The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 257 As If He Was Hers to Begin With (2)

Looking around, Clara found herself taking notice of the training ground’s current state. Her altercation with Gilas had resulted in the ground having taken on a bit of damage, a few rocks and pillars sustaining a few gashes and notches in places that had no place to be there in the first place.

“It would seem that our spar had turned into something far more intense than the grounds had to offer,” Gilas casually commented.

“So it would seem,” Clara tersely replied. “I’ll have much to do in terms of repairing.”

Thankfully, they had trained at her house. She didn’t mind any damages, but for the sake of appearances, she would still have to see to them regardless.

“There’s no need,” Gilas quickly waved his hand. “This was my doing, and I shall be the one to take responsibility.”

“Absolutely not,” Clara insisted. “This is my home, and I’m telling you that you don’t need to pay me for anything.”

“I refuse your refusal,” Gilas scoffed aloud. “Those sword gashes have all been from the force of my own attacks, and it falls to me to pay for the damages.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Who was he to insist that he pay for the repairs of her own home?

“As the leader of my own Pack, I’m more than capable of paying for the upkeep of this place,” Clara fumed, placing her hands on her hips as she glowered. “Don’t overstay your welcome, Lord Gilas.”

Shaking her head, Clara didn’t know what to say to this stubborn man. Was he seriously going to push the issue?

[He’s really trying, you know?] Sheba cooed into her head. [Why not give him a chance?]

[And for the last time, I refuse,] Clara groaned, inwardly rolling her eyes at her wolf. [How many times do I have to tell you that I love Darius?]

[And he already has his mate,] Sheba quickly pointed out. [What’s the harm in trying out someone else, huh? It wouldn’t hurt you to-]

Clicking her tongue, she cut the connection, or at least, momentarily ignored the howls in her mind. She refused to move in this discussion, and she was sure that she’d be able to change Darius’s mind and have him reject that blasted Mate Pull of his.

[Hey! Did you just cut me off?!] Sheba complained.

[As if you’re not used to it already whenever you’re getting too annoying,] Clara sighed. [Now kindly keep quiet while I think of a way to stop this man from being stubborn.]

“Is that any way to treat someone that already offered to train you without any issue?” Gilas fired back, turning her attention back to the present. “And here I thought I was being generous…”

“That’s exactly the problem,” Clara huffed. “I’m thankful that you took me up as your student, but this is my territory, and I wouldn’t have any foreign lord offer to pay for my own upkeep.”

“Is that so…” Gilas hummed in thought. “In that case, why not offer me an invitation into your home?”

“What did you just say?”

Clara couldn’t believe what she just heard. Did Gilas just tell her to invite him into her home?

“I made myself clear,” Gilas insisted. “I can even cook for you if you must.”

A beat passed before her cheeks began turning into an annoying deep red. Clara felt her face burn at the request, her chest feeling rather heavy even as her mind kept going to his offer.

[Would you look at that? He even wants to cook for you!] Sheba quickly chimed in. [What kind of man would do that to someone they didn’t love?]

[I get it, alright?!] Clara seethed. [I don’t want to hear it!]

“Would that stop you from wanting to offer to pay for the repairs of my training grounds?” Clara pointedly asked.

“It would,” Gilas nodded with the slightest of smirks on his face.

Looking at his face, Clara just knew that she was falling right into the palm of his hands. She felt like she was dancing to his tune, and she didn’t like it one bit.

[You know you like it~]

[Quiet, you…]

Taking a deep breath, she let out a sigh as she turned towards her home. “Fine then. I cordially invite you to have dinner in my humble abode.”

“I am much obliged,” Gilas chuckled. “Please lead the way.”

Clara couldn’t help but let out another sigh as she began walking towards her house. She felt like she had no choice on the matter, and yet somehow… somewhere… a part of her liked what was happening…

[Hah! See?! I told you you just had to give him a chance-]



Gilas couldn’t help but hold his breath as he walked into Clara’s home. It was on the more modest side, the woman herself not really one to live a more lavish lifestyle.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Clara urged him forward, her tone more begrudging despite the blush on her face. “I haven’t really used this place much…”

It was true. Clara had the tendency to stay at Cordon Palace more so than any other Pack Leader. At times, she practically lived there, enjoying the good graces of the Queen Mother and Darius himself. It was to be expected, of course, she did, literally, grow up inside the castle’s walls. She was practically a part of the royal family in all but blood.

“I don’t mind,” Gilas replied. “Simply show me to the kitchens. From there, I’ll see what I can scrounge up.”

“Are you implying that I don’t have any food available here?” Clara accusingly asked.

“I’m simply stating that you’ve clearly not been living here for long,” he promptly replied.

Clara sighed again, and Gilas almost felt himself flinch upon seeing such a sight. He knew that he was getting on her nerves, but that was exactly what he wanted to happen.

[Of course, that doesn’t mean you want her genuinely upset,] Ham chimed in.

[That goes unsaid,] Gilas mentally nodded. [I want her unbalanced, but not to the point that she hates me for it.]

[I still don’t see why you can’t just take her right here and now,] Ham scoffed. [All of this posturing and scheming is just getting in the way of what is truly ours.]

[And for the last time, she’s not ours. At least, not yet,] Gilas chided his wolf. [I want her to willingly turn to us, preferably right after Darius marries his own mate.]

It was a foregone conclusion that Darius would marry Princess Xenia. No matter how much Clara wanted to deny it, the fact was as clear as glass to anybody that would see them. The King was simply too far gone, and the only reason why the concept of him rejecting the Mate Pull was even talked about was because they hadn’t completed the Mate Bond yet.

[And that’s exactly what we should do to Clara,] Ham insisted. [Just pleasure her to the point that she wouldn’t even be able to separate the sky from the ground anymore.]

[And again, I’m telling you to be patient,] Gilas inwardly sighed. [Time is on our side. We only need to wait until she sees that her love had rejected her.]

It was cruel, but it was something that he truly hoped would happen. Clara would see the futility in her quest, and from there she would finally give her the time of day.

Of course, that also meant her losing the Trials.

“Here’s the kitchen,” Clara gestured towards her pantry. “And for your information, I did recently restocked, so feel free to cook whatever you might wish.”

[Planning on sabotaging her then?]

[Absolutely not!] Gilas inwardly fumed. [I would never do such a thing.]

With a nod, Gilas found himself alone in the kitchen, absently going through whatever ingredients Clara had in her pantry. Spotting a few chops of meat along with a few jars of spices, he decided that a classic steak would have to do.

[Why not?] Ham questioned. [If you’re planning on playing this long game of yours, then shouldn’t you be increasing your odds of success?]

[It would be far too malicious,] Gilas answered. [It would only be detrimental to my image.]

Deftly, he began to work, rubbing all different sorts of spices into the meat before putting them over the stove. A few minutes later, he came out with what he considered to be a decent pair of hot steaks. Placing them on their respective trays, he then served it to Clara, his own plate put in front of her as he sat.

“These smell rather nice,” Clara complimented before taking a bite. Her eyes widened as she hummed, “Tastes good too.”

“I’m glad you like it then.”

Gilas hummed at a job well done. If anything, seeing Clara dig into the food that he himself cooked lit a fire in his chest. Unfortunately, he would have to settle with it for now.

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