The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 806 Grateful (Lena & Seth)

Chapter 806 Grateful (Lena & Seth)

The Global Summit soon ended, and now it was time for the Cordonian delegates to start preparing to depart from Haven Forest and return to their kingdom. One of them, Lena, took a deep breath and sighed as she walked around to look for their Queen. Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be found.

"She's probably with her sister and their newborn baby," she muttered to herself with a smile.

Throughout the Global Summit, Queen Xenia spent most of her time at Valcrez's camp as she assisted her sister, Queen Mineah, in taking care of her newborn baby. She was, after all, a mother of twins, meaning she had twice the amount of responsibility given to her.

As for Lena herself, she busied herself with her duties, taking care of everything while their Queen was away. Also…

Her face blushed at the thought of how she spent all her days with Seth ever since she found his company very comforting and relaxing.


And speaking of which, Seth then approached her with a wide smile on his face. For some reason, he looked more dashing and radiant to her that day, and her face burned crimson red upon seeing him in the flesh instead of merely thinking about him.

"Good morning, Seth," she answered with an awkward smile.

He blinked at her for a second. He then touched her forehead as he said, "Are you alright? Why is your face so red?"

"Oh… I'm f-fine," she stuttered. "It's j-just probably b-because of the weather.."

Lenainwardly cursed at her response. She couldn't believe she even struggled to answer Seth. What was wrong with her?

"Your temperature is fine. The weather is nice today too. Not too cold, really," he shrugged before he timidly looked at her. "Anyway, I'm actually here to ask if you would like to ride a horse with me during our journey. The weather's really nice today, and having a full view of the surroundings we might pass by would be refreshing."

Lena raised a brow at his offer. She was surprised to hear such a bold request from him, and she really admired his dedication towards her. With that in mind, a wide smile formed itself onto her lips.

"Alright," she eagerly answered. "I'll just have a quick change into something more suitable for riding."

Seth nodded, and she quickly turned around to go back into her and change. By the time she returned, Seth was already waiting for her with his horse.

"Shall we?" he asked, offering her his hand.

Absently, Lena looked around. There was only one horse right now, and it was Seth's.

"Do you mind if we share the same horse? There are currently no spare horses for you to use, so it'll have to do," Seth muttered. "But if you want, I can ask one of the warriors to travel in his wolf form so that you can use his horse instead."

Lena raised a brow at his current attitude. He was clearly lying based on how he was scratching his head and avoiding eye contact with her, which he never did to her before. He would always stare into her eyes, sometimes to the point that she felt like he was reading into her soul.

"It's fine, Seth. We can share the same horse," she scoffed with a pout. "Next time, don't give me random alibis. Just tell me the truth straight up."

Shaking her head, she refused to accept his hand as she hopped onto the horse on her own. Meanwhile, Seth stalled, frozen from where he was standing as he stared at her.

"Aren't you going to hop on?" she asked. "I thought we'd be sharing your horse for a ride?"

Snapping out from his own trance, Seth quickly composed himself and hopped onto her back. Feeling him settle behind her, Lena gulped since it was the first time they were that close physically. She could feel his warmth radiating off him as his arms wrapped around her, his hands holding onto the horse's reins.

She bit her lower lip when she felt Seth's warm breath against her skin as he whispered into her ear, "Relax, milady. Lean on my chest so that you'll feel more comfortable during the ride."

Lena felt her brow twitch at that. Comfortable? That… was probably something she could do.

Doing as he said, her heart ended up skipping a beat as they moved. Unsurprisingly, it was indeed comfortable leaning onto his chest like this, but for some reason, she also felt something else that she couldn't exactly pinpoint.

'Maybe it's a mistake agreeing to travel using one horse,' she inwardly mused as her body started feeling weird. Seth being this close to her was affecting her body, and she could only wonder if it was a good or a bad thing since her emotions were still all over the place. However, she felt more relief now after having the closure she needed with Osman.

Maybe it was a big help that she had no recollection of everything and her past. Maybe she also started to get used to having the people around her now which made her life more exciting and meaningful. Like her newfound friends… a family in the form of the royal family of Cordon and… Seth…

Moments passed, and they were currently behind in terms of travel since Seth made the horse move at a slow pace, letting her admire the beautiful view of the luscious forest around them.

"How are you feeling now?" Seth asked.

He didn't feel the need to elaborate since Lena already knew that he was asking her about her broken heart. She wasn't even sure if she had a broken heart, however, especially since she felt some relief when she and Osman had their closure. Somehow, she felt like some kind of weight was lifted off of her chest instead of the usual heart break.

"Hmm… I can't explain it in words, Seth, but I do feel better now. I'm happy for Osman and Bella, and I really hope the two of them will live a good life," she genuinely stated. "Looking back, losing my past memories is no longer a big deal for me. I feel blessed that I've been given another opportunity to experience life as a human and to be with people who care for me. People that I also care for…"

"I'm glad to hear it, milady. I will be at your side throughout it all then," Seth firmly replied. "In truth, I strongly believe that fate knows what it's doing. I'm sure everything will work out according to Heaven's will along the way."

Lena chuckled, but he wasn't done speaking as he continued.

"However, I'm really grateful that I came across you in this lifetime. You, who is also my mate… I strongly believe that the Almighty is fond of me since He sent you here to me," he added with a heavy tone of conviction, making her heart skip a beat. "I will heal your broken heart, and I will make sure that it will only remain whole whenever you're with me…"

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