The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 266 Something Good

“Let me finish, my dear,” the Queen Mother smiled. “Like any tool, the Mate Pull can be controlled. You’ve heard of stories where some had rejected the Pull, correct?”

“Yes?” Freya tilted her head in confusion.

“If so, then you can still use your heart to guide your actions,” her mother sagely advised. “The Mate Pull is there as a guide, but it’s ultimately up to you on whether or not you wish to heed its choice.”

“I see,” Freya weakly nodded. “So I should just follow my heart then.”


“Hmm… But what if my heart is being affected by the Mate Pull then?” Freya asked in turn after a full minute of thinking. “What should I do then?”

The Queen Mother frowned at her. “If that’s your worry, then there’s no way that you can know for certain. It’s a fallacy to think that way. In the end, you’ll only think yourself into circles, fueling your doubts even further.”

Freya shrank into her seat. She knew that her mother was trying her best, but her own mind just kept on giving her what-ifs on the concept of her self-determination. How would she know?


She almost stiffened at the tone her mother just used on her. Looking up, her mother’s stern look almost threatened to make her fuse into her seat.

“Chin up, my dear,” the older woman softly commanded. “I won’t have a daughter of mine doubting herself.”

“B-But I can’t help it,” Freya mumbled.

“Freya, the only thing you need to do is to follow your own heart,” her mother advised once more. “If you doubt your own heart to look out for your interests, then why are you even asking for my advice?”


“You have to trust yourself more,” her mother smiled warmly at her, placing a hand on her shoulder lovingly. “You’re a grown woman now, and surely you wouldn’t want your mother to be telling you what to do, correct?”

Freya couldn’t help but smile as she nodded, “Yes…”

“See?” her mother beamed at her. “And if you don’t want anybody telling you what to do, then would you let the Mate Pull dictate your actions?”

“No,” Freya chuckled. “I think I don’t.”

“Then do just that,” the Queen Mother advised. “So long as you trust yourself, you’ll do just fine.”

“Yes…” the princess smiled as she nodded. “I think I get it now.”

The Mate Pull was something that she could reject. So long as she thought about it as something separate from her own feelings, she’d be able to segregate her own actions from those that would be influenced by the Pull. From there, she’d be able to discern whether or not she truly loved Gideon.

“I’m glad you do, my dear,” the Queen Mother nodded in approval, leaning in to kiss her on the forehead before placing a hand on her back. “So, did that clear up your confusion?”

“A bit,” Freya nodded. “I think I should let him know that I’m fine already.”

“You go do that then,” her mother smiled. “Last I recall, Gideon’s in the kitchens preparing for tonight’s dinner. He wanted to stay by you earlier, but, well, you know what happened.”

“Yes… I should really go see him now,” Freya sheepishly nodded.

Standing up, the princess made for the door, giving her mother one last grateful smile before she opened the door.

“Thank you, Mother,” Freya deeply nodded.

“It’s no problem, my dear,” the Queen Mother smiled.

With her courage renewed, Freya stepped outside and closed the door behind her.

“And for the record, I knew you were faking the entire time.”

The princess’s cheeks burned at her mother’s final words. Having already closed the door, she wouldn’t be able to go back and ask her how she knew in the first place. No… She would have to stew in the knowledge that she’d been found out, much to her own shame and embarrassment while on her way to Gideon.


The kitchens were uncharacteristically busy the moment Freya reached its doors. Even from outside, she could hear the cacophony of pots and pans being used inside, Gideon’s voice echoing out as he issued out orders to the help as if they were his own soldiers.

Taking another deep breath, Freya knocked before letting herself in.

Almost immediately, the chaos audible from outside became evident the moment she laid her eyes on the room itself. People were running around as if the enemy was about to come knocking on the gates, all while Gideon was shouting out orders with a ladle in hand and a pot in the other… wearing nothing but a thin apron covering his dignity.

[Hah! That’s a score if I ever saw one!]

Poona’s laughter echoed in her head as her eyes couldn’t help but admire Gideon’s physique. He looked rather dashing as he commanded the cooks as if they were in a training session, and his eyes sparkled with relief and recognition as he stared at her as if he was actually-

“Freya! You’re okay!”

Before she could even react, Gideon was already in front of her, his partial nudity making all of her prior courage melt as she gulped down the bit of arousal building up inside of her.

“W-What’re you wearing?” she couldn’t help but ask.

“An apron?” Gideon replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “But never mind that, I have a schedule to keep.”


Moving forward, Freya tried to follow him into the kitchen only to be stopped as he suddenly moved towards her in a hurry.

“W-Wha- Gideon-“

“Freya, I love you, but can you please let me wrap this up first?” Gideon offhandedly commented with a wink. “Better yet, take this and help. It’s already evening and we’re already behind schedule. I’m preparing something good…”

Before Freya knew it, Gideon had already given her a pot full of what looked to be some kind of sauce. She blinked in utter shock and confusion, her gaze glued solely at her mate as her mind replied the words he said to her just now.

‘He… He loves me?’

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