The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 294 The Wedding (2)

“You look stunning, Xenia.”

She couldn’t help but blush as her father praised her, her mother standing radiantly by his side as she warmly smiled at her. Somehow, despite knowing that she had been one of the reasons why it was being rushed in the first place, she still felt a sense of surrealism washing over her. That yes, she was indeed getting married. That after the events of the day were over, she’d be lawfully wedded to the man that made himself to be the one from her dreams.

“Thanks, Father,” she smiled. “The crown circlet was a bit too much though, I think. Mother’s the one that sent it…”

“That, she did,” he chuckled. “It would’ve been yours anyway. It just so happens that it’s the perfect wedding gift for you.”

“A-A gift?” her eyes widened, her gaze turning to the Queen. “Mother, this is-“

“Hush now, my child. I’ll be very cross with you if you ever decided to somehow give it back to me,” her mother teasingly scolded her. “It’s yours now, Xenia. Don’t ever think that it isn’t.”

Xenia was at a loss for words. To think that she had thought it was only loaned to her for this special moment… It was only logical, after all! “T-Thank you…”

“Just be sure to keep it safe,” her mother smiled, embracing her before giving her cheek an affectionate brush. “That circlet has served us through more royal functions than I can count. I’m sure it’ll serve you well as it did for me.”


Xenia’s ears perked up as she turned around, her happiness soaring even higher as she saw Mineah smiling at her like she hadn’t even aged a day. She didn’t know how her little sister escaped her notice, but then again, Mineah did have a penchant for not being found if she wanted to do so.

“Mineah,” Xenia smiled. “You made it.”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, Sis.”

A brief second of silence passed between them, their parents seemingly giving them the space they needed before they inevitably hugged one another. Her sister’s warm embrace was a feeling Xenia had sorely missed. Even their brief time together at Valcrez did little to sate her own wants of feeling her sister closely.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Xenia tearily beamed, her welling emotions finally getting the better of her as she did her best to not ruin her makeup. “A part of me thought that…”

“Don’t worry, Sis. Mother and I wouldn’t miss such an important part of your life,” Mineah lovingly stressed out, the unsaid subject lingering in the air as she spoke aloud. “Big Brother Ezekiel might not be with us right now, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be here as well.”

And just like that, the unadulterated happiness Xenia was feeling had suddenly hit a damper in its path. Looking at her parents, it pained her heart to see how they were managing to hide their worries about what was happening to Ezekiel. Mineah was somber even as she smiled, her hands placed on top of hers as they held one another for comfort.

“What is the word then?” Xenia tersely asked.

Mineah looked around first to make sure they had enough privacy from others before she answered. “Mother and I had made some headway in our search, but nothing substantial had come up for a while,” she reported out with a sigh. “But I’m sure he’s out there somewhere, safe and sound under his own uncontrollable power.”

“Don’t worry, Xenia. We’re doing our part as well,” her father reassured her with a smile.

“Indeed,” her mother nodded along. “Your sister and I are on the case.”

With all of the reassurances guiding her along, Xenia felt her confidence rising back up as she unconsciously straightened her back. Looking back at the closed door, she couldn’t help but sigh as the inevitable could no longer be pushed back.

“Shall we then?”

Xenia looked back down at her parents, her father’s hand already reaching out to her as she promptly took hold.

Standing right between her parents with Mineah tailing behind, the doors finally opened, the splendor of the great hall filling her with trepidation as they walked forward.

Immediately, her eyes went towards the crowd, her friends all standing along and welcoming them as they walked down the aisle. Jayra was beside Bartos, and Freya was beside Gideon. All four of them were wearing clothes fitting for the pomp and splendor of the event, and she couldn’t help but notice that all of the other guests were the same.

Inwardly, Xenia couldn’t help but straighten her back even further. Being flanked by her parents, she was representing what Ebodia had to offer. In a sense, she was exporting her culture to her new kingdom, one that would be her new home by the day’s end.

And of course, her beloved was already waiting for her by the altar. He looked as dashing as when they first actually managed to get along, his handsome frame barely being contained by his own regalia in gold and silver, as his sheer presence almost drowned out all the other people gathered for their own wedding.

The sound of the wedding bells almost drowned out the cheers around her, the Ebodian ceremony making sure that all knew that someone important was about to get married. And by the time her parents had handed her off to the man that would be her king and mate, she couldn’t help but stare in awe even as he gingerly held her hand.

“My love…” Darius greeted.

“My King…” she greeted in reply, her breath hitching against her throat. “I… I guess this is it…”


No words were needed as they inevitably broke eye-contact, the two of them slowly making their way to the officiating priest. Xenia knew that her father could’ve been the one to do it if he so wanted to, but doing so to a fellow king would be the height of hubris. And thus, an Ebodian priest, one that Jayra surely also knew personally, would be the one doing the deed.

She couldn’t help but take in a deep breath, feeling steadfast as the ceremony was about to begin.


Sept. 26, 2022 AN: We’ll have another 5 chapters within today to be released in random hours for reaching 200+ Golden Tickets. Please continue to cast your votes for another hundred GTs. Also, we need more book reviews please drop one on the cover page if you haven’t yet. Again, thank you so much for your continuous love and support of TCE. *kisses and hugs*

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