The Darkness Was Comfortable for Me

Chapter 44: Toast and the Door to the Night

Chapter 44: Toast and the Door to the Night

Sour and sweet, and more importantly, a distinctive scent.

“Is this alcohol?” (Hikaru)

“Eh? Was that not good? The one here is tasty, right?” (Rifreya)

“Yeah, it is, but…yeah…” (Hikaru)

No, it is not like I am going to refuse an alcoholic drink at this point in time, but… Is it okay?

Now that I am in this world, I guess I should be following the rules here?

I try taking one more sip.

It is sweet and easy to drink.

I don’t think it is that strong of a drink.

In the first place, I haven’t drunk any before, so I can’t really tell…

“Uhm…last time, I didn’t get to ask your name properly. Can you please tell me your name…?” (Rifreya)

“Hikaru. Kurose Hikaru.” (Hikaru)

Eh? Would it have been better to not tell her my name?

…No, it should be fine to tell her that much.

“Hikaru… It is a good name.” (Rifreya)

“Really? It is a girly name, so I don’t really like it that much.” (Hikaru)

My physique isn’t that good to begin with and I am slender, so I didn’t like that my name was girlish.

Well, it is better than getting named after cars like my little sisters though. [Note: Celica and Karen are based on the Celica and Curren cars.]

“You are not from around here, right, Hikaru? I am from Siltion… Ah, maybe it would be better to say the Great Light Church.” (Rifreya)

I don’t know about it at all, but it is most likely a place where they worship the Great Light Spirit.

“I see, that’s why you use Light Spirit Abilities.” (Hikaru)

“That’s right. I’ll have you know, despite my looks, I am a Templar Apprentice.” (Rifreya)

She pushed her chest out proudly and went ‘hmhm’, but I don’t know if that’s impressive or not.

“You are an apprentice despite being that strong?” (Hikaru)

“Yeah, you need to be good with Spirit Abilities or in the templar exam you will just…” (Rifreya)

They are knights protecting the Great Light Church, so maybe it is compulsory for everyone to be able to use Light Spirit Abilities.

In that case, I might be able to become a Dark Templar.

No, if it is darkness, it won’t be a church? So maybe a dark knight.


“Wait, why are you laughing? It is true that I am a bit old to still be an apprentice, and it is true that if I don’t pass the templar exam, I won’t have a future!” (Rifreya)

“Ah, sorry. I wasn’t really laughing at you. I was thinking about something else.” (Hikaru)

My head is feeling nice and light.

The things about Earth, the gazes, the laughs; I wasn’t bothered by any of those.

Is it because I am together with a person that’s like the personification of light?

Is it because someone like that has told me she likes me?

After a while, the dishes were brought over.

Meat! Vegetables! Bread! All on big plates!

All of them seemed as if they had been in an oven, and the fragrant smell was stimulating my appetite.

“What an impressive amount. It does look tasty though.” (Hikaru)

“Eeh~? Don’t you eat quite a lot too, Hikaru? Your tier is high, right?” (Rifreya)

“What’s a tier?” (Hikaru)

“Why don’t you know? You are one big mystery, Hikaru. Even though just being a Dark Spirit User is already rare.” (Rifreya)

According to what she said while I was munching on the vegetables and the meat, Tier is the degree of the strengthening you have gotten from defeating the monsters and taking in their Spirit Energy.

“Something like levels, then? In that case, I am really low. I have almost no experience defeating monsters.” (Hikaru)

“I don’t know what’s this level you mention, but it is a lie that you have a low tier. You killed that mantis in an instant. I was moved by that, you know?” (Rifreya)

“That’s because you weakened it. I was also lucky.” (Hikaru)

“You can’t beat a mantis with luck. It is far stronger than an ogre, you know? It is a monster that would normally show up in the 4th Floor.” (Rifreya)

“Then, I had a good affinity against it.” (Hikaru)

As expected from recommended dishes, they were all good.

The fruity sweet and sour sauce and that meat of something was juicy. The vegetables were flavorful too.

I have only been eating cheap skewers, meat bun-looking food, and stuff like that, so this feels really tasty.

My little sisters said ‘the parallel world doesn’t have selective bred food, so there’s no doubt it is full of bad tasting food -exempting marine products’, but it looks like that wasn’t the case.

“…It has been a while since I have been able to eat something this proper.” (Hikaru)

“Really? This isn’t that expensive of a place, you know?” (Rifreya)

“It is in part because I didn’t have the money, but…I was alone. I see, eating with someone else…I haven’t done that since coming here.” (Hikaru)

Having a meal with someone.

That was a given when I was in Japan.

My little sisters were always arguing about difficult topics and were noisy.

My mom and dad weren’t home often, but there were times when Nanami would come to our house to eat with us.

My meals have always been alone since coming here.

Not a single person to have casual talks with either.

The gazes from Earth were filled with animosity, and I am always being laughed at.

Rifreya, who is sitting opposite of me and has slightly flushed cheeks most likely because of the alcohol, smiled gently and tilted her head.

That gaze of hers which I can’t feel a single shred of animosity, and instead felt deep affection…

“W-Wait, Hikaru?! Why are you crying?! E-Eh?” (Rifreya)

“Crying? Ah…sorry. That’s true. Haha, I wonder why.” (Hikaru)

I had unknowingly begun crying.

Crying in this way in front of a person I barely know… I feel pathetic.

But the tears were already flowing, and they weren’t listening to me.

“Sorry. It really has been a while since I have eaten with someone… The food was also tasty… I think I was really happy that you invited me. It is weird coming from me who wanted to run away at first though.” (Hikaru)

“Eh, yeah, I don’t really mind that… I am the one who was saved after all… I am happy to see that this much has brought you that much happiness.” (Rifreya)

“At first, I thought a reward wasn’t needed, but…thanks. I am happy.” (Hikaru)

A smile spilled out from my face.

I felt at ease like the time when I was in Japan.

“A-Ahaha… That’s great to hear. This place is a bit hot, isn’t it?” (Rifreya)

Rifreya fans her face with her hands.

It really is a bit hot. Is it because I drank alcohol?

After that, we continued talking while we ate.

The drinks were good, and I ended up having a few more glasses.

It is a time that really made me feel as if I am back to being a human.

By the time we left the establishment, the curtains of the night had already fallen, and the people around had grown sparse.

I would usually be in the dungeon around this time, but I was feeling fluffy and nice. Looks like I am drunk.

I see, I kinda get why adults like to drink alcohol.

It lets me forget about the bad things and have fun.

“Well then, Rifreya, I doubt we will be seeing each other again, but I was truly happy today. A templar, was it? Do your best in the exams.” (Hikaru)

I gave my farewells to Rifreya and began walking.

I don’t think I will be able to have a meal with a beauty like that ever again.

She said she loved someone like me.

Even if I saved her on the spur of the moment, once we go our separate ways here, I will still remember this forever.

My days of diving into the dark dungeon will begin again tomorrow, but I made a good memory here.

“W-Wait wait, Hikaru. I still haven’t finished thanking you. Or more like, it begins from here. From here on, from here on.” (Rifreya)

She pulled my hand and I was about to fall forward.

When I look back, I saw that she was smiling awkwardly, all tipsy as if she were drunk, but also as if she were forcing herself from being nervous.

She seems to be pretty drunk, she was red all the way to her ears.

“I have received plenty enough. I can’t receive any more.” (Hikaru)

“No no, the family precept of my Ashbird household is ‘Always repay a favor’. There’s no way a meal alone will be enough to repay you for having saved my life.” (Rifreya)

“Even if you tell me that…” (Hikaru)

While we were talking about this, she was still forcefully pulling my hand, and was trying to bring me somewhere.

For a second there, the thought about her lowering my guard with a meal and then handing me to the authorities crossed my mind…but I felt like I didn’t mind whatever happened here with her.

However, the place she brought me to was a place beyond my expectations.

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