The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine

Chapter 79

The Crown Prince That Sells Medicine Chapter 79

Episode 79 Birth of a famous doctor (2)

Rumors are scary.

News spread through people’s mouths and mouths. The authenticity or truth of the news is not that important. The fact that such rumors are circulating is important in itself. This is true even for people who pride themselves on being wise. You can be influenced even slightly by rumors.

Rumors create first impressions and determine our subsequent image. There are countless such cases around us. Sometimes, there are people who experience such extreme examples firsthand.

‘…that was me.’

Rachiel swallowed a sigh mixed with regret. The more I thought about it, the more painful memories emerged. This was something I experienced in Korea.

‘At a cafe in a local apartment complex… a rumor spread that a coronavirus patient had visited our Oriental medicine clinic… twice… Ugh.’

Just thinking about it made my fists shake. I felt like PTSD would come on even while I was sleeping. I still feel unfair.

The confirmed patient just went there. Fortunately, on both occasions, no one at the oriental medicine clinic was infected. Isolation and disinfection were also thoroughly carried out. There was literally no problem.

But in people’s perception, it was different.

‘The rumors that spread around the neighborhood created the image. An image of Corona Oriental Medical Clinic. If you go there, you might catch coronavirus. If you’re unlucky, you’ll get infected. Instead of going there, I would rather go to another place even if it’s a little further away…’

That was already the end.

Because once I made that impression. Because the worst image is fixed. The settlement itself became impossible. I couldn’t even dream of making up for it.

An empty oriental medicine clinic where no one visits. It was the last evening left at the clinic before the sign was taken down. How much I cried while drinking a bottle of soju alone.

Thanks to this, he knew better than anyone else the power of rumors. I was able to understand very well what kind of influence rumors and publicity can have and what results they can bring about.

It was still the same now.

‘After a long time, thousands of people gathered. just? no. Just to hear my speech. So many people gathered to see the face of the crown prince, whom they had hoped to see at least once in their lifetime. So… this is a blatant rubbish.’

Rachiel looked up and looked around at the thousands of people gathered in the square. The square where everyone suddenly became quiet. I was waiting for the crown prince’s speech. I could feel it by looking at it.

‘He’s probably waiting for a moving speech. The imperial family is said to be greatly benefited by the prosperity of the port city of Cremo. I am grateful for the hard work of the mayor who has worked hard day and night to bring about this prosperity, and furthermore, I am most grateful for the contributions of your citizens who have been the driving force behind the development of the port and city. Also, my heart is filled with the sight of you standing up and working hard to recover even in the face of an unexpected disaster, blah blah blah, you guys are the best, blah blah… These are the standard comments.’

Perhaps that is the standard of speech. Everyone will be expecting such a speech.

Thanks to this, I couldn’t help but smile. Rakiel licked his lips. I grabbed the crystal ball with the voice amplification spell. Citizens in the square waiting for this speech. He fired a barrage of carefully prepared messages toward them.

“Nice to meet you, citizens of Cremo. As you all know, my name is Crown Prince Raquiel Adria Magentano. And he is also the director of a thriving villa oriental medicine clinic in the imperial capital.”


Was it because the greeting here was different from what I expected? Everyone started to get a little upset.

Rachiel’s smile deepened.

The mats were laid out so openly today. The best mat to promote Byulgung Oriental Medical Clinic.

‘…I can’t stand the promotion of oriental medicine clinics!’

I can’t let this opportunity go by. It would be foolish to miss this opportunity.

As you may know, promotion and advertising are the basic and core elements of any business. At least a restaurant that opens in a neighborhood even employs part-time workers to hand out flyers and make their presence known.

However, an opportunity arose to unilaterally provide such publicity to thousands of people for free. This opportunity must be seized at all costs. You have to extract the mulberry until the last drop of soup. After all, that is the duty of a strongman(?).

With that thought in mind, he pitched himself into the pursuit of desire. The night before, while lying in bed, I came up with a plan and blatantly blurted out the words I had memorized.

“So now that we have this long-awaited opportunity, we will do some publicity. Although Imperial Palace Oriental Medical Clinic has a short history, it provides a new type of medical service that has never been seen before. Various herbal medicines, acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping are used to treat various diseases and boost immunity to fight against diseases. So just in case. Has anyone here heard any news about Byeolgung Oriental Medical Clinic?”

He shamelessly asked the gathered citizens. At first no one responded. We just look at each other. Then, little by little, one by one, people began to raise their hands.

‘Of course it is.’

As expected, it is a trading city with a lot of people coming and going. Rachiel’s smile became even deeper.

“There’s a lot more than I thought. Fortunately, the. I was worried about what would happen if I said something like this on a topic that wasn’t famous. So that’s it. “As the director of Byeonggung Oriental Medical Clinic, I came all the way here myself, so you’d be sad if I just went back and made a fuss about public relations like this, right?”


People’s excitement grew.


A response comes.

‘At this point, be gentle with your fishing rod.’

Let’s shake it. Gently spread the rice cake so that it entices your ears.

“That’s why I’m telling you this. What is Cremo like here? Isn’t it the heart of the northern part of the empire, the most beautiful central trading city in the North Sea? But who actually runs this place? Who will make this a living, breathing, dynamic city? It’s you. Cremo will prosper only if you are healthy. Only when Cremo prospers will the empire become wealthy. In other words, if you are healthy, the empire will be strong! “It means that your health is the national strength of the empire, everyone.”

He raised his voice cleverly. Sometimes it was subtly lowered. I made eye contact with each and every citizen in the front row.

“I hope you are healthy. I really hope so. That’s why I ask. If there is anyone here who is feeling unwell or sick, please come forward. It’s okay even if it’s not a serious illness. Cold, body aches, headaches, toothache, muscle pain, neuralgia, those who keep getting sick while taking care of themselves after giving birth, joint pain, arthritis, chronic stomach bloating, and even uncomfortable digestive problems. “As the director of Byeongung Oriental Medicine Clinic, I will look into everything.”


People’s excitement grew even louder. Each person looked at the person next to them. Each person had time for self-reflection.

Did I have any pain? Come to think of it, my mom’s knees have been bad these days. Is it okay to ask the crown prince for treatment just for something like that? Most of the people gathered in the square were immersed in similar concerns.

It was thanks to that appearance. A happy smile bloomed like a million roses on Rachiel’s lips.

‘Oh my goodness… no, bonus life customers.’

Customers are in trouble. So what now? It’s time to strike the final blow. Rachiel wet her tongue with saliva. He delivered a decisive message to those who were worried and hesitating.

“For those who come out now… we will give out coupons for free treatment, limited to 100 people.”


“Free first-come, first-served basis.”


It was thanks to the use of such a perfect mat that had been thoroughly scraped to the bottom. Rakiel’s impromptu promotion and salesmanship of the oriental medicine clinic under the pretense of giving a speech. The result was a hit.

‘Awesome. This is the jackpot, huhu lululu!’

A sense of joy comes out of nowhere.

This is the port city of Cremo. Here, all results are successive successes. Unexpectedly, I got the King of the Minotaur for free(?). You can now continue to obtain the highest grade Minotaur Emperor. In addition, the oriental medicine clinic was promoted well.

The corners of my mouth suddenly caught in my ears.

“Let’s get in line!”

“there! “Don’t cut in line!”

The whole square is noisy.

There was a line of many people. It was like people lining up when Sutabox Cafe’s new seasonal tumbler or picnic set came out, or on the morning of the first sale of Aifeng’s new model. Or, if we held a 1+10 event at a supermarket that doesn’t exist in reality, would people flock like this?

Rachiel raised her head with a happy feeling. I saw a person sitting across from me. It was an unknown grandmother from Cremo.


“Yes, yes, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.”

“I guess your digestive power has decreased a lot?”

“yes? That’s right. Oh my, please forgive me.”

“That’s what my grandmother said directly a little while ago.”


“In any case, it is not easy to regain the digestive power that has declined as you age. Chew your food as thoroughly as possible and refrain from sleeping before or after eating.”

“Oh, if it’s His Highness’s orders, it’s okay.”

“And eat more seafood and chicken rather than pork and beef.”

“Yeah? Why is that….”

“That will suit your constitution.”

The grandmother opened her eyes wide.

Rakiel grinned. What I just said was true. After taking a blood test, the grandmother’s constitution was found to be unsuitable for red meat. Perhaps a mild delayed allergy occurred and an inflammatory reaction also occurred. Thanks to that, I felt nauseous every time I ate.


“You probably often experience itchiness with red spots appearing on the nape of your neck or on your body. Right?”

“…How did you know that?”

“That’s an allergic reaction that occurs if you keep eating foods high in histamine. Stay away from aged pork as much as possible. You can also avoid late-ripening fruits and vegetables such as avocados, bananas and tomatoes. Oh, the same goes for mackerel.”

“If I eat less of those things, the itchiness will go away?”

“Maybe so. And take this.”

“What is this… Your Highness?”

“It’s a coupon.”


The grandmother’s eyes become even more round.

Rachiel smiled humbly.

“Today, because of the impromptu treatment provided, I ended up just making a diagnosis. I didn’t bring any medicinal herbs from the imperial capital. I couldn’t even write a decent prescription. That’s why.”

I looked warmly into my grandmother’s eyes. I hope this sentiment resonates with my grandmother. I hope this truth reaches you transparently.

“If you come to the imperial palace oriental medicine clinic with this coupon, we will give you medicine to improve your constitution. Of course, for free. “We will provide full support, including transportation and lodging expenses from here to the imperial capital.”



A magical word that will instantly moisten the heart of anyone in this world. The grandmother’s eyes also sparkled with emotion.

Looking at that, Rakiel nodded inwardly. My heart went out to my grandmother. My sincerity has clearly reached you.

‘Sales success!’

I clenched my fists and raised my head.

“Your next patient!”

Annis exclaimed. A man who appeared to be a sailor sat in the seat where Grandma Chachak left. I checked the man’s pulse and activated the pulse skill. Acupuncture point scanning options were also utilized.

“Do you have a bad shoulder joint? “Every time I lift it this high, I feel a stabbing pain here, right?”

“…How did you know, Your Highness?”

The sailor man’s eyes also turned dark. A smile appeared in the corner of Rachiel’s eyes.

“So… in times like this… blah blah blah… I said blah blah so take this here. “It’s a coupon.”



The end of the treatment was always decorated with a coupon. There was nothing we could do to quickly treat dozens or hundreds of people on the spot. It was realistically difficult to prepare a huge amount of ingredients for the herbal medicine and to brew the herbal medicine for everyone. Acupuncture was difficult because it took time.

So today is just a diagnosis. If you want to receive proper treatment, come to Byeolgung Oriental Medicine Clinic with a coupon. Instead, we provide a round-trip service to Hwangdo, including transportation costs. We approached it with that sales strategy.

Numerous citizens were exhausted. We selected up to 100 people who seemed to really need treatment at the Villa Palace Oriental Medicine Clinic and provided them with coupons. Until sunset, as many as 481 citizens were treated.

It was truly a magnificent achievement for coupons.

‘good. Just right. I handed out 100 free coupons. So, what if just 10% of them come to the villa’s oriental medicine clinic? ‘So we’ve secured 10 patients.’

That wasn’t the end result.

Thanks to today’s free medical treatment event, there is no one in the city of Cremo who does not know about the Villa Palace Oriental Medical Clinic. However, the port of Cremo is the northernmost trading city. As expected from a trading city, the traffic of people was extremely active.

The result?

It would be obvious even without looking.

‘The rumor will spread in all directions, by boat and horseback. It will spread throughout the northern part of the empire within at least a month. A villa oriental medicine clinic run by the crown prince. If you don’t know that, you’ll even hear me calling you a foreign spy.’

First of all, it is important to make your name known. That’s how people gather. Results come out. That’s why companies risk their lives on advertising.


Rachiel took a breath. It was a whirlwind of treatment lasting 9 hours from morning to evening.

‘Did I overdo it?’

My head hurt. My eyes were sore and I was almost dizzy. The five organs and six organs were all clamoring.

Ding dong!

[The Ministry of Health and Safety demands that you comply with the Labor Standards Act.]

[Heart: Hey! When do we rest?]

[Lungs: Lung… Pahahahak… ㅠㅠ]

[Captain: 9 hours a day, 365 days a year, continuous treatment, this person is truly crazy.]

[Siwan: What about overtime pay? What about overtime pay?]

[Stomach: Is there any? If you want to make me work, give me some food ah haha]


Actually, this is also difficult.

It was a 9-hour treatment session and it was a lot of hard work for someone with low physical strength. But I couldn’t show it. Rachiel did not show any signs of fatigue. Because people were watching.

‘The promotion was successfully completed and the treatment was completed. ‘I’ve hit everything, so now I have to cut it like a sword.’

It’s time for that.

You must leave coolly. Only then will the final impression of the promotion be perfect. Rakiel strengthened her legs with that thought. I tried to get up. But it didn’t work out as I thought.



Is it because I overexerted myself?

For a moment, the world looked yellow. I felt nauseous and dizzy. Regardless of my mind, my legs gave out.

‘I shouldn’t be doing this.’

People are watching. You have to look cool until the end. So, you shouldn’t look like you’re falling down.

But my body didn’t move like my mind.



My legs gave out and I fell down. I ended up hitting my butt in an unsightly manner. At that moment, Rachiel bit her lip.


People were looking this way.

I felt like my heart was pounding hard. You’ve done everything well so far, but at the end you sprinkle ashes on your own. It was a moment when I became resentful of my body, which had poor health and physical strength that I had not yet developed properly.

But that was then.

Ding dong!

An unexpected sound rang in my ears. An even more unexpected message appeared before my eyes.

[You diligently treated numerous patients in just half a day. As a result, you fell into a state of overwork and exhaustion.] [Your

appearance was witnessed by the citizens of Cremo.]

[The crown prince collapsed from exhaustion after treating people. The image of Cremo is bringing a gentle emotion to the hearts of the citizens of Cremo.]

[The citizens of Cremo feel your sincerity.]

[The citizens of Cremo are enthusiastic about you.]

[This is the opportunity to be touched and admired by so many people. A new power is given to your oriental medicine skills.]

[GDP: Great Doctor Point system is opened.]

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