The Daily Love Life Of The Immoral God And His Invisible Wife

Chapter 156: Dark Magic Class

Chapter 156: Dark Magic Class

Chen Ling couldnt help but smile, rubbing her head twice before heading towards his own seat. Sui Lier glanced at the data Chen Ling had written on the paper.

Length of clothing: XX

Shoulder width: XX

Fierce Fierce!?

Looking further down, theres even hip measurements!? What, what is this!?

Sui Lier instinctively looked down.

How, how does he know!? I didnt even know!

No, truly deserving of, a lordgod.

Her face instantly turned red! Suddenly, there was a feeling of exposure.

It was a kind of chilly sensation

Sui Sui is embarrassed! Earned +10 billion points!

Now, Chen Ling looked at the 10 billion points again, without much reaction.

In fact, this detailed data could be directly scanned by the system. Sui Liers individual strands of hair could be scanned, not to mention these simple measurements.

Sui Lier blushed, lowered her head, and hurriedly ran behind Chen Ling. Even now, she couldnt quite meet his gaze when standing behind him.

Her heart kept pondering, how, how does he know

At this moment, on the side, Zuo Yuan had finally finished washing her eyes. She stared unwaveringly at Sui Sui by her side.

Sui Lier glanced at her from the corner of her eye and turned her head back.

At this moment, both Zuo Yuan and Sui Lier simultaneously displayed expressions of astonishment.

Zuo Yuan was once again stunned by Sui Suis peerless beauty.

As for Sui Lier

You, you, your neckline is too low!

At this point, her collar had already slipped down due to the water. Although nothing was exposed, Sui Lier felt a bit awkward

Zuo Yuan herself seemed to be unaware.

Sui Lier was anxious, though. A girl should take care of herself outside! She quickly said in a low voice: Um classmate

Zuo Yuans mouth slightly opened: Hi, hi there

She appeared somewhat startled and nervous. After all, Sui Lier was the first person she had seen since the curse took effect.

Hello~ About your neckline

Upon hearing Sui Lier speak, Chen Ling instinctively turned his head.

Sui Lier glanced from the corner of her eye and her heart skipped a beat! No, he cant look!

Quickly, she reached out a small hand, attempting to cover Chen Lings eyes. Although nothing was exposed, she couldnt let him see!


In her haste, she slapped Chen Lings face!


Sui Liers hand froze in the air, her mouth agape in disbelief.

She couldnt believe what she had just done!

Did she

Did she just give agive a slap to the god?!

The people around them all wore expressions of amusement.

Yes, yes, Im sorry! Sui Lier hastily withdrew her hand, on the brink of tears from embarrassment.

Sob~ Sui Sui is sad~ Score -1 billion!

Indeed, she was feeling sad. She had given Chen Ling a big slap. Just how much damage could a big slap do to a person? That question should be directed at Zhen Douzhi

At this moment, Chen Ling was also dumbfounded, cursing to himself!


He immediately turned around, giving a hostile look at Sui Lier before him.

In that instant, Sui Sui felt doomed

Chen Ling stared at her coldly: Sui Lier.

Sob~ I-Im here

Are you

As he spoke, he reached out his hand. Sui Lier thought he was going to slap her back, so she instinctively closed her eyes and shrunk her neck, afraid.

But Chen Ling didnt hit her. Instead, he pinched her little face and threatened: Do you want to die?

Sob, sob, I dont want to die~ Sui Suis small face was pinched by Chen Ling, and she felt extremely scared.

Chen Lings hands playfully pinched her face, his inner thoughts: So bouncy~

Sui Lier thought he was punishing her, so she didnt resist, merely apologizing softly: Im sorry, Chen Ling I was wrong.

Chen Ling smiled and didnt say anything. After all, it didnt hurt, he was just playfully scaring her while pinching her little face.

He knew Sui Lier didnt mean it on purpose, so naturally, he wouldnt get angry. He also wasnt embarrassed about getting slapped in public; gods dont get embarrassed, they have thick skin.

By now, Zuo Yuan had tidied up her clothes. Looking at Sui Lier, she softly said: Thank you!

However, with Chen Ling pinching her face, Sui Lier couldnt turn her head: Sob~ No, no need to thank me

The onlookers were also disappointed.

They were initially expecting a good show, but nothing happened They even felt a little itchy to see some action, a little unsatisfied!

Having a partner is quite something

At this moment, a person dressed in black robes appeared at the door with a swift motion. Soon after, a gust of cold wind blew in.

In the scorching heat of Misty Rain City, everyone suddenly felt a chill.

After sensing that presence, Chen Ling released his grip on Sui Liers face. He looked towards the person at the door, his brow furrowing lightly.

This person seemed a bit odd. There was a massive burn scar on his face that covered nearly half of it. He looked extremely frightening, enough to make children cry upon seeing him!

His face bore no expression, with thick eyebrows and icy-cold eyes that instilled fear in anyone who met his gaze.

Upon seeing him, Ellie smiled and said: Master Duyin, youve arrived.

The mentor named Duyin nodded slightly without changing his expression and said in a deep voice: Yes.

Ellie glanced at everyone and continued: Alright, lets end the welcome for the new students here today. Lets get to the lessons.

Duyin walked in and stood at the podium.

Ellie went on: Let me introduce to the new students. This is your instructor for Dark Magical Arts.

In the future, you will surely encounter dark magic practictioners. Dark magic is mysterious and treacherous. If youre unfamiliar with it, you could easily be at a disadvantage.

So, learning and understanding dark magic is necessary.

But please note that Instructor Duyin is not a dark magic practitioner himself! Dont misunderstand. He is a respected senior mage at the academy. A very gentle instructor~

With that, she looked towards Duyin, showing great respect: Instructor Duyin, there are seven new students in the class today. Ill leave it to you, and Ill take my leave.

Duyin nodded lightly without speaking, sweeping his gaze over the people present. He looked at the new students and then his gaze stopped on Chen Ling.

Narrowing his eyes, he spoke in a deep voice: Whats your name?

Chen Ling: I cant say.

Everyone: ???

Why are you so cheeky?

Duyin glanced faintly: Your name.

Chen Ling.

Then he looked at Sui Lier: And you?

Sui Lier was terrified by his cold gaze!

Su, Sui Sui! Instructor My name is Sui Sui!

Duyin nodded, and he asked again: What cultivation levels are you two at?

Earlier, he glanced at the new students, and he was well aware of everyones cultivation levels. However, the cultivation levels of these two were elusive.

Sui Liers was due to the curse, and Chen Lings due to his insufficient ability to detect it.

I, Im a low-level Intermediate Mage!

Why couldnt I perceive your cultivation level? Is it concealed by an artifact? Duyin stood on the podium, looking down at Sui Lier. He hadnt done anything, yet she felt an immense pressure.


Sui Lier was about to speak, but Chen Ling interrupted her directly: Privacy, not convenient to disclose.

The implication of privacy was that it was related to the curse. Understanding, Duyin nodded and then looked at Chen Ling:

And what about you? What cultivation level?

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