The Darkness Was Comfortable for Me

Chapter 144: Ozawa Again or Arrival ?Celica’s POV

Chapter 144: Ozawa Again or Arrival ※Celica’s POV

“What what, what happened?” (Nanami)

“Nanami-neesan…it seems like this guy has been chosen.” (Celica)

“Eh?” (Nanami)

Nanami-neeesan looks closer at the tablet.

Ozawa Yuichi, 15 years old.

His cheeks are hollow, long slitted eyes with no light, and his unhealthy look are the characteristic traits of this boy.

I don’t know if he is dyeing it himself, but his dirty brown hair is turning slightly like pudding color.

The photo here that God prepared is most likely the current appearance of the person.

“This…is the guy that killed me.” (Nanami)

“That’s right. He should be in prison right now. No, he is probably still at the hospital. He hasn’t been prosecuted yet, but well, I am sure he will be given the death sentence. You may have come back to life, but the sin of killing 3 people is still there… But…” (Celica)

“But?” (Nanami)

“It is impossible to perform a death sentence in 20 days. Of course, it would also not be realistic to release him temporarily to assassinate him. There’s limits to getting the public on our side… I don’t think we will be able to stop him from going to the isekai.” (Celica)

{Celican…there’s a new warning added below. Even in the case when an isekai chosen dies on Earth, their right of transfer won’t disappear, and their body and memories will be restored before they are transferred…} (Karen)

Karen enters the conversation through the phone.

I see. The first time was horrible after all. So they have dealt with it beforehand now, huh. There were 1,000 Chosen including Nanami-neesan in the first batch. 24 were killed.

In other words, there were 24 that had to be selected again including Brother.

They probably actually intended to send those 1,000 they first selected. They must have feared a repeat of before.

What I get from this is that this God doesn’t really aim to use these isekai transfers to bring commotion. It means that it is truly for entertainment purposes.

Whichever the case, it is impossible to eliminate Ozawa in 20 days, and he won’t be given the death sentence now. It has been settled that he will be able to escape to the parallel world.

Then, the problem here would be whether he will be getting involved with Brother and Nanami-neesan.

“…Asking just in case here, but would you try to get direct revenge against this guy?” (Celica)

“If I do meet him, I will settle the scores. But the world is big, right? I wouldn’t go out of my way to search for him. Reuniting with Hi-chan takes priority after all.” (Nanami)

“Settle the scores? Are you going to kill him?” (Celica)

“I don’t know. But he is the killer of my parents. I may have been a bad daughter, but I should at least do that for them.” (Nanami)

“…You are strong, Nee-san.” (Celica)

You normally would be scared towards the person that killed you.

But I can’t feel signs of that from Nanami-neesan.

She said she will be doing it, so I am sure she will.

There’s no need to worry, huh.

“Then, the problem would be Onii-chan, huh… Maybe he would try to go to where Onii-chan is to kill him in order to get back at him… Am I overthinking here? I have way too little information.” (Celica)

We have shown him videos of the isekai somewhat in order to get out information from him at the time when he was confined. He most likely knows that he himself got bounced off and the person he killed -Brother- had gone to the isekai instead.

At the place where he is incarcerated, he can also read books, so he should be able to investigate the isekai to a decent degree. He can also meet with his lawyer, so he can ask about it at those times.

(Having an unjustified grudge against him… He most likely does…) (Celica)

In terms of results only, Brother has become the most popular Japanese Chosen.

In a dark dungeon, having adventures side to side with death, a romance with a beauty like Rifreya-san, days of swinging a sword and using Spirit Abilities in battle; for that man, that’s the place where he should be standing at.

In that case, he will try to take it back from him, and if that’s impossible, he might try to destroy it.

…Honestly speaking, I don’t know.

I don’t understand the feelings of humans that can’t make logical decisions.

At any rate, the second group has an advantage here.

The ‘right answer’ depends on the person, but the ‘incorrects’ in the character making have been cleared up to a certain degree, and the dangers of Random Transfer are widely known now.

The chances are low that Ozawa would go through the trouble of heading to where Brother is to harass him in that vast world.

Also, for Ozawa, Brother is someone he killed, and for Brother, he is the person that killed him, moreover, the person that killed his childhood friend.

Thinking about the possibility of being taken revenge for that, he should instead take distance from him…that’s the logical conclusion.

He has finally been chosen to transfer to an isekai, so he can switch his mentality.

That should be the way of thinking of a normal human.

(…A normal human wouldn’t kill 4 people in a day…) (Celica)

People who have killed 4 people in one day outside of war, even when accounting for all of humanity in ancient and modern times, it is only a few. If we limit it to only modern times, you would say he is a rare mass murderer.

In other words, there’s no way he is normal. He managed to go about a normal school life with a normal face, so a psychopath is a truly fearsome thing.

“I really should have killed him… Why does everything end up turning on me…? Is God really intervening here…?” (Celica)

If we were to put it in numbers here, there’s no other way to take it but them intervening.

Sis being selected could be taken as a coincidence, but her being killed, my brother being chosen for some reason, and then the killer has been chosen now.

It is way too well made to be a coincidence.

“It is okay, Celica-chan. Don’t make such a grave expression. Big sis here will kill him in your stead.” (Nanami)

“Nanami-neesan… Fufu, even though you are a weakling.” (Celica)

“With my little sister making a face like that, I will of course want to try and provide her peace of mind, right~?” (Nanami)

I am indeed uneasy, but it might just be me overthinking it.

The world is big. On top of that, there’s a limit to transportation means.

As long as there’s no way to choose where to transfer to, no matter where the plans of Ozawa are, the chances of him being transferred close to Brother are extremely low.

Of course, there’s the possibility that one can choose where to transfer to this time around.

At worst, even if Brother were to be attacked, he is strong.

Jeanne should be close to him for a good while.

It is not like I don’t have regrets for not killing Ozawa for the sin of killing uncle and auntie and escaping to the parallel world, but there’s nothing I can do about it anymore.

I have no choice but to think about what’s ahead.


After finishing the long flight, we finally arrived at the airport.

It is around 1 hour to the house by car.

Karen is probably waiting impatiently there.

But before that, there’s a bit of an event.

“I will be having you meet a governmental figure, Nee-san.” (Celica)

“Eeeeh, why?!” (Nanami)

“You don’t have a family register and you are coming to the country illegally, right? We have gotten you the documents as a special case, but there’s an interview with the one in charge. Well, you will be going to the parallel world, so all this procedure might not be important anymore though.” (Celica)

Speaking of it in the extreme, if it is 20 days, there’s no need for even a visa. Then, there’s no need to force her to come here, she could have lived in Japan. Well, her family register has been erased already, so there’s no point in saying that though…

God really likes to scratch away at every single plan I have.

Or maybe I simply have way too low real luck?

Because of the appearance of a paranormal existence that is God, even things that I would just wash away as just ‘simply unlucky’, I end up considering every single time ‘is it God messing with me?’ which I dislike.

Thinking about it logically, there’s no need to choose me out of all the 7 billion people to pull off tricks around.

We pack up our things, go down the ramp, and the one in charge wearing a suit was waiting for us there.

After exchanging light greetings, we were led to a special room.


After being led to a special room, we safely received the nationality for Nanami-neesan, and after finishing a short interview, we went our way back in the car they prepared.

Nanami-neesan was lying completely exhausted by my side.

“Man, that was surprising. To think the president themself would be showing up.” (Celica)

“Celica-chan, I am surprised you could stay that normal there… I was so nervous I thought I would die there…” (Nanami)

“Of course I would put energy there. That’s one of the strongest cards in the connections one can get. I have gotten their business card too. I think it will be of use sometime. Being a child is advantageous at times like this. I don’t think it would go this well if I had been an adult.” (Celica)

“I really don’t get you in those areas, Celica-chan. It is a lie that you are a middle schooler, right?” (Nanami)

“That’s right! I am actually a reincarnator! As if. If I were a reincarnator, I would have attacked Onii-chan a long time ago.” (Celica)

“Yikes…” (Nanami)

About the president showing up, they had journalists there, it must have been to raise popularity. Nee-san has ended up being chosen, but she is the first one in human history to get revived by the hands of God. Even though she can only stay for 20 days here, it means there’s still ways to use her.

On the ‘request’ of the president, she will end up being pulled around a third of those 20 days around for events, but if it is only that, there should be no problems. It is not like she can train 24 hours a day anyways. I can just schedule it in a way that events will be treated as her resting times.

It may just be lip service, but they said that they will be helping with the preparations of the isekai transfer too.

According to God, even if you die in the preparation time, they will still be transferred without any issues, so no matter how the country and the religious organizations were to mediate, it is reassuring that they won’t be able to kill her.

I will use anything I can use.

On top of that, I will even get connections. Anyways, there should eventually be a time when they will be of use.

The condition to grant nationality was to tell them the 20 day schedule, so I gave them a simple one I made, but there wasn’t anything special about it since I was planning to have Nee-san to train for the whole 20 days. Train, eat, rest, train, eat, rest; a repeat of that.

It is fine with pushing herself a bit. Her body will be refreshed at the time of the transfer anyways.

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