The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 62

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 62

Episode 62. Auction


“uh. “I agree.”

Damian’s voice sounded a little shaken. Hearing that, Rachiel nodded. And then I looked at the scenery of the monster auction house unfolding before my eyes.

It was quiet like a library. A lively atmosphere that anyone would think of at an auction house? An auctioneer actively conducting auctions? Buyers competitively raising their voices and asking prices?

Such familiar scenes were nowhere to be found. Everyone was quiet. Instead of raising their voices, the chanters used their own small blackboards the size of A4 paper. I wrote a number in chalk and held it above my head. That’s how the asking price was presented.

The auction house saw this and updated the asking price for the item. And he silently cast his eyes in all directions, asking, ‘Is there a higher price?’ It looked very different from the bustling, ordinary(?) auction house you might normally imagine.

“Is that because this is a monster auction house?”

“I guess so. “If people make too much noise, the monster inside us will be stimulated.”

“Tsk. “It looks like it’s already been soaked in anesthetic or sedatives.”

It’s not that it’s not, but what monsters are currently up for auction? It was hanging limp like a plastic bag discarded on the street. Now that I think about it, I suddenly remember something that happened about 30 minutes ago.

‘The mayor of Cremo’s shoulders were sagging like that.’

Was it when we arrived at the city gate earlier? Thanks to this side, there was chaos at the gate. It had to be that way.

‘Because the crown prince suddenly came to visit out of nowhere.’

It was the crown prince and his party who showed up without any notice or warning. For the soldiers and officers guarding the gate, it must have been like a lightning strike.

Of course, the same was true for the mayor of Cremo. The mayor, who heard the news, rushed out in socks. He looked like a battalion commander who received a surprise visit from the division commander. When I saw that, I felt a little sorry. On the other hand, it was also burdensome.

So it was.

‘A separate escort unit. it’s okay. ‘You don’t have to add something like that, Mayor.’

‘B-But Your Highness!’

‘I’ll see you later at the mayor’s residence?’

… and rejected the mayor’s invitation to escort him.

A grand welcome ceremony?

Extreme hospitality?

I didn’t hate it. But it was burdensome.

It is said that he became the crown prince, but that happened very suddenly and not long ago. Still, every time I open my eyes in the morning, I wake up wondering if I have returned to being an ordinary local Oriental medicine doctor, Lee Han.

So it was. He left the place as if running away, leaving the market behind. And he and his party went straight to the Cremo Monster Auction House.

‘Oh, I’m sorry.’

Thinking about the Cremo market, I couldn’t help but smile bitterly. How surprised I was by this visit. Could it be that I caused an unnecessary nuisance?

‘I should quickly take care of business and return to the imperial capital.’

Rachiel raised her head with a promise. I looked around the lively auction house in still silence. Meanwhile, several auctions continued. All kinds of monsters have come up for sale. sold to someone However, Rachiel was not interested in other auctions.

‘Is there no Minotaur?’

The only goal here is the Minotaur. You must obtain the Minotaur’s gallstones. We need to make Minotaur Hwangcheongsimpi and test it. If successful, it will provide a great and stable source of income to run an oriental medicine clinic.

‘That way I can get a lot of bonus life too!’

I made a promise again and my eyes sparkled. I waited for the moment when the Minotaur would come up for sale. How long was it like that? The moment I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived.


For the first time since coming here, a roar like a monster’s roar rang out in the auction house. Everyone at the auction house flinched at that sound. Rakiel’s eyes also looked towards the direction from which the roar was heard at the speed of light. And I could see it.


A huge cart pulled by 8 horses. An even larger special cage was loaded on top of it. It was a super-sized cage that could be 10 meters long, wide, and tall.

‘What kind of dinosaur is it?’

A cage the size of a real dinosaur. Inside was a 7 meter tall Minotaur. It was truly a huge creature reminiscent of a dinosaur.

‘What size is it…’

The head, which resembled a buffalo, was as big as a person. If I made beef head soup with that, it would easily serve 100 people. Moreover, the torso underneath was even more radical.

Would you like to see a humanoid body entirely covered in black fur? If I threw it at a local gym, it seemed like it could easily hit 30 tons. Such a Minotaur revealed its strong presence outside the iron cage. No, it roared.


The roar of a cattle herd so loud that even MSG Wannabe Park Ho-shin in the mid-2000s would cry shook the entire auction house. It was truly an overwhelming force. I could feel it as soon as I saw it.

‘…I have to do that!’

Meanwhile, the auctioneer lifted up a large blackboard. This phrase was written on the blackboard:

[Today’s Main Listing]

[Breed: Minotaur]

[Size: Extra Large]

[Condition: Best]

[Personality: Very Fierce]

[Special Features: 7 teams of the best monster hunters active in the eastern mountains united to pursue a 3-month chase This is the best item for sale that was barely captured alive after being lured. Highly recommended for special-purpose breeding and ornamental purposes]


The Minotaur roared again. He must have been drenched in anesthesia and various sedatives, but he could roar like that. I just got the feeling that he was a huge guy.

How much bigger are those damn gallstones? If you make Woohwang Cheongsimhwan with that, how amazing will its medicinal properties be? The more I thought about it, the more I wanted it. I never want to miss it.

‘Catch it. I scream. ‘I’ll definitely get that one.’

But that was then. The auctioneer scribbled something else on the blackboard. Lifted. The moment I saw that content. Rachiel had to seriously doubt his eyesight.

[Auction starting price: 50,000 Mazen]


I was speechless. It became absurd. I tapped Damian next to me.

“Hey, you know.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Isn’t there something wrong with the starting price written by the auctioneer over there?”


“For other monsters earlier, the final bid price was 5,000 Mazen and 6,000 Mazen, right?”

“Yes, I did.”

“But why is his starting price like that?”

“If you ask me that….”

“No, I do it because I feel unfair.”

“But at that level, the funds we have prepared will not be insufficient.”

“I guess so. “At least for now.”

Rakiel wrinkled his nose. Yes. At least it’s okay ‘for now’. 50,000 Mazen? I can handle it. Because this side brought 100,000 Magen.

‘But the price of that will definitely go up.’

It’s probably because it’s an auction. There will definitely be price competition. This is especially true if it is such a sensational product.

‘Oh, write it. I really don’t want to miss it.’

Rakiel felt his appetite becoming sour. I definitely wanted to get my hands on it. But it seemed like it would be difficult. I was able to have a premonition by taking a quick look around.

‘Everyone’s eyes are funny.’

It’s not that it’s not, but as soon as the Minotaur appeared, you could feel the atmosphere inside the auction house changing. People’s enthusiasm heated up.

There is also a man who appears to be a wholesaler specializing in monsters. A gentleman who appears to be the manager at the top. Even a fat collector who looks like he has a lot of money. Everyone’s eyes were sparkling brightly, like fangirls who went to a concert of the Earth’s Strongest Idol Bulletproof Vests.

When I looked at it, I could clearly see the sad angle. An ominous confidence bloomed.

‘If things continue like this, I’ll never be able to buy that.’

The calculations were running wild in my head. The bullet(?) we have prepared is 100,000 Magen. That alone was already a huge amount of money.

How would you compare that amount to prices in Korea? This is an enormous amount, enough to buy up a few high-end brand apartments in Gangnam, Seoul right now.

‘But even so, there won’t be any chin. The starting price is already 50,000 Magen. Considering that there will be competition… if you leave it alone, the final bid price will definitely exceed 100,000 Mazen.’

I will have to abstain because I don’t have enough bullets. But I don’t want to miss it. Then what should I do?

‘think. Turn your head. Cheer up, cerebral cortex!’

I thought hard and thought hard. I thought and squeezed furiously. And finally, I came up with a brilliant trick.


“Yes, Your Highness?”

“From now on, listen carefully to what I say.”

I lowered my voice. I pulled Damian over. I secretly instructed him in his ear.

“Whisper… so… I did this… so… chatter… while… blah blah… let’s do it. got it?”


After hearing the instructions, Damian was speechless. I looked at the crown prince with a bewildered feeling.

“Are you really going to do that?”

“of course.”

“Are you serious?”

“of course.”


I was once again dumbfounded by the look so calm. Damian couldn’t stand it any longer and ended up saying something.

“majesty. I don’t know how it will sound if I dare say this, but the instructions given by His Highness are really…”


“It’s a shameful operation.”

“Umm and?”

“It’s a dirty operation.”

“Uhm, so?”

“…I’ll be back.”

“Okay, good work.”

Damien left.

Meanwhile, Rakiel sat with his arms crossed and waited. The Minotaur auction has begun. A quiet and fierce competition unfolded. As soon as the auction started, blackboards offering asking prices popped up everywhere.

The asking price went up one after another.

50100 Mazen.

50500 Mazen.

53000 Mazen.

55000 Mazen.

However, Rakiel did not participate in the auction until now. Just like a hunter waiting for his moment, his eyes flashed.

It’s like protecting your position by predicting where there will be empty seats on the crowded Line 2 subway during rush hour. Just like when you open a box of pizza to eat with your friends, you roll your eyes to instantly figure out which slice is the biggest and has the most toppings.

He quietly waited for his time. Instructions to Damien: He waited to seize the moment when his trick would come true. And finally the time has come.

“Your Majesty the Crown Prince! “I am truly devastated that you listened to my request like this!”

A loud voice suddenly shakes the quiet auction house. Everyone’s eyes turned to the voice that came out of nowhere. Where everyone’s eyes are directed. There was the mayor of Cremo, who came running in a huff.

This time, I will win the crown prince’s attention and score points. Maybe today will be a big turning point in his political life. We were accompanied by 100 soldiers of His Majesty the Crown Prince’s special guard, who had prepared with great care and attention with pounding hearts and fluttering hearts.

Quick, easy, quick!

The Mayor of Cremo with a serious expression. A special bodyguard of solemn dignity. They entered the auction house. There was no time for anyone to stop him. They came in in an instant and surrounded Rakiel.

Like a mother bird incubating the last egg. Or, like carefully preserving and saving the largest ingredient in cup ramen until the end like a cultural heritage. It was a careful and sincere attitude, as if protecting the world’s most precious treasure.

Thanks to this, everyone at the auction house realized. The person whom the Mayor of Cremo calls ‘Your Highness’. The center surrounded by 100 guards. A sickly-looking young man right there. That young man is…

‘…Why is the crown prince here?’

The very moment when everyone feels huge doubts and deep shock. Rachiel, who was waiting for the right moment, finally lifted the blackboard.

[Rachiel Adria Magentano: 60000 Mazen]

At the same time, Rakiel thought.

Now that we know the identity of this group, everyone will voluntarily abstain. No one would dare stand up to the crown prince’s abuse of power(?). So the auction race itself will end here.

‘If you have the power to use it, you should use it!’

Even if it’s a little rude, there’s nothing I can do about it. Rakiel sensed victory and smiled happily.

At the same time, everyone in the auction house sighed and showered Rakiel with the highest praise that could be heard from a competitor that would make any Korean person feel a surge of pride the moment they hear it.

…They’re doing such a fucking auction.

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