The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 408 A Troublesome Feeling

[Well, this is going smoothly for you,] Axel sarcastically complimented him.

Calypso inwardly shook his head as he saw the smug practically radiate from where Aurelia rode on her horse. With him inadvertently positioning himself in a way that had them sandwich Lord Hebron in the middle of them, there was no way that he'd be able to try and salvage his prior attempts of making small talk.

[Seriously, talking about the weather in the middle of winter…] Axel scoffed. [I would suggest that you try and be a bit more objective. She seems to be the type not to appreciate the small talk.]

"Ah, if that's what you wish, then allow me to guide you two, Lady Aurelia, Lord Calypso" Lord Hebron enthusiastically nodded to the two of them, though Calypso could tell that the man was more excited to talk to Aurelia than him. "While Ebodia is more temperate compared to Cordon, we still have our fair share of pitfalls in terms of dangerous terrain and possible wildlife."

Listening to the Ebodian lord speak, Calypso couldn't help but inwardly grind his teeth at the man's voice. Across from him, he could see that Aurelia kept an even face, her focus obviously split between the talking lord and whatever it was that she was thinking about. She wasn't even fully listening to the man speaking, merely using the lord to try and fill the silence to prevent Calypso from speaking.

[I know what you're thinking. Don't,] Axel reminded him. [You have no choice but to listen to Lord Hebron speak. She has clearly set you up.]

[You think I don't see that?] Calypso scoffed. [She's using him to avoid me.]

It was as clear as day that Aurelia was manipulating the two of them to her own ends. Even as she showed no outward emotions, the air of satisfaction around her was more than enough to tell him that she was enjoying the current status quo.

[Or maybe she's actually listening to Lord Hebron's words,] his wolf countered. [You should do the same.]

[Why? Shouldn't you be telling me to try and get our mate away from this man?] Calypso pointedly asked.

[You're not going to get a word in with her while this lecture is ongoing,] Axel swiftly rebutted. [At the very least, if you listen, you might just learn something. You might even be able to use the knowledge to impress our mate.]

Calypso blinked as his wolf's suggestion made him consider his options. Aurelia clearly values learning and knowledge. If he showed himself capable of learning, then perhaps she might just give him her time of day.

Nodding to himself, Calypso began to listen to Lord Hebron in earnest. Learning more about the general area, he couldn't help but actually feel interested as the Ebodian lord told them all about what there was to look out for in the southeast portion of Ebodia. By the end of it, he would admit that the information was more useful than he first expected it would be.

"There's so much more to this part of the woods than what I just told you, of course," Lord Hebron sagely explained. "But for now, they would have to do. After all, we're just sticking to the roads. There's no need to know the particulars if we're merely to pass through."

"Thank you for this information, Lord Hebron," Aurelia gratefully bowed her head. "I've done my own research in regards to some of the more interesting flora and fauna, but hearing it from someone that lives here has shed some more light as to how and why they're here in the first place."

"I agree," Calypso chimed in, seeing his opportunity to insert himself into the conversation. "This has been an enlightening session, Lord Hebron."

"I'm glad to be of service to my friends," Lord Hebron humbly nodded. "If there is anything else that you two might want answers for, feel free to ask."

Calypso did his best not to snort as the lord clearly directed the offer towards Aurelia. The latter, meanwhile, was looking at him like she couldn't believe what had just happened.

"I didn't think that you would listen, Lord Calypso," she coolly stated, her eyes betraying the doubt that she had in her mind. "Did Lord Hebron's lesson pique your attention?"

[Now's your chance!]

'You don't have to tell me twice,' Calypso inwardly thought.

If there was one thing that he was good at, he was adaptable if the situation called for it. How else was he going to infiltrate deep into enemy territory without arousing suspicion? He would talk to everyone for information, using his charisma to his advantage to make himself likable.

"Indeed," he sincerely nodded. "As someone that's responsible for your safety, knowing our surroundings is paramount for me to mount a proper defense if the situation called for it."

Aurelia raised an eyebrow at his reply. "Is it now? Am I that-"


Almost immediately, Calypso raised his hand, his ears peaking up at the foreign sound. The entire party stopped at his guidance, even Lord Hebron as he trotted to a stop beside him.

"What is it?" Lord Hebron asked.

"Something that isn't wildlife, I'm sure," Calypso replied.

A few seconds later, something jumped out from the nearest bush. Calypso almost bore his fangs in preparation for a fight, only to quickly stand down as a wounded deer limped across the path.

"It's just a deer," Aurelia scoffed. "It's a false alarm, Lord Calypso."

Blinking, Calypso got off his horse, assuredly surprising his companions as he went near the deer. Without a second thought, he gently looked at its injuries, quickly taking an estimate of its health.

"What're you doing?" Aurelia asked.

Wordlessly, Calypso tore a piece of spare cloth he had on his person. Using it as a makeshift bandage, he took the deer's injured foot, wrapping it up and letting it get its bearings.


Aurelia couldn't help but stare as Calypso stood on his feet once more. The shock of seeing him be that caring to a stray animal was something that she never expected.

"You won't get far if you don't respect nature," Calypso chuckled, letting the deer walk away as soon as it was capable of moving. "Living on the road teaches that to people. You don't just take for yourself without giving in return, lest nature assigns you a debt you might not be able to repay."

Watching him get back on his horse, she didn't even realize that she had fallen behind until one of her warrior-servants caught up to her.

'That compassion…' she inwardly thought. 'What's this… such a troublesome feeling…'

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