The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 339 His Bedchamber (1)

Meanwhile, back in the woods, Gideon and Freya continued to travel in their wolf forms, and they had been running for a good while when the former told the latter that they should stop to eat and rest for a while.

[It’s alright, I’m not tired and hungry yet,] Freya insisted as she continued to run nonstop. [Let’s continue, Lord Gideon.]

[Hahaha! You should’ve just ridden him instead,] Yal laughed with a tease. [Look at you now running without pause simply because you forgot to bring a spare dress with you.]

[You! I hate you!] Freya grunted out in annoyance. [You intentionally didn’t mention that to me before we left!] Freya grunted.

Unfortunately, she had honestly forgotten to think about things like that, with it having been a while since she shifted forms. As a result, she forgot that she would need to shift back to her human form should they need to rest and eat. And even once they arrive at the Everett Manor, she’d have to try and shift back without exposing herself.

[I’m sure they have a few cloaks ready for us to use,] Freya reasoned out. [Still, I need to be dressed properly when facing Gideon’s parents.]

She couldn’t believe how careless she was. She was way too distracted with her body’s sensations whenever she was with Gideon, and it had been bothering her for days now that she lost track of what she had to do at times.

Well, that… And not to mention how she too had missed running around in her wolf form.

[Should we race then?] Freya telepathically asked Gideon so that she could clear her thoughts and simply cross the bridge when she got there. Her mind was too preoccupied at the moment to think properly.

[Sure,] Gideon agreed. [Whoever first reaches the manor wins. What’s the prize?]

[Granting one request from the winner?] Freya suggested, to which Gideon quickly agreed.

The two didn’t even bother to say what they’d requested from the other if they won. Instead, they simply started the race immediately as Freya quickened her pace, which Gideon soon followed.

[He’s coming after you… Here he comes,] Yal mumbled. [At this rate, you’ll lose by a decent margin. Ah. This is what happens when you slack off for too long. Truly, you need a lot more stretching to do.]

Running, Freya ignored her wolf as she simply did her best, giving it her maximum effort as she ran for the race.

She was already panting the moment she reached the gate Gideon told her to go. He stood before her alone, already waiting in his human form covered in a cloak. He had a victorious grin on his face, and Freya couldn’t help but be mesmerized at the sight of him. Without her knowing, she had already shifted back to her human form, standing before him in all her naked glory.

[Look at him drooling!]

If not for Yal’s amused voice, Freya wouldn’t have snapped back to reality. Realizing what was happening her face reddened as she barked, “Cloak please!”

At that instant, Gideon moved from where he was standing and quickly wrapped the cloak over her naked body.

“Apologies, I was taken aback by your beauty,” Gideon sincerely uttered. “I feel like the world had stopped for a moment.”

Freya’s heart fluttered at his words. Oh heavens, she hated how he was way too honest with her sometimes. Even now, she could feel a familiar heat pooling inside her stomach as his arms wrapped themselves around her.

“It’s beating wildly,” Gideon whispered in her ear.

Freya felt like her body was burning all over just from the feeling of his breath on her ear. If this continued, she might just lose her mind.

Grabbing hold of herself, she immediately stepped forward. She walked ahead of him as she quickly said, “Let’s go. I need to wash up and get changed into something that amounts to a comfortable dress before facing your parents.” She continued, “Can you just explain to them that we came here in our wolf form and I-“

Freya stopped as she felt Gideon grabbing onto her hand. Facing her, he said, “Calm down, alright? My parents will definitely understand. I’ve also already instructed my men to get you a few dresses to choose from.” He reassured her, “A good seamstress lives nearby, so my men will be able to get back in time for you to get chance to get changed.”

She kept her silence as she simply walked inside the manor with Gideon still holding onto her. Using the backdoor, she could see the eyes on some of the servants they passed by them. They showed their respect, even bowing politely despite their current state of undress.

“Where are we heading?” she curiously asked. She needed to talk to distract herself. The Mate Pull was too strong for her to fight it. Or maybe she was already too attracted to Gideon that she was starting to feel like that naturally?

“To my bedchamber,” he answered. “The servants have already prepared a bath for you, sweety.”

[I feel like it isn’t a good idea to enter his bedchamber,] Freya confessed to her inner wolf.

[And why not?] Yal bluntly asked as she squealed. [For me, his bedchamber is the perfect place to be!]

“We’re here,” Gideon smiled as he introduced Freya to his chamber. “The bath is ready, and all the things you might need are here as well. I’ll be taking the spare chamber, so there’s no need for you to rush. Just take your time. I’ll be back soon once your dress arrives.”

“But it feels inappropriate for me to use your bedchamber,” Freya commented. “We should swap. Let me use the spare one meant for guests instead.”

Gideon had a pout as he boldly uttered, “Please, use my chamber instead. I want your scent all over the place.” He then winked at her before he released her hand as he added, “I’ll be leaving you for now, milady.”

Watching him leave, Freya stared at the door dumbfounded at what she just heard.

[Hahaha!] Yal laughed in praise. [I really love his humor and honesty! Now, off you go and fill his bedchamber with your scent. I mean, Isn’t he so adorable? After taking a bath, you should go and lie down on his bed and roll around in it!]

Ignoring her wolf, Freya shrugged as she started to look around Gideon’s chamber. Spotting something, a satisfied smile lingered on her face as she whispered, “He’s really so adorable that I don’t know how long I can control myself from attacking him! I’m still a Princess, so I should still act like one.”

[Good luck with that…] Yal snorted.

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