The Constellation Returned From Hell

Chapter 567

Chapter 567

“I don’t know who they are... Isn’t this too much?”

At Choi Yeonseung’s question, Han Seha waved her hand desperately, tears welling up in her eyes.

“That’s not it...!”

“Master, I would like to explain. Give me a chance!”

“Tell me, Garagoncha,” said Choi Yeonseung as he lifted his chin. In truth, he wasn’t expecting much.

‘Did they catch the bad guys who wrote malicious comments about Gyeongryong hyung on the internet?’

“Do you know who they are?”

“No idea. Who are they?”

Garagoncha pointed them out one by one, and Choi Yeonseung focused more and more on his explanation.

Once Garagoncha was done, Choi Yeonseung asked, “So is that enough to execute them?”

“H-Hunter Choi Yeonseung!! What nonsense is that?” Han Hyeokrim shouted desperately as he recognized Choi Yeonseung’s face.

He couldn't believe that the only man with a conscience, the only hope in this place of madness, would say something so harsh.

What kind of person was Choi Yeonseung? Wasn’t he a constellation who had sacrificed himself to protect not only South Korea but the entire world?

“Hurry up. Get rid of these orcs and save us! Don’t you know who we are?”

“Well, after listening to Garagoncha here and realizing who you are, I really want to kill you. Have you forgotten that I’m from the same clan as these two people?”



The people in the cage paused as they belatedly remembered it. Then they let out a muffled sound and continued, “H-Hunter Choi Yeonseung... You’re different from other hunters... You’re the new master of Earth...”

“Exactly. So can’t I kill a few people?”

“That’s right, Master. There are too many humans on Earth.” Garagoncha nodded in admiration.

Seeing the people in the cage grow deathly pale, Hwang Gyeongryong cut in, “Forget it. I won’t kill you.”

“No?! Why?”

“I guess he’s suggesting that we don’t kill them, but keep them alive and torture them.”

“No, dude!”


Hwang Gyeongryong grumbled, “I have taken revenge on all my enemies who deserved to die... These people... True, they’re pieces of shit, but they don’t deserve to die.”

“Dragon Hwang...!”

The people in the cage were moved in a way they had never been in their entire lives.

They had continued disregarding Hwang Gyeongryong even after he had reached the S-grade. But now, for the first time ever, they felt that Hwang Gyeongryong was truly great.

Had he always been like this?

Choi Yeonseung asked from the side, “Even if they don’t deserve to die, isn’t it okay to break their limbs and hang them upside down?”

“Well, if it’s just that...”



“It’s decided.”

“W-wait! Wait!!! Wait!!!”

The orcs rushed in excitedly and started breaking arms and legs. Agonized screams erupted from within the cage.

Seeing this, Choi Yeonseung turned to Hwang Gyeongryong and Lee Changsik and asked, “So? Are your past grudges gone now? Do you want to make up?”


“Not really.”

“Yeah, I didn’t think so either.”


Hwang Gyeongryong cast Choi Yeonseung an incredulous look. If he had known this would happen, why break those people’s limbs?”

‘I guess he just wanted to do it.’

Well, Hwang Gyeongryong had also wanted to beat those assholes up. Indeed, he felt a bit better seeing those imbeciles hanging upside down on the road of the Abyssal farm...

“So I called my nephews and nieces.”

Just as he said that, Hwang Gyeongryong’s children started to appear one by one. Choi Yeonseung had stopped going through the list at one point, realizing that he couldn’t call every single one of them.

‘Gyeongryong hyung has too many children.’

Lee Changsik’s son also showed up.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“They all want the two of you to bury the hatchet.”

Hwang Gyeongryong’s children nodded.

“Every time you drink, you talk about the Iron-Blooded Ice Emperor.”

“I hope you can take this opportunity to reconcile.”

“When did I do that? I’m going to leave this brat out of my will!” Hwang Gyeongryong snarled.

“You’re going to outlive me anyway. I don’t need your inheritance.”

Despite retorting in anger, his children merely crossed their arms, not backing down one bit.

“Let’s take this opportunity to settle your grievances and bury the hatchet.” Choi Yeonseung also encouraged them.



“Master, why don’t you get them drunk?” Garagoncha whispered after he finished punishing the poor politicians.

“That’s not a bad idea.” Choi Yeonseung nodded. “Bring some booze.”


The orcs rushed in, seated them at the table, and poured their drinks.

“Now, now! Drink!”

“No, drinking won’t make up for it...”

Thirty minutes later...

“Umm... Yeah... If I think about it a little bit...”

One hour later...

“...Okay. I’ll think about it a bit more...”

“Bring more! More!”

The orcs excitedly brought the whole jug with them.

Choi Yeonseung nodded happily at the festivity taking place in his own territory.

-This is the joy of being a constellation.

The Goddess of Defeat and Sloth spoke up from the side. She was glad to see Choi Yeonseung finally enjoy being a constellation, as he hadn’t been able to do so before due to constantly fighting enemies.

-That’s right. But the way, have you done everything I asked you?

-...I did it! I’m done!

The goddess of sloth cried out indignantly.

“Hu... Hunter Choi Yeonseung... When will you... release us...”

The people hanging upside down were bewildered by the festivity taking place nearby.

...He wouldn’t keep them like that forever, would he?


“Thank you everyone. I wouldn’t have managed to get them to make up without your help!”

“No! It was an honor to help!” exclaimed one of Hwang Gyeongryong’s children, whose name Choi Yeonseung had forgotten.

“Now, it’s only fair that you guys get rewarded for your contributions. Do you want anything?”

Although this was a family affair, Choi Yeonseung had never intended to make them do this for free. Rather, since they were his nieces and nephews, he wanted to take extra care of them.

“I want an artifact.”

“I see. My household members over there will find you the right artifact.”

“I was scammed by a Chinese company while doing business. I want to take revenge.”

“Hmm. I told the government that I’m not going to intervene...”

“Oh, you can’t do it?”

“Well, I can just take that back. Take the orcs over there. I’m sure they’ll be able to help you.”

Choi Yeonseung sent his nieces and nephews away one by one.

As the crowd dwindled, Han Seha looked at him and began, “Uhm...”

“Don’t worry, Seha. Those guys over there who had their limbs broken are still alive.”

“No, I don’t care about them.”

Han Seha couldn’t care less about the people hanging nearby.

“Which one of your nieces or nephews do you think did the most work?”

“Of course, you did the most. Thank you.”

Han Seha’s expression brightened.

“As expected, right?”

“Of course. You are the best among all my nieces and nephews.”

Han Seha looked like she was going to jump up and down as she walked away excitedly.

Then, Choi Yeonseung said to Kwon Yeongseung, “You are the best nephew.”

“...I-I’m fine.”

Of course, it felt good to hear Choi Yeonseung say that, but he wasn’t as desperate as Han Seha.


-The true promise of Dragon Hwang and the Iron-Blooded Ice Emperor... A heartwarming reconciliation sends gentle ripples among the hunters...

-Did the two of them really bury the hatchet??

-The world really has changed.

-Why is it newsworthy that the two of them have reconciled?

-Alright, sit down. Let me tell you some stories about the first-generation hunters.

Hunters were very surprised by the reconciliation between Dragon Hwang and the Iron-Blooded Ice Emperor. Of course, there had been all sorts of changes since the incident with the slowness constellation, but none of them had been as surprising as this.

“Hey... Hunter Han Seha has become the group’s successor?”

“What? Really?”

“She is the heir to a major Korean company.”

“Can an heir wield the sword like that? What’s going on?”

The Icarus hunters were amazed by the news.

These hunters had already achieved success. They could’ve left the clan to operate independently or enjoy their power, but most of them had stuck with Icarus.

The reason for that was Choi Yeonseung's astronomical ascent to power. Before, he had been prominent enough to control a country, but now, he was the master of Earth. Thus, why would anyone want to leave the clan?

There was a saying in the East that being the head of a chicken was better than the tail of a cow, but being the tail of a constellation was bound to be better than anything else!

“Speaking of which, isn’t Richard a member of the Parker family?”

“What? Is that so?” Gutierrez and Smallwood asked in amazement.

Richard choked up. Indeed, he came from that prestigious family, carrying the Parker name with him, but his colleagues...

“I told you last time... I...”

“Well, you can tell us again.”

“That’s right. Wasn’t there some conflict in your family? Why have you cut them off?”

“...I left my family to become a hunter,” Richard said grimly.

Indeed, most hunters coming from powerful families indulged in debauchery and indolence, never wanting to leave the comfort and luxury of their homes.

However, Richard was different; he had carved out a life for himself as a hunter.

“...Hey, that’s not the case.”

“You’re the one who ran to the clan with the support of your family.”

“You learned magic with your family’s support and bought artifacts with their money. Don’t act like you started as a hunter from nothing.”


At the sharp words of his colleagues, Richard picked up his plate and stood up, looking to eat somewhere else.

“Hey, what are you doing? Buddy, chill. We brought this up so we can help you.”

“That’s right. Honestly, if you put your mind to it, you can get some of the Parker family’s fortune, right? You’re blood.”


Richard was starting to get worried.

The rest of the Parker family had been fighting like crazy over assets ever since the chairman had disappeared. Richard could also join the competition, but he stayed out of it.

Even if he were greedy for his assets, he had no power within the family or the group. His other siblings worked within the group and had their own people and cliques. Richard was just an outsider...

However, the hunters of the Icarus clan were a different story. The gathering of A-grade and B+ hunters was a powerful force in itself.

“Schneider, Richard here is looking for his family’s property. Do you want to help him?”

“Why should I do that?” Antony snorted.

To that, Smallwood immediately said, “Alright. Ernest, can you contact Hunter Choi Yeonseung and ask him to give Antony an order...?

“What are you doing?!” Antony gritted his teeth.

Antony was proud about becoming an A-grade hunter, but compared to the status of his former companion who had become a constellation, it was like the difference between a full moon and a firefly.

He couldn’t possibly disobey orders coming from above.

“I didn’t say I would do it,” Richard said hesitantly.

“Shut up. As long as I’m participating, you’re doing it.”


A passing Whittaker looked at the hunters in a puzzled manner.

“What? What’s going on?”

“Oh, hey. We’re helping Richard get his hands on his family’s fortune.”

“...Oh, I want in.”

“Nah, get lost.”

“We don’t need your help.”

“Yeah, you’re too obsessed with money.”

“...You bastards! If you ever need my help, I’ll tell you to go to hell!”

Following a dispute with his colleagues, Whittaker somehow managed to convince his colleagues to let him be part of this.

He suddenly got an idea as he listened to the plan.

“Uh... Wait, can’t we just ask Hunter Choi Yeonseung for a favor?”

“You moron... You think we should bother a constellation with something like this?”

“If we make such a blasphemous request, we will be the dregs of the Abyss.”

“Y-you’re right...”

Whittaker was convinced after being scolded by his colleagues. Indeed, there was no way a constellation would help them with something so trivial.

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