The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 292 See Where It Leads (2)

The kiss seemed to go on forever. At least, that was what Freya thought was happening as she felt herself melting into Gideon’s arms. While she could still feel his hands on her shoulders, her own arms were practically vibrating with the urge to wrap themselves around him. It was too much, and her heart was pounding the more the seconds ticked by without them so much as catching their own breaths.

[Hah! Finally!~] Yal exclaimed from within her addled mind. [Can you admit it already?! If that’s not how love feels, then I don’t know what does!]

Freya couldn’t help but agree with her inner wolf’s words. As much as a part of her wanted to push him away, there was just no logical way for her body to even respond to her wants. It was as if she physically needed him right then and there, his presence becoming a balm to her weary soul despite him being the cause of her prior stress in the first place.

Before long, their mouths finally parted for breath, her lips still tingling as she stood dumbfounded just staring at the man that just casually invaded her life and heart without any remorse whatsoever. The silence that followed was deafening, both of them waiting for the other to speak as they stared into each other’s eyes.

Eventually, much to the princess’s relief, Gideon had been the one to speak up.

“I-I didn’t know what came over me!” he profusely apologized. “I-It’s… I don’t know what to say!”

Freya blinked as Gideon just went off from one apology to the next, his words slowly blending together in her ears as everything seemed so muted when compared to when they were still kissing one another. Even as she saw him practically bending over right in front of her, her mind was still abuzz from the tingling sensation lingering on her lips. She couldn’t help but lick them out of curiosity, her senses immediately rewarding her a slight chill ran down her spine.

‘W-what is this…’

[That’s you being aroused, silly~] Yal cooed. [I’m sure you already know what that means. And before you even ask, I wholeheartedly approve of you going on ahead and jumping him by any means necessary]

She blinked, her cheeks slowly catching up to her wolf’s words as she finally caught up to what her scandalous wolf just said to her. [A-Absolutely not! We’re not even married!]

[Ah, but that wasn’t a no, right?]

Freya clicked her tongue. As much as she wanted to deny it, her wolf was right… She was indeed raring to go for more, but she wasn’t going to debase herself to just sleeping with him on the first night she actually realized her feelings in full!


“W-Wha!- G-Gideon?”

She almost yelped at the sudden call for attention. She didn’t know when Gideon had begun to shake her shoulders again, but her traitorous body just kept on screaming for more even as her embarrassment and arousal shot up to astronomical levels. She could barely even hear his words, let alone be able to sort out what she was about to do.

“I was asking if you were alright,” Gideon seemingly reiterated. “You, err… You’ve been staring for a while now.”

Freya blinked. Was she now? “O-Oh… I’m sorry…”

“No, I should be the one apologizing,” he quickly insisted, shaking his head even if his arms were still boxing her in his embrace. “I did this to you. And while I won’t be remiss if you asked me to leave right here and now, I can only hope that you’d find it in yourself to forgive me… I know it’s not much, but…”

And there he went again, constantly apologizing for something that she hadn’t even minded one bit. Freya didn’t know what to do other than to focus on the sound of his apologetic voice, each word of his dripping with earnest sincerity as her heart pounded madly for more of the kiss that he just gave to her.

[Oh? Are you gonna do it then?]

Freya didn’t bother responding to her wolf’s provocation as she stared deep into Gideon’s eyes, his unshed tears speaking volumes to her even as he spoke. He had always been the talkative sort, constantly trying to make himself be understood even if it wasn’t really needed.

“Anyway, do you forgive me-MMPPHH!”

The princess took her mate by surprise, her own initiative driving her forward as she shut him up using her lips. Once again, that pleasurable tingling sensation came back. This time, however, she took it to the next level as she let her curiosity lead her tongue. Moaning, she took a taste of his delicious mouth, her tongue entangling with his as both battled for dominance in their respective mouths.

[Yes! Yes!]

Freya ignored the mental cheers as she found herself battling against Gideon’s tongue. Having seemingly woken up to the challenge, he was trying his best to invade through her defenses, their fluids intermingling to create an exquisite taste that she was hard-pressed to even describe.

Eventually, however, both of them gasped for breath as their lips parted, a bead of saliva still connecting their mouths as they stared at one another.

“F-Freya…” Gideon panted aloud. “D-Does that mean…”

“Y-Yes, Gideon…” she briefly nodded before leaning back in. “And yes… you talk too much…”

Taking in a deep breath, she was more than ready to go for more. That one kiss had been extraordinary, and-

*knock knock*

Both of them froze, their eyes simultaneously going to the door as it slowly opened.

“Freya? It’s me, Darius.”

Gideon visibly winced, the color on his face draining as Freya herself began to scramble to compose herself.

“Hide,” she whispered out. “I’ll stall him.”

Seeing Gideon nod, it was everything Freya needed to see before she confronted her brother. Hopefully, he wouldn’t- Wait… No way…

“I’m coming in.”

Freya could only stare dumbfounded at the open window, the flapping winds telling her that it had just been recently opened. With Gideon nowhere in sight, she could only assume that he had jumped out to save himself the trouble of hiding.


She didn’t have the heart to turn around and greet her brother, her utter shock at the utter stupidity that just happened still gripping her heart. Why?

Why even jump when he could just hide underneath her bed or something?

[Hahaha! You’re losing your mind because of the kiss!] Yal pointed out. [Your brother will smell Gideon on you for sure! Why, he’s probably already getting a scent of your mate as we speak~]

Freya inwardly gulped, smiling awkwardly at her brother who was now currently frowning at her.

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