The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 278 An Outcast in the Sea of Couples

Meanwhile, by the Lock Heart family table, Bella was casually sipping on her wine as she watched the festivities unfold. Sure, she was alone, and everyone else seemed to be having the time of their lives, but that was just to be expected. Besides, this was her brother’s time to shine, and she wouldn’t want to upstage him on what was supposed to be his special day with his beloved.

[As if the thought didn’t cross your mind~]

Bella chuckled at Poona’s quick remark. True, she did have a bit of thought on whether or not to let loose and be a menace to society for kicks, but Mother would surely have her hide if she ever dared to ruin this moment for everybody else.

It wouldn’t matter that Jayra would’ve probably appreciated the funny things she had brewing in her head. What did was her mother heckling her for not only being an unruly daughter but for also refusing to let go of her supposed infatuation with Calypso.

And speaking of her so-called infatuation, she might as well ask Darius about Calypso. It wasn’t like the king was busy trying to escape Princess Xenia’s clutches anyway.

“Your Majesty?” she walked towards the king’s table, the royal couple quickly straightening themselves out from whatever it was they were doing. “Can I ask you about something?”

“Oh? Go ahead,” he nodded.

Just before she was about to field her question, Bella’s gaze went straight to the princess beside him. Princess Xenia was practically glaring at her, a heady aura of possessiveness oozing out of her in waves as if she was a veritable fountain of jealousy.

Almost immediately, a smirk graced her mouth, mischief forming in her mind as she went ahead and stepped inside the king’s boundaries.


“Come now. I do this all the time~” she cooed, she was about to run her hands all over the king’s hard muscles but the King immediately avoided it. “Don’t tell me you’re still not used to this~”

“Lady Bella, pardon my question, but is what you’re doing right now even related to what you wanted to ask?” Xenia coolly asked, the fake smile on her face making Bella snigger at a job well done.

“I agree,” Darius quickly nodded, his body already moving in ways that would make a dancer proud just for him to avoid her touch. “It would be prudent if we stuck to the question you had in mind.”

Pouting, Bella intensified her efforts out of defiance, her attention partly focused on the princess as she relished the seething she was receiving from the princess.

“Is there any word on Calypso’s whereabouts?” she asked, her hands still waving about in her efforts to grab onto her beloved king.

As soon as the words left her mouth, her hopes were dashed upon seeing the pensive frown that formed on her king’s face. All of a sudden, her feelings of mischief evaporated, her efforts giving her no satisfaction as she slowed her assault.

“Unfortunately, there’s been no word regarding his current location,” His Majesty regretfully replied, already standing still as she stopped her advances. “I’m sorry.”

And just like that, her mood had completely soured, her earlier amusement turning into bitter ash as she did her best not to frown. Looking beside him, the princess only gave her a knowing look, one that promised questions despite the sheer possessiveness she still exuded.

“Don’t be,” Bella waved the apology off with a smile. “I was just checking to see if he ever came back.”

“I’ll be sure to keep you updated on any news then,” Darius nodded.

Turning around, Bella kept her head up high even as her emotions roiled deep within her chest. Only now did she feel bad for egging the princess on, knowing full well that her new sister-in-law practically considered the royal to be her sister in all but blood.

‘I guess I have a lot of apologizing to do once this is all over…’ she regretfully sighed in her head.

[Eh, she needs someone to keep her on her toes anyway,] Poona shrugged. [That princess is being too territorial for a human. Not that there was anything wrong with that.]

Letting out an actual sigh, Bella took her position by the exit of the hall, swiping a glass of wine off the nearest servant before leaning by the nearest pillar. Sipping on her drink, she eyed the other couples dancing on the floor, envy bubbling up deep inside her as she took a hefty gulp from her glass.



[Should I just give up on Calypso?]

The music almost seemed to stop, and yet it continued on as life moved forward.

[What brought this on?] her inner wolf asked.

[It’s just… Why even bother if he’s never around?] Bella inwardly wondered. [Even if he was our mate, we wouldn’t even know if he’ll never show his face in the first place. For all I know, he might just already have someone else wherever he was right now. Meanwhile, I’m still here, waiting for something that might not even come to pass.]

All of the heckling to get married was starting to get to her as well. She might not admit it to her mother, but a part of her was already seriously considering settling with whoever she might end up being married to. Sure, they wouldn’t be her love, but it was still infinitely more preferable than waiting in vain for someone that might not even come for her.

[It’s your decision,] Poona sagely advised. [Whether he’s our mate or not, we can always just reject it if we ever settled with someone else.]

[And we might not even be blessed with the Mate Pull in the first place,] Bella sighed. [Yes…]


[I still want to wait though,] she couldn’t help but admit. [I know there’s a chance that it’d be all for nothing, but maybe, just maybe… Maybe he’s actually my mate?]

[If that’s your choice, then go for it,] Poona chuckled at her. [I’m just here for the ride~]

[And to pester me with your usual inane ideas…] she quickly replied.

Silently, Bella took another sip, content with being an outcast in the sea of dancing couples.

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