The Demon King Seems to Conquer the World

Chapter 215: (Self Edited) Crusader Conference*

Angelica Sacrament was present at the meeting that day.

“The rate of supply loss has been fortunate, remaining within ten percent. It seems that if we conquer the enemy city of Mital, we can recover the losses.” (Epitaph)

Epitaph Palazzo spoke out.

Angie watched the absurd political drama of the meeting with a cold eye. The army of the Shaalta Kingdom, led by Yuri Hou, was clearly strategically retreating. From the condition of the villages thus far, it was evident that people hadn’t evacuated in panic despite the approaching war. There were no valuables in the houses, and above all, the houses were not ransacked.

It was completely different from the situation during the Kilghina Kingdom’s time. There was no sense of rushing to abandon homes. It felt as though people were just going on a short trip. In some cases, homes were even cleaned as if anticipating a return. Though food supplies were often left behind, they were minimal, and there wasn’t enough to sustain hundreds of people.

This meant that Yuri Hou intended to draw the Crusaders deep into the mainland. While it was unknown which area he anticipated as the main battlefield, it was likely that any goods they would be glad to have been being cleared out from the villages and cities leading up to it.

“That’s correct.” (Querz)

Querz Wellingen, the nephew of King Revick II of the Flusha Kingdom, said so.

Though she might have found it strange inwardly, he followed Epitaph’s lead. Perhaps he genuinely didn’t want to oppose the Papal States if he could help it. The Papal States held the diplomatic trump card of excommunication, which, while rarely used against rulers of other countries, was somewhat terrifying and best avoided.

In the past, King Hardi Samrikamri of the Peninsula Kingdom was excommunicated and eventually beheaded. The Lombardus Household, who were emperors of the Kalghinion Empire, were excommunicated generation after generation, ultimately leading to their demise. However, being excommunicated didn’t always spell trouble. Johansem Hatran of Galilia managed to cleverly fight despite being excommunicated, ultimately establishing the Galilia Union. He remained excommunicated for life but continued to confidently sit in the seat of the union leader, baptized his son, and died a natural death. Since the grudges of clergy were generally considered insidious and deep-rooted, Epitaph probably didn’t want to incur their wrath.

“What about the ships of the Euphos Federation? Isn’t it difficult?” (Fritz)

Fritz Ronny of the Galilia Union spoke.

The Galilia Union had prospered thanks to the Crusaders. It had its own diplomatic channels with the Kururuan Dragon Empire, freely traversed the Kurulus Strait, and profited from the flow of people and goods related to the Crusades. However, that was when it was dealing with the inland Long-Ear states. As the inland countries were pacified and the battleground shifted westward, its role was taken over by the Euphos Federation, which boasted a powerful navy. Now it seemed to have declined as a trading nation and instead thrived as an agricultural country.

Yesterday, during the assault on the positions, seventy percent of the burnt ships were Euphos Federation merchant ships.

“It’s a dire situation, but it doesn’t even amount to ten percent of our fleet.” (Johansen)

Admiral Mollengamp of the Euphos Federation said, as referring to Epitaph’s earlier statement. His name was Johansen Mollengamp, a distinguished noble, but he preferred to be addressed as Admiral Mollengamp.

The Euphos Federation was the newest among the countries deploying troops to the Crusades. When it was founded, it established a new military government and divided ranks both in nobility and military. Angie had met him several times in social gatherings in the Euphos Federation, so among those present, they were not entirely unfamiliar.

“Shipowners have insurance for their vessels, so that’s good, but they might be reluctant to carry cargo. Your Highness Angelica, do you have any secret strategies?”  (Johansen)

Admiral Mollengamp suddenly turned to Angie for input. Even if he asked such a thing, she was at a loss.

“Well… I’m not sure.”

She didn’t know what misunderstanding led him to believe she had brilliant ideas flowing like a spring.

“What about deploying those mortar cannons on ships?” (Epitaph)

Epitaph Palazzo suggested.

“No, as I’ve mentioned multiple times, those were devised as a last resort… It’s difficult to use them as a direct means of interception. In fact, we couldn’t shoot down a single bird in yesterday’s assault.” (Angelica)

Angie had used more than half of the money she received from Epitaph Palazzo to purchase nets. Thinking that more straightforward means were necessary, she also purchased five mortar cannons as a direct means of interception. However, they were just ordinary mortar cannons, and she could only prepare thirty rounds.

The scatter shot fired by the mortar cannons was usually used by packing it into a metal container with one side open. Without doing so, it was truly too short-ranged to be usable. Since the size of the mouths of the five mortars was different, she had metal containers made to fit the size of the mouths, but in Ultima, there were only two blacksmiths. They were also forging weapons for the Knights, so in addition to the maintenance work required for departure, they could only spare time to make 30 rounds in one go.

Even with those thirty rounds, when test-fired, even at a diagonal angle of forty-five degrees, the range was only about a hundred paces. It was something she had known from the beginning, but it felt somewhat underwhelming in power, and she had a feeling that if the altitude were increased, it would easily be countered. However, it was unclear to anyone what altitude the dropping of Molotov cocktails would be carried out at, as such an attack had only been carried out a few times in the previous Crusades. It might be an attack that required the altitude to be significantly lowered to aim, and it was impossible to judge whether it could be used.

The result of that was the interception seven days ago, where, thanks to Epitaph’s arrangement, a squad was assigned to Alfred’s army and they successfully intercepted the attack. Despite the praise she received from various quarters because of that, ultimately, countermeasures were quickly taken.

“Indeed, with the mortar cannons, the barrel length is insufficient, and they are only effective against low-altitude bombings. It might be much better for now to repurpose the old-style guns for use on ships and fire them upwards.”  (Angelica)

“What about larger cannons?” (Johansen)

Admiral Mollengamp asked.

“Unfortunately, that won’t lead to a fundamental solution. Even if the range is extended and Eagles can be killed, if the handling is slow, the aiming won’t catch up. Moreover, even if such expensive guns were specially made and put on ships… for example, if they were thrown off by birds flying over a slaughterhouse, it would be hopeless. Spending a lot of money to make gunboats, only to have them burned down in exchange for a few birds, seems not worth it.” (Angelica)

“Well… then there’s no choice. At the very least while moored, we’ll have to have nets set up.” (Johansen)

Having nets set up on ships would likely be disliked by sailors. Unlike on top of cargo, the deck was a place where sailors were constantly coming and going, and even if they were installed to float to a certain extent, they seemed like they would interfere with sail operation. However, there was no other choice.

“That’ll mean good business for net-makers.”

Angie joked, and Admiral Mollengamp chuckled, “Haha,” letting out a laugh. Laughter filled the meeting, and the atmosphere somehow lightened.

“By the way, what’s the status of those Molotov cocktail?” (Alfred)

The one who said this was her older brother, King Alfred. Perhaps he didn’t like Angie being the center of attention in the discussion.

This time, the leader of the Crusade was not Alfred but Epitaph Palazzo. Therefore, Alfred was treated as just one of the many commanders. However, considering the number of troops deployed, he stood out alongside the Crusaders, so he was given special treatment.

“Oh, about that, if the captured ones are being held by each country, that’s fine. If there are any countries that didn’t receive any, I’ll offer one.” (Angelica)

The Molotov cocktail had been dropped evenly across the territories of each country, so apart from those recovered by nets, no single country had collected and held them, and each country had retained what they had captured. However, Angie knew that the Papal States had captured some before yesterday and had been keeping them hidden. If they hadn’t captured a large number through the nets yesterday, Epitaph would have concealed the fact of the capture and hidden the valuable bottles.

“Is that so. Do you have any idea of the manufacturing method?” (Alfred)

“I don’t, but once we conquer them, we’ll naturally find out. It has a different smell from alcohol, so it might be something that springs up like mineral water.” (Angelica)

“How do they ignite them in mid-air?” (Alfred)

Angie had been curious about that as well.

“Let’s me demonstrate.” (Epitaph)

Epitaph placed one of the Molotov cocktails on the desk. Not all of the Molotov cocktails were ignited. A portion remained corked and were dropped as such. Epitaph uncorked the Molotov cocktails with a cork remover and inserted a cloth inside. The liquid inside began to seep out.

‘How would they light it from there? Being on top of an Eagle meant receiving more wind than even on horseback during a gallop. Moreover, why did Epitaph know this method?’

Epitaph covered the mouth of the Molotov cocktails with some apparatus from above the cloth. It seemed to be a specialized tool designed to fit the mouth of the bottle perfectly. It was a cylindrical tool that could fit in one’s hand. When Epitaph pressed it down, a large number of sparks scattered, even noticeable from a distance, and the cloth ignited instantly.

“It’s fitted with flint and steel filings inside, and pressing down generates a large number of sparks. It’s the same mechanism as a flintlock gun.” (Epitaph)

Epitaph explained and then, used tongs to remove the burning cloth from the bottle and extinguished it on the ground.

‘Why did he have such a tool?’

It was clear. When they successfully intercepted the eagles seven days ago, they retrieved it from the body of the Long Ear rider. While she knew they had recovered the bottles from the riverbed, she didn’t know they had obtained the ignition devices as well.

“Well… it seems quite difficult to interfere with that.” (Alfred)

Alfred remarked.

Epitaph’s extreme aversion to Long-Ear was known to everyone here. There was an unspoken air that while they were innovative, it wasn’t something to admire.

“Nevertheless, these bottles are undoubtedly precious to those devils as well. If they had an unlimited supply, they would be using them more frequently.” (Epitaph)

Epitaph’s argument wasn’t entirely incorrect.

There could be a reason related to drawing us inland, but if it were as inexpensive to produce as a single gunshot, they would be dropping them more frequently. If they bombed the entire area every half day, turning it into a sea of fire, they wouldn’t stand a chance. In fact, if it were as easy to acquire as fetching water from a hot spring, they would have done so. They wouldn’t have to bother evacuating the residents and drawing us into the mainland. Since that was not the case, it was reasonable to speculate that they were indeed valuable strategic resources to the enemy as well.

“In any case, settling this matter early and eradicating Yuri Hou’s faction will suffice. To do that, each of us needs to properly secure our supply lines with nets.” (Angelica)

Historically, previous crusades progressed by plundering as they advanced, prompting national armies who disliked having their territories plundered to challenge them to battle. However, this time, the response deviates from that pattern, and the supply lines are unexpectedly stretched before the battle. However, especially with the robust support from the Papal States, there was still ample supply of provisions.

If they could easily capture relatively large cities like Mital and Kotlaha, they wouldn’t have to abandon their capital city, Shibyaku. If they could win decisively in the final battle, it would spell the end for the Long-Ear nation.

Considering its usefulness, if there were to be a period of unrest after the Long-Ear nation’s demise, many would consider utilizing those huge Eagles as weapons. Angie was one of those people. So, while she didn’t think it was pointless to strategize here and now, it was a fact that if they could win the battle, the problems they faced would be resolved.

“Until they are fed up and challenge us to a decisive battle, let’s advance swiftly. That’s the judgment of the supreme commander. Please understand that well.” (Epitaph)

With these words, Epitaph concluded his statement.

“Well then, if there are no further reports, I’d like to conclude this meeting—”  (Epitaph)

At that moment, a familiar sound of gunpowder exploding was heard from outside the tent.

It was the sound of a mortar firing.

When Angie hurriedly stepped outside the tent, the gunfire began to sound continuously. The Eagles were here. Angie immediately concluded.

‘Yesterday, of all days, why now?’

Already, flames were rising. Like the other generals who had been attending the meeting, Angie immediately rushed out. She had to oversee her own knights.

“Gustav! Back to the camp!” (Angelica)

“Yes, Milady!” (Gustav)

She shouted to Gustav and the other knights who were waiting outside for security. Without slowing her pace, Angie continued to run.

As she navigated through the soldiers on the ground, she also kept an eye on the sky. There weren’t as many Eagles soaring overhead as there had been yesterday.

“Angie-sama, this way is faster!” (Gustav)

Following Gustav’s lead, Angie ran while the smell of smoke began to fill the air. Gustav was likely choosing their path to avoid the smoke and flames.

After running for about five minutes, Angie saw it. A diving eagle released something, and it landed on the net of the Flusha Kingdom below. Unlike bottles, this object sank deep into the net upon impact. The four pillars securing the net were constructed as flat boards according to Angie’s suggestion, rather than rods, allowing them to absorb the impact when bent.

When the object hit the net, the pillars flexed violently, causing it to momentarily bounce back into the air due to the recoil before landing back on the net. Finally, when Angie saw what had settled down, it was a barrel. Not a large barrel, but a small one that could be carried by hand, like the ones used by middle-class drinkers to store liquor in their homes. With a bad feeling, Angie took a few steps back from the pile of supplies.

“Angie-sama!” (Gustav)

Almost simultaneously with Gustav’s attempt to shield her, the barrel exploded from within.


A strange sound rang out as the wood from various parts of the barrel broke apart and flew off.

Angie watched over Gustav’s shoulder as the barrel burst, and at the same time, a massive fireball appeared on the net. It expanded before scattering in all directions. More liquid than in a Molotov cocktail dispersed, engulfing the surroundings in flames.

“Gustav! Are you alright?” (Angelica)

Angie said in a panic.

The scattered flames had also reached Gustav. If he hadn’t shielded her, Angie would have been affected.

“I’m alright.” (Gustav)

Without waiting, Gustav unfastened his collar and removing his cloak, then discarding the cheap garment on the ground.

“More importantly, we should evacuate.” (Gustav)

“Yeah, you’re right…” (Angelica)

While Gustav was worried about her, Angie watched as the supplies from the Flusha Kingdom were burning in the fire. The spreading fire had even reached some parts of the tent, threatening to engulf it.

“Why…” (Angelica)

‘Why hadn’t they used this yesterday?’

The answer was obvious.

‘This must be something that explodes from within. If there hadn’t been a net, the barrel would have crashed onto the ground, breaking open, and then, the gunpowder inside would have exploded. The effects she witnessed now couldn’t have been achieved. In other words, it is a weapon that takes advantage of the net to prevent the destruction of the container.’

“Haha, they’re really something… pulling this off so quickly.”

A smile crept onto Angie’s face from somewhere deep within.

Yesterday, Yuri Hou hadn’t known about the net. That was certain. If he had known, he wouldn’t have carried out a plan where a large number of bottles would be captured. So, it meant that they had made this device after yesterday’s failure, and now, they had dropped it.

‘It must be around 3 p.m. now. It is nothing short of astounding.’

“Angie-sama, this place is in danger of being engulfed in flames. It’s dangerous.” (Gustav)

“I know.” (Angelica)

Angie started running again.

“What an incredible guy…” (Angelica)

An emotion close to admiration swirled in her chest.

After that, she felt a chill of unease about the enemy territory into which she and 120,000 other crusaders were about to enter.

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