The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 178: (Self Edited) Successor Conference (2)

On the afternoon of my return to Suomi, the feudal lords gathered in the main conference room of the Hou Household main residence for the successor conference. I sat where Rook once did. Just like back then, Satsuki was seated beside me. The difference was that Rook was no longer present.

“――That’s the gist of the matter.” (Yuri)

After explaining the events that took place at the royal castle in detail, the room fell silent.

“Let me make it clear. I intend to exterminate all those involved in this scheme. To that end, we will first attack the royal capital.” (Yuri)

I slowly surveyed the twelve silent feudal lords.

“From here on out, you will acknowledge me as the new head of the Hou Household, or we will settle this according to tradition. But before that, let me say a few words.” (Yuri)

Normally, I would have taken my time after receiving the title of natural nobility, but I was in a rush. I stood up from my chair.

“I have no intention of bowing down to you all to become the head. Probably, some of you have spoken with the widow beside me today or yesterday. She is fond of such scheming.” (Yuri)

As I said this, Satsuki, sitting beside me, looked at me with wide eyes.

‘Will she get angry? It doesn’t matter to me.’

“I don’t know what she told you, but if it involved any favors or promises to you all, I will not uphold them. It’s all null and void. I’ve built this Hou Company up to this point in just three years, without any financial support from anyone. Even if you don’t support me to become the head of the Hou Household today, someday I will achieve my goal. So, I have no intention of bowing down to you all to become the head. I intend to be recognized as the head.

If anyone fears that I will repay kindness with enmity, rest assured. I have duly rewarded those who followed me faithfully. The top earners at Hou Company receive ten gold coins a month, and there are many who earn even more. I reward those who contribute according to their efforts. Those who do nothing get nothing, and if I have granted privileges, I expect them to be returned. In essence, if you think I’m a winner, then ride with me. If not, step aside.

These are turbulent times. If you choose not to raise your hand and distance yourselves from the protection of the Hou Household, that’s fine.  Of course, I would prefer not to think of this as mutual non-aggression or non-interference. It’s not a difficult concept. Warriors who make a living from war have always been like this, I think. Since this country is about to enter chaotic times whether you like it or not, it’s inappropriate to restrain you with peacetime shackles. Well, that’s the end of the discussion. You have thirty minutes to think it over.

Satsuki and I will leave the room, so please think it over.” (Yuri)

After finishing my words, I stood up from the chair and signaled to Satsuki with my eyes. Satsuki looked at me with eyes that seemed to be observing an unbelievable arrogant man, then stood up from her chair and followed me out of the conference room.

Satsuki seemed like she wanted to say something, but I ignored her, saying, “I’ll listen later,” and waited in the hallway for thirty minutes. I could hear murmurs coming from the conference room. It was a good sign that there was no heated argument. As representatives of their respective houses’ interests, decisions should be made independently rather than through consultation.

After thirty minutes, I returned to the conference room with Satsuki. I walked past the lords’ seat and returned to my original seat.

“Some may want a bit more time to think, but let’s make a decision. Satsuki-san, please.” (Yuri)

I instructed Satsuki as if nothing had happened.

“Let’s make the decision then. Those who recognize Yuri Hou as the new head of the Hou Household, please raise your hands.” (Satsuki)

As Satsuki spoke, everyone’s hands went up smoothly.

‘Well, I expected this. With all the recent misfortunes, there’s a slight sense of unease, but that’s to be expected. I haven’t given them enough reason to hesitate.’

“Now, Satsuki-san, please distribute these one by one.” (Yuri)

I took out some leaflets I had prepared. Each leaflet was fastened with a wire clip in bundles of fifty.

After Satsuki finished distributing them and returned to me.

“I had two thousands of these made overnight. I’ve entrusted half, a thousand, to the Eagle Knights and dispatched them to the capital. By now, they should be scattering these over the skies of the capital.” (Yuri)

As I said this, the feudal lords, while not speaking up, exchanged perplexed looks with each other.

“We’re still printing more, and I plan to dispatch the Eagle Knights to distribute them in other noble households’ cities. I would like each of you to post these on the prominent boards in your fiefdoms, without making any changes. You can put a seal on them if you like.” (Yuri)

The feudal lords flipped through the leaflets. For many of them, it was their first time seeing printed material. Except for Satsuki, none of them were graduates of the School of Liberal Arts. They had all lived lives far removed from the world of those erotic books.

“Today’s meeting is concluded. Everyone, return to your fiefs and prepare your armies.” (Yuri)

With that statement, a hand went up smoothly among the lords. The one who raised his hand seemed to be experienced in battle, a middle-aged man with an intense gaze.

“Dimitri Daz-dono. You have the floor.” (Yuri)

“Your Excellency Yuri, how do you plan to conquer the royal capital? If you haven’t made calculations yet, it might be best to raise the flag and attack now.” (Dimitri)

It was a sensible and fundamental opinion.

‘He must be worried about my capabilities. Well, I can’t blame him. I’m just a nineteen-year-old.’

“Don’t worry. I don’t intend to wait leisurely either. Also, I’m well aware that the Hou Household’s forces won’t lose against the Second Army.” (Yuri)

“Then—” (Dimitri)

I interrupted Dimitri as he was about to continue, gesturing with my hand. Dimitri didn’t ignore this and stopped talking.


“I want to know the situation in the royal capital beforehand. It will take several days for everyone here to prepare their armies fully. During that time, I’ll investigate the situation in the capital. I want to formulate our strategy with that in mind. However, I’ll repeat, we won’t delay. I intend to attack within a week.” (Yuri)

Dimitri, huh? Dimitri Daz. Come to think of it, the Daz territory is adjacent to the Noza family’s.’

“Indeed… including your area, the three farthest houses from the royal domain should come to Karakumo as soon as your armies are ready. If you have time to spare, take care of the food supply at the main household.” (Yuri)

‘If they don’t make it in time, our strength will decrease, and it would be a pity if they were left behind.’

“However, Dimitri-dono, leave a thousand troops in your territory as a guard against the Noza Household.” (Yuri)

“Do you think the Noza Household will move south, Your Excellency?” (Dimitri)

He asked with a serious expression.

‘Well, if he gets caught in a pincer attack, he’ll lose his territory.’

“If they do come, a mere thousand won’t be enough.” (Dimitri)

“You have Seamia in your territory. It’s a small but splendid fortress city. I assume you’ve made preparations for a siege.” (Yuri)

“Of course.” (Dimitri)

“The Noza Household probably won’t come. It’s my opinion, but they have no benefit in attacking the Hou Household. However, if you leave your borders wide open, they might resort to opportunistic actions. Leaving a thousand troops at Seamia is a gesture of courtesy toward them.” (Yuri)

As I finished speaking…

“Very well, I understand.” (Dimitri)

Dimitri smiled and began to sit back down.

‘It seems like this concludes our meeting.’

“Does anyone else have anything to add? If not, let’s adjourn.” (Yuri)

“You handled that well.” (Satsuki)

After everything was over and I entered the office, Satsuki remarked, seeming slightly annoyed.

“Well, yes.” (Yuri)

‘The chair was indeed comfortable. This must have been where Rook always sat.’

The desk was cluttered as if work had been done until yesterday, with unfinished parchment papers scattered on top and discarded draft papers crumpled up in the wastebasket. It was a shame to leave it like this, but eventually, it would all be tidied up, and Rook’s lingering presence would fade away.

“Yuri-san hasn’t even graduated from the School of Knight… It was a close call.” (Satsuki)

‘Even though there were no serious contenders against me. She’s such a worrier.’

“We’re heading into intense battles now. It’s not good to leave the impression of a weak head of the household.” (Yuri)

“Even so…” (Satsuki)

“Warriors naturally gravitate towards strength. It’s not good to bow down and assume office.” (Yuri)

‘Following strong individuals leads to success and a prestigious status, one way or another. If you trace the origins of knightly families, they all come from similar beginnings. Besides, it’s different from when Luke was in charge. Back then, it was peacetime, but now I’ll be leading armies into war.’

“The Hou Household will conquer the royal capital and crush all the Witch households. Depending on the circumstances, institutions like the Knight’s Order might disappear. The issue of knightly titles will be trivial.” (Yuri)

“Well, I suppose that may be true.” (Satsuki)

‘In Gouku’s era, Satsuki wouldn’t have acted like this. But since Rook’s time, she had been working as a close aide for over ten years. Working for ten years must have changed Satsuki’s mindset. If Gouku’s era was just helping out a bored lady of the household, now she was working like an executive. So, she has her own opinions now. She acts independently and sometimes imposes them. It’s a bit bothersome, but I don’t have to worry about betrayal, so it’s endearing. I have another job for Satsuki, apart from military matters.’

“Actually, Satsuki-san. Could you urgently renovate my family’s house for me?” (Yuri)

“Huh? Your home… you mean your family’s place?” (Satsuki)

“Yes. I’ve been thinking, and I believe it’s best not to keep Carol in Karakumo. Fewer people would make security easier… It’s too noisy here. Not suitable for recuperation.” (Yuri)

‘If there were a large hospital here offering advanced medical care, it would be a different story, but that’s not the case. Since there are no antidotes available in Red Cannolia anyway, it’s more important to provide a calm environment. It’s within commuting distance from Karakumo, so we can take her to see a good doctor, and it’s crucial to feed her nourishing food in a calm environment. Staying here would mean constant visitors and people sneaking around to check on her condition. It’s too crowded to be calming.’

“I understand. I’ll supervise it responsibly.” (Satsuki)

“Please don’t mention Carol’s name. Just say it’s my order. I want to keep her whereabouts secret.” (Yuri)

“Understood.” (Satsuki)

“There’s a room upstairs with a nice view. Focus on renovating that room extensively. Upgrade the bed to the highest quality, get a new carpet, and enlarge the windows.” (Yuri)

“Yes. I’ll promptly ask the carpenters to come in.” (Satsuki)

‘Carpenters coming and going… well, it’s not exactly top-secret, so it should be fine. Yeah.’

“Alright then, I’ll get on it right away.” (Satsuki)

Satsuki left the room.

After finishing the task, I sighed deeply. Looking at the documents on the desk absentmindedly, it seemed to be a directive related to development in a town slightly south of Karakumo. It carried the vivid breath of Rook. There was a sensation as if something dark and boiling hot was seeping out from within my chest. It was an indescribable feeling, something between anger and hatred.

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