The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 384 Isn’t Selfish

[Sixth day inside the Element Forest]

"You can go ahead and leave. I'll clean her up," Darius authoritatively ordered out to Devas. They had found a waterfall where he and Devas could clean themselves up, and they were currently debating as to who should have the right to clean Xen up.

Of course, Darius should be the one to do so. It was only right.

Devas signaled for him to move despite Darius's order, making the latter frown in annoyance.

"Hmm, how about 'you' test 'your' power and see if you can clean her up then?" Devas suggested.

"Fine," Darius snorted, knowing what exactly Devas meant. He moved to let Devas use his power, and in that instant, Xen's clothes were back to their cleaned-up state.

"That's weird," Devas mumbled with a frown.

Darius was about to comment as to what it was when Xen finally moved. He quickly rushed by her side, and Devas did the same as they both hovered above her.

"You…" Darius frowned at the fake Devas who was currently right in front of him on Xen's opposite side.

"What? I'm her husband, remember?" Glaring at him, Devas pointed out. "How are you feeling, Xenia?"

Darius remained quiet, simply observing what would happen next.

"My head aches, but I'm feeling good now," Xen blearily answered. A sweet smile then appeared on her face as she added, "I moved the tree, right?"

"Indeed," Devas praised. "Your magic is good!"

"But I didn't use magic on it," Xenia uttered out.

"But I saw you chanting," Darius interrupted.

"I did do some chanting, but I can't remember the proper words so…" Xenia trailed off, still smiling as if she knew something the others didn't.

"So…" Darius hummed.

"It's working. I can feel the power running through my veins," Xen beamed. "I just thought hard about bringing down that tree, and it did!"

"That's your Angelic Telekinesis," Devas stated. "You can manipulate matter using the angelic energy within you. But you're still in your early stages of getting a hold of what you can do. You need proper training and practice to see your limits because using too much of the power within you can endanger your life."

Darius casually listened in on the exposition. He wasn't aware of it what Devas was talking about at all.

[Let him explain himself some more. I'm sure Xen will wonder how you know so much when you've clearly told her before that you don't have enough knowledge about angels and fallen angels,] Zeus commented, and that was what Darius intended to do as well.

"No wonder I passed out easily then," Xenia commented. "I'm sure I'll get a hang of this thing soon. Anyway, where are we now? Shouldn't we keep moving to somehow find our way out of the merman's territory?"

There, Darius and Devas unknowingly looked at each other. Both of them knew that there was no way out unless Xen chose between the two of them as to who she was going to be with.

"Xenia, how about we just leave this forest together? Start a new life away with me," Devas stated, completely ignoring the fact that Darius was right there listening to him tempting his own wife. "I can't bear to watch you getting hurt anymore, so I'm willing to let go of everything… I'll let go of the throne just to have a peaceful life with you…"

Darius blinked at how stupidly shortsighted Devas had just been with his words. He was obviously making a quick move either for Xen's safety or for his own gain if Xen happened to go with him.

The fake's words were far from his own character, and as much as he wanted to say otherwise, Darius couldn't even refute the words because he was wearing Devas's face. Also, one wrong word from him might lead to them being forever trapped inside these thousand dreams.

Darius gritted his teeth as he keenly stared at Xen, hoping that she'd finally see the obvious.

"Please, my wife… Just say yes, and we'll leave this place right this instant! Let's forget about everything and start anew somewhere new," Devas pleaded. "Or if you want, we can still return to Cordon. I'll just become a commoner; a husband who will do everything you want to give you a peaceful and happy life…"

Darius was doing his best not to knock Devas out for speaking those things. He was far from ready to do all of that, and he was sure that Xen would realize the same.

Instead of replying, Xen got up on her feet, and the two of them followed behind her. Darius glared at Devas, and the latter only gave him a look as if saying that he was only doing what he thought could save them all from this mess. Right… he was, except for the fact that this lion was also trying to snatch his wife right before his face!

"We should just move and leave!"

Those were the only words Darius could utter. He wished to utter more, like 'don't listen to that fake!' and such, but then it also dawned on him that the Sphinx was right. All he needed to do was let go of the throne, and Xen would be out of danger for the rest of their lives.

[Hah, Xen won't let you do that,] Zeus scoffed. [Our mate knows what-]


Zeus stopped talking when Xen's strong disapproval vibrated in their ears.

"No?" Devas breathed out.

Xen bowed her head, and in her trembling voice, said, "Darius isn't selfish, and I won't let him be that way anyway. He knows his responsibilities to his people. He had persevered and had endured a lot to reach where he is right now…" She firmly declared, "He's fighting for peace and order for his kingdom. And instead of running away, we'll fight together with me by his side."

"But…" the fake Darius murmured.

"That's enough! You heard her. You shouldn't be selfish! Why would you want to have a peaceful life and run away from your responsibilities? To run away from all the people you care for? Your people and your family? You shouldn't do that," Darius grumbled, his patience wearing thin with each passing moment. "Xen is right. You should trust in her because she'll definitely pass these trials and come out alive from this damn forest!"

[Look at how funny your own face is with your mouth agape like that!] Zeus humored while glaring at the fake Darius.

Xenia looked at him after his outburst. She had already opened her mouth to speak when a sudden storm appeared to rain on their parade. Accompanying this, floods and landslides also began manifesting in front of them just to add more threats to their lives…

"What the hell?! I will kill you after this, Polo!" Devas cursed out into the sky.

Meanwhile, Darius quickly held Xen's hand as they ran for their lives. All he could think about at that moment was Xen, and not letting go of her hand.

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