The Darkness Was Comfortable for Me

Chapter 84: Magic Tool Store and the Two Alone

Chapter 84: Magic Tool Store and the Two Alone

“What will you do, Hikaru?” (Rifreya)

“I am going to buy the one I am wearing right now. It feels good to wear too.” (Hikaru)

“That’s great. We match.” (Rifreya)

Now that I look closely, Rifreya is wearing the same one I am about to buy.

Well, that must mean it is the most practical and cheapest one.

I bring out silver coins from the Shadow Storage and pay for it.

The shop assistant probably didn’t expect me to buy it without hesitation, he showed a face of surprise he couldn’t hide. Well, it must be the first time he has a customer like me. I decided to just think it was that.

By the way, the rate of gold is 46 silver coins.

I leave the store while still having it equipped.

Normally, there are a lot of cases where they need to adjust the size, but it was fortunate that I am not blessed with a good physique. It was a size that was apparently tailored for women, so it would be a lie if I said it didn’t bother me as a man…

“Ehehe~, we match.” (Rifreya)

Rifreya laughed in an unseemly manner, and soon after exiting the store, she linked arms with me. Even if we match, it is armor we are talking about here. Is that something to be happy about?

“Thanks for showing me a good store.” (Hikaru)

“You’re welcome.” (Rifreya)

I was thinking about eventually buying armor that protected my weak point.

I am exploring a dangerous dungeon that can kill me at any moment, but it is not like I am seeking my death. If I can avoid it, of course I would avoid it. More so when I see explorers who become cold stones that tell no stories.

It was an unexpected purchase, but she introduced me to a nice store. If it had just been me, I probably would have chosen a leather one.

“So, what do we do now?” (Hikaru)

“I will have you accompany me to the tool store. I want to buy a variety of things for the Demon Lord subjugation after all.” (Rifreya)

I have almost never used a tool store either.

Or more like, I probably haven’t used most of the facilities in the city.

If I get too close to the church, the Great Spirit would get out from the church and would come to eat me after all. But even without that problem, I probably lack way too much proactiveness.

Rifreya entered another fancy-looking tool store while still having her arm linked to mine.

It is not the kind of store that has a lot of miscellaneous things lined up, but one that is one rank higher than that.

Inside the glass showcase, there are a number of weirdly shaped tools lined up.

“Hikaru, do you know what this is?” (Rifreya)

“Nope, first time I see one.” (Hikaru)

“Knew it… You really don’t know anything, Hikaru… This is also a magic tool.” (Rifreya)

“Magic tool…!” (Hikaru)

I remember hearing from somewhere before that there’s tools that use Spirit Stones as energy sources. So this is that, huh.

There’s a price tag on it, and it is outstandingly pricey.

I wouldn’t be able to afford one at all.

“Are you buying it?” (Hikaru)

“No, I simply came to take a look. I had a bit of an interest.” (Rifreya)

“I see. So, what can this do?” (Hikaru)

I could only describe this as a box that has a metallic board installed to it.

The box part seems to be made from sturdy-looking wood, there’s intricate carvings to it, and at a glance it looks like decoration.

“This is a magic tool that lets you know a monster is approaching by making noise.” (Rifreya)

“There’s something like that? That sounds handy… The price is amazing too though.” (Hikaru)

It is 5 gold coins.

The price is overwhelming, but this will most likely be more important as you go lower in floors.

With this, you can catch your breath in the dungeon safely, and there’s no worries of getting attacked by surprise. That benefit is immeasurable if you do dungeon diving.

“Undine Rank adventurer parties always have this with them.” (Rifreya)

“Hooh, then, what about this one?” (Hikaru)

“That’s a healing pot. A healing magic tool that has the same effect as water healing abilities.” (Rifreya)

“There’s even something like that?” (Hikaru)

If there’s something like this, there’s no need to think about the use limit of Spirit Abilities.

Everything would be resolved with magic tools.

“Magic tools are useful, but only elves can make them, and only a few of those elves, so they are expensive. If it is Spirit Tools, they are more affordable though. Also, you need Spirit Stones to use them.” (Rifreya)

“Spirit Tools and Magic Tools are different?” (Hikaru)

“Magic tools move with Chaotic Spirit Stones. It apparently moves a variety of Spirits in order to bring forth their effects, so only an elf well-versed with Spirit Abilities can make them. Chaotic Spirit Stones themselves are expensive, so you can’t use them freely unless you are in a party with a lot of spare cash.” (Rifreya)

Chaotic Spirit Stones go for several times more than the normal colored ones.

On top of that, it seems like a healing pot uses a decently big Chaotic Spirit Stone whole for just one use of it, making its fuel consumption pretty bad. Well, being an explorer, one use of healing could decide your life or death. You could say this works as insurance.

“Spirit Tools can use both transparent and colored spirit stones, and they are not that expensive, and they can be made by others aside from elves. They all have simple effects though.” (Rifreya)

The ones lined up at the shelves instead of the showcase seem to be the aforementioned spirit tools.

The price is still pretty high, but there’s stuff like a canteen that gushes forth water, and something that resembles a lighter; they seem to be pretty convenient for everyday life. It is true that they are plain compared to magic tools, but spirit tools are plenty useful too.

I would actually want the canteen and the lighter.

“I see. This is interesting. There’s quite high engineering skill here, or like…it uses Spirits as energy, and turned into an industry, huh.” (Hikaru)

“You are using pretty difficult words there, Hikaru. It is true that a gathering of alchemists to manufacture things is called an industry or something like that.” (Rifreya)

“That type of stuff is called factory system manufacturing, right?” (Hikaru)

It is a form that I learned in school, and it is most likely the latest form of industry in this world.

If I knew this would happen, I should have studied harder. If I properly had modern era knowledge, I could have lived more intelligently.

There’s no doubt there are Chosen who are using that knowledge and getting a much better footing than me.

“Then, let’s go to a different store. We are going through all of them today.” (Rifreya)

“I will accompany you, Princess.” (Hikaru)

“Haha! Follow me, my loyal vassal.” (Rifreya)

Rifreya doesn’t stop smiling as we go through a whole lot of stores with our arms linked.

We entered a tool store for explorers, and bought smoke bombs and dried meat.

These smoke bombs and dried meat are called the two most important items for dungeon explorers.

When things get hairy, you run away with smoke bombs.

If it is an opponent that dried meat works with, throw them and run away.

They may be called explorers, but life goes above everything.

It is natural that you would prioritize your safe return over anything else.

By the way, I also have smoke bombs and dried meat in the Shadow Storage. It is important to be ready when anything happens.

After that, we entered a clothing store, and I bought brand new black clothes.

Even so, they are secondhand clothes, so they weren’t that expensive. On top of that, I also bought an overcoat that hides my neck.

I am finally a weirdo in full black clothes.

Well, because of the nature of my abilities, this is the most practical form though.

Rifreya also bought a few ones as well, but it seems like there’s the concept of fashion in this world too, it was unexpectedly stylish.

Or maybe it is just that the base is good, so she can wear anything and still look good.

“How is it? Does it look good?” (Rifreya)

“Yeah, you look cute. When you wear dark blue, your fair skin is accentuated, and it suits you a whole lot.” (Hikaru)

“I-Is that so? Uhehehe.” (Rifreya)

When I said my honest opinions, Rifreya laughed in a bit of a creepy manner and her face went beet red.

My little sisters told me: ‘When someone changes their look, allude to it. And then, praise them’. They really drilled that into me, so I ended up applying that.

After eating lunch, Rifreya taught this clueless me about this city while walking around.

But my day with her is far from over…you could even say, this is where it began.

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