The Demon's Bride

Chapter 702: Lies, Liars-I

Chapter 702: Lies, Liars-I

Venervy stomped her feet as she went to take a device that would help them to teleport to the mortal world without needing too much time. The device was compact and was in a seize of her hand, there was magical spell written in it.

While Venervy angrily activated the device by inserting her magic inside it, Esther watched the device with curiosity when she noticed the red marking lines that weren't written using demonic language but something else.

"I hope your weak self won't throw up after a simple one trip," Venervy remarked, walking toward the mists that appeared suddenly in front of them after the device was activated.

Esther didn't know where the confidence came for Venervy to believe that she was some kind of a powerful being when all her magics were available to many demons for practice.

But Esther did wonder. How despite Venervy's weak power and her basic and limited knowledge to the magic spells, she knew how to easily locate a high demon like Beelzebub which should be difficult as the stronger the demon are, the more difficult it is to find their location.

Not to mention, it should be difficult for her to protect herself but she had offered her help toward Dalton. Esther could only find more questions as she looked into Venervy.

Regardless of the questions, she followed the woman, entering the portal and was transported away from the place. When she opened her eyes, she found herself in a small town, hidden on the back alley of the houses.

Dalton came after her, stepping out from the wall. He looked around the place and stared for long at the sky above him.

"It's been a long time since you came to the mortal world, doesn't the air feel lighter and fresher here?" Esther remarked.

Dalton pursed his lips. He saw the people walking buy and a heavy expression covered his face. "Yes," he replied after a while.

"You shouldn't waste the time longing around. I didn't came here to do your chore," uttered Venervy, breaking off Esther's conversation with Dalton.

At this point, Esther was tired of Venervy and decide to silently follow the woman. "Where's the exact location?"

Venervy didn't reply and this annoyed Esther. She knew that they weren't in a good relationship and nor did she want to try founding a better one, knowing Venervy's proud attitude would never allow this to happen. But to not answer her on a whim was beyond childish.

She turned with a frown only to see Venervy's deeper frown.

"What?" Esther asked.

Venervy's eyes looked around, "I can only predict his location is near here as to where he is precisely, you need to do it yourself. What? Why are you looking me like that? Do you think I would want to do everything for you? You have eyes and legs, go and find him yourself. My help is not free."

Said someone who showered Dalton with a lot of help, thought Esther as she rolled her eyes.

Ignoring Venervy, she turned to Dalton. "You two can stay here or go back. I will be searching for him."

"Do you have an idea on where he might be?" Dalton questioned as Esther looked rather confident being alone.

"No, but I can ask and search. This town is small and I believe it won't take much time for me to find him," Esther then turned away. If only she was more stronger, she believed she could have found Beelzebub more efficiently.

Dalton then offered, "Then let us split into two groups. I will help you, milady."

Esther was not one to act hesitant and she nodded quickly, "Thank you."

It comes without a saying that Venervy wouldn't want to choose to be with her, therefore, Esther was prepared to go alone when Venervy followed her from behind.

She looked at the woman who said, "I only want to see what you can do. Seeing that you were almost in danger and was in need of help by Dalton earlier, I am afraid you would die before you could properly complete the promise you made with him."

"Whatever," Esther shrugged her shoulder and left the alley this all happened while Venervy crossed her arm, smirking as she stared at Esther.

Esther first looked into the inns in the town while describing the appearance Beelzebub had to the people she met in hope one of them had seen him. Unfortunately for her in half of her journey, it turns out that no one had seen anyone whom she described.

Perhaps Beelzebub had changed his appearance? It was possible considering he was a high demon. And for demons it was an extremely easy task to change their appearance as they like.

"Seems like no success," commented Venervy who hadn't done anything but tagging behind her.

Esther still mulled over the place where Beelzebub could be staying in. Considering that Venervy had predicted Beelzebub was in the town, it shouldn't be extremely difficult to find Beelzebub but here she is, after venturing to half of the town, she found no traces of him at all.

"How correct are you when it comes to locating people?" Esther questioned, ignoring the previous remark which Venervy made.

"You don't believe me? I can even locate anyone else you know, tell their name if you don't believe me," urged Venervy. Her confidence was truly something to applaud.

"Fine. The princess's location," Esther said, her eyes studying Venervy who pursed her lips. "You can't?"

"I can't locate those who have the royal blood. But you can ask me of someone else," Venervy veered the conversation.

"If you can't find the princess, what about her husband? The third generation of Diablo," Esther was once again faced with silence from Venervy and she sighed, "You said you can locate people?"

"I can! I can, understand?" Venervy refuse to acknowledge the lack of her power. "The problem is those two people who you spoke of is beyond my limit to locate. The princess bear the royal's blood and the third generation of diablo is the nephew of Lucifer. He has the Angelic's blood that intercede my ability."

Esther hummed, "Is that so? Well then tell me something else. Do you understand demonic language?"

"I am born in Hell, it's for certain I will remember my own language. While my mother was a bitch she still teach me enough so I won't be illiterate."

"Ancient demonic language as well?" Esther made her way to another building as they walked on the side of the street, passing the iron fences beside the pathway.

"Not ancient language. What do you want to brag you understand the ancient language?" Venervy questioned with her eyes rolling.

"I don't understand ancient demonic language either," Esther confessed, the sun above them was oddly too sunny for her to focus on her walk.

"Then why did you asked that?" Venervy raised one of her eyebrows, continuing to stick behind Esther by walking three steps behind her.

"That teleportation device wasn't made by you, isn't it?" Esther then questioned her which caused Venervy's back to straighten in startle.

"Of course, I was the one who had made them. No one else want to befriend me and as someone who is a mix blood, don't you know this as well? How there are many demons who avoid us out of disgust," Venervy bitterly remarked.

Esther had walked into another back alley. It was more precisely to be called as a street but as it was made in between of two large house, people rarely used the street unless they were in a hurry. It was still morning in the town, time for people to enjoy their time without the need to be in haste, causing the street to be grimly silent.

The sun that was dizzily intense earlier suddenly lost its shine as if it was engulf by a large monster. She looked up to see the clouds had indeed eaten the sun away, making it hidden underneath.

She didn't see Venervy's expression and had stopped looking back but put and end to her steps as she could feel Venervy's footsteps had stopped as well.

"You don't know ancient language, your power is too low for someone who can create such magnificent illusion. The devices that you use is very ancient in design as well. Do you know what I think, Venervy?"

"What?" Venervy was now on her guard if earlier she wasn't

"I realized that there is only two possibilities. First either you are trying to hide your true power, and to show your meek self so people will wrongly judge you, or…" Esther drawled until Venervy who was impatient asked.

"Or what?" Venervy urged.

"Or that there's someone else who had created all those things on your house. The illusions, those devices, those parchment of magic spells. It's all something I know but not something you will know. Which mean there will be someone else who had created everything you had on your house."

Venervy's breaths hitched and Esther still spoke without looking back.

"Why did Beelzebub sent you here to meet me?"

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