The Darkness Was Comfortable for Me

Chapter 72: 4th Floor Solo and Creation

Chapter 72: 4th Floor Solo and Creation

8th day of the Viewer Count Race.

Today is a break day and I am entering the dungeon alone just like on the 4th day.

The viewer count is increasing constantly and I have reached 600 million, but my rank is still 8th.

If the population of Earth is around 7 billion, my viewer percentage is 8.5%.

It is a high number…no, it is a shocking number, but 8th place is 8th place.

My viewer numbers were low when it started, so I have to get an even more overwhelming number of viewers in order to get 1st place.

It would be better to think that it would be hard to get 1st place if I continue doing the same thing.

I only have half of the time remaining. I need something special.

Something that a Chosen has achieved for the first time among all the others.

The modern era is an information era.

If someone achieves something, that news will spread like wildfire in the world.

More so when it is about an isekai otherworlder.

However, I can’t think up that ‘something’.

That’s why I am putting my life on the line.

Today, I will be going down to the 4th Floor, the Rain Dragon Grand Waterfall.

I can ignore all the monsters till the 2nd Floor, but I have to properly deal with the monsters of the 3rd Floor as I advance.

That’s because advancing by hiding with the Darkness Fog that has worked in the 1st and 2nd Floor doesn’t work in the 3rd one. If I forcefully advance, I could end up dragging all the monsters I meet along the way.

If I am going to be incurring such risks, it would be safer to kill them as I encounter them.

I bought a map of the 3rd Floor in the guild. Judging by how cheap I bought it for, it is most likely distributed freely. There’s no point to withhold this type of information for the guild.

The more explorers, the better; the less deaths, the better.

I have a good sense of direction, so I didn’t have any problems with taking the shortest route. However, the 4th Floor stairs are practically at the very opposite side of the floor, so it ends up taking time no matter what.

Moreover, I have to think not only about the going but the return as well. I see, I understand why Rifreya said it is hard to dive to the 4th Floor and lower.

Anyways, I reach the stairs to the 4th Floor and take a break before it.

I can use Spirit Abilities a pretty good amount of times and still be okay, but that’s not the same for my body.

I can’t confirm my own Tier…in other words, my level, in the Status Board, so I have a hard time telling if I have gotten stronger or not.

(Should I try asking God? That if this world works on levels, to make it so we can tell ours.) (Hikaru)

You can apparently tell your level by asking a Great Spirit, but I myself can’t do that, so I don’t know what level I am. Levels are like an evaluation of yourself, but that evaluation is unexpectedly pretty important, and it is to the point that the guild has a recommended Tier before going down the 4th Floor.

By the way, the recommended Tier for the 2nd Floor is 6.

3rd Floor is 10.

4th Floor is 20.

Moreover, this is an estimate for when you have a party of 6, with all of them being able to use Spirit Abilities.

They are basically telling you that you have to do your best in raising your Tier, find comrades, and save money to make a contract for Spirit Abilities.

The recommended 6 people party is: 3 warriors, 1 healer, 1 scout, and 1 porter.

And so, my Tier.

The old blacksmith said I am Tier 9 when seeing my swing.

I have taken Physical Strength Up Level 1, so I would say I was Tier 4-6 at that time.

It hasn’t been that long since then, so realistically speaking, my Tier should be at most 10. In other words, I am at a level where I can finally go to the 3rd Floor with a full party.

And here I am, going alone. This is completely reckless.

But I will do it.

That’s why I am doing it.

“Now then, I will be going down to the 4th Floor. The 4th Floor’s danger level is apparently a lot higher than the 3rd Floor, so I would like to concentrate. I don’t want to die after all.” (Hikaru)

If I die, reviving Nanami would go down the drain right then and there.

I have to not die, but also have to put on the best of performances.

I don’t use Darkness Fog as I go down the stairs.

Being careless is the last thing I want to do, but monsters apparently don’t appear in the stairs. Of course, even if it ends up with ‘that wasn’t the case’, no one will be coming to rescue me, so this might be quite the risky action.

I am going to be shouldering all those risks here, so you could say it is a bit late for that.

“The recommended level in the 4th Floor is apparently level 20 when you are in a full party. I don’t know what level I am, so I can’t really say for sure, but I am at least sure that I am not 20.” (Hikaru)

I speak as I go down so that it is not a completely silent broadcast.

“The monsters that appear in the 4th Floor are Giant Crabs, Slimes, Mantises, Sahagins, Lizardmen, Lamias, and Scyllas. In terms of enemies I am a bad match against, I would say it is the Slimes and the Lizardmen. Even if I hide in the darkness, they apparently still attack regardless. Quite the crude monsters.” (Hikaru)

This time around, I gathered information at the guild.

Viewers will increase if I end up on the verge of death from going down to the dungeon with no information, but if I place my death for being my first time and the number of viewers that would increase from this on a balance, I judged that information about the 4th Floor was necessary.

The 4th Floor monsters are apparently a lot stronger than those of the 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor as a whole.

I would say I need to be careful about Slimes. They are apparently weak against Spirit Abilities, so I have no choice but to go with the mindset of Search and Destroy.

Lizardmen can be snakes or lizards. If they are the snake type, their eyesight is weak, but there’s the chance that they have an organ that allows them to perceive heat. If that’s the case, it would be really bad.

When talking about monsters that darkness doesn’t work on, it would be the Treant in the 3rd Floor, but that monster moved slowly, and it wasn’t as if its attack power was high.

But a Lizardman screams strong, and they look fast too. An opponent that I can’t escape from even inside the darkness should definitely be avoided.

By the way, the Lamia has the lower half of a snake and the upper half of a human, so they don’t have heat perception…probably.

Whichever the case, there’s the need to test out which monster the darkness works on.

The one classified as the strongest monster there is the Scylla with its lower half that are long tentacles. Her legs are weapons, so just getting close to her is difficult in itself.

Moreover, you can even encounter 3-4 Lamias, so in those cases, even veteran high level parties would be wiped out.

Even the guild recommends to throw as much dried meat as possible and scatter smokebombs to escape at once.

“There’s a lot of information posted in the guild, but according to that, monsters are apparently ones that have received the influence of Chaotic Spirit Energy. The more ‘mixed’ that figure of theirs is, the higher the degree of influence they have gotten from the Chaos. Lamias are a mesh of snake and human; Lizardmen of lizard and human; Sahagin of fish and human; Mantis of praying mantis and humans; those kinds of monsters apparently have a high chance of dropping a Chaotic Spirit Stone.” (Hikaru)

Normal monsters can drop Chaotic Spirit Stones at a set percentage.

Actually, since the time of my solo exploration and in my explorations with Rifreya and Grapefull, I have actually gotten a few in stock.

“I am thinking of using Create Undead. There’s a Dark Spirit Ability like that, and if I have Chaotic Spirit Stones, I can create a monster based on the stone.” (Hikaru)

I am going to be exploring the 4th Floor alone.

Moreover, different from how it has been until now, there’s a drastically low amount of parties that explore the 4th Floor.

There shouldn’t be much worries about using Create Undead and being seen.

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