The Divine Anime System

Chapter 35. Marineford war part 2

Chapter 35. Marineford war part 2

"Hahahaha Luffy, follow closely." Rei said taking off first preparing to kill any marines that were infront or near Luffy. His 14 golden wings spread outwards as he flew pass the pirates and into the marines slaughtering out a path. Snapping his fingers, rivers of blood gathered into a ball in Rei's palm. Clenching his fist Rei absorbs the blood and now had a small army available to be released to the world.

"NOW EVERYONE! COME OUT!!!" Rei shouted as a flood of crimson spread out. From the blood countless people rised up.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" Marines shouted fearfully as they watched the undead army approach.

Snapping his fingers once more, Rei equipped each of the undead with a weapon from Unlimited Blade Works.

"Why is this world so unfair....." Marines buckled under the fear as the tsunami of undead flowed towards them.

"Urg...this takes quite a bit of stamina doesn't it." Rei said as he huffed.

{Yeah while it's good for large armies, it consumes a lot of stamina, the longer you have it activated the more it takes. It should be ignorable once you become stronger.} Eve explained to Rei's question.

"Thanks Eve." Rei said snapping his fingers and brought the army back.

"Fuuu~ Say Luffy i'll sit down for a second ok? That last one took alot outta me." Rei said as he sat down on the ice.

"Yeah Rei i'll go ahead." Luffy said running forward.

Some marines had tried to attack Rei but he had easily killed them while recovering stamina. Suddenly the ground shook as Rei looked at the source.

"Holy shit....." Rei said as he saw Whitebeard using his fruit which had caused the seabed to rise.

{Ya...this is the strength of a weakened Sovereign..} Eve said looking at the devastation.

Ice split into ravines while the marine headquarters shattered.

"Hahaha the war should be ending soon....." Rei thought as walls rose up surrounding the ice covered ocean.

"So red dog is going to rain magma down on us now." Rei said standing up. Looking forward he could see Akainu standing straight as his arms turned to magma. Pointing upwards, magma shot into the air.

"Kuhuhuhu let's spoil his plans a bit shall we?" Rei said tracing his bow back once more.

"With my bow and arrows, I respectfully as for the divine protection of the sun god Apollo and the moon goddess Artemis."

Rei chanted using his Fire Demon Magic as the arrows instead. Purple fire rotated at incredible speeds forming several flaming arrows as Rei notched them in and prepared to fire.

"I offer thee this calamity...." Rei pulled the string back as far as possible while thr magma fists started to appear raining down into the main area.

"PHOEBUS CATASTROPHE!!!!" Rei shouted as the arrows shot towards the magma. Exploding with neon lights the initial arrow formed a hundred more, each coated with purple flames burning the magma to ash.

"YEEEAAAAAHHH!!!" The pirates shouted as Rei shot down all of the magma fists.

"Tsk!!" Akainu clicked his tongue as he saw Rei counter his magma once again.

"Forget it, ready the cannons." Sengoku said as the cannons mounted the walls surrounding the main area.

"FIRE!!" Sengoku shouted as countless explosions occurred.

Ignoring the screams Rei looked around to find Jinbe who's about to toss Luffy towards the three admirals.

"Hmm 1 v 3 situation....I can't kill them if I fought them together. But if I spread them out and fight them in 1 v 1 situations it'll be easy." Rei though as he unfurled his 14 wings. Shooting off in a golden light Rei approached where Luffy is quickly.

Suddenly, a colossal current of water shot up into the sky with Luffy in the centre. Gasps could be heard as they saw Luffy drop down infront of the three admirals with a large mast of a ship.

Chasing after Luffy, Rei could see Kizaru kicking Luffy away.

"Oi 3 slaves of the world government! Entertain me for a while." Rei said as he cut his sword infused with haki towards Akainu, who quickly dodges the slash. Aiming his spare palm towards Aokiji, a spear of purple fire shot towards him causing him to quickly dodge as he knew the fire was bad news. Exerting his observational haki, Rei twisted his body to avoid Kizaru's kick as he responsed with his own kick causing Kizaru to be hit backwards. This had happened in a instance as every one watched Rei fight off 3 admirals.

"Come!!" Rei taunted as he turned his wings into 2 swords, one ice and one fire. Sending the fire one towards Aokiji and ice towards Akainu, Rei ran towards Kizaru swinging Taema. Kizaru had to dodge to the left as he knew with his level of armament haki he would be cut through so he could only dodge.

"Hahaha Oi Kizaru, dodging already? Try to take my attacks head on ok?" Rei talked to him while swinging his blade in attempt to disrupt his mental state. Switching Taema into reverse grip, Rei slashed the sword downwards. Kizaru quickly twisted his body away only to be greeted by Rei's leg which he brought over his body when he swung Taema. Kicking Kizaru, Rei had sent him tumbling into a wall.

Turning towards Aokiji he could see that he was barely coping with the fire demon slayer magic as the heat melted his ice quite easily.

"Hahaha Aokiji, can't freeze my fire?" Rei taunted as he coated Taema in purple fire and swung towards Aokiji causing him to retreat rapidly.

Rei suddenly brought Taema behind him as it clashed with Akainu's fist.

"Hahahahaha Red Dog, You'll get your turn be patient." Rei taunted once again, disrupting Akainu's mental state as vein could be seen bulging on his forehead. Pushing Taema upwards, Rei broke Akainu's guard before round house kicking Akainu in the chest sending him flying.

"Hahahaha is that all you admirals got?" Rei asked with a laugh.

Three attacks suddenly shot towards him the moment his finished his sentence. Rotating him self clockwise, Rei projected purple fire and azure energy forming a rotational dome protecting him and deflecting the attacks to another admiral.

"Hahahahaha it not enough slaves of the world government." Rei called out as he stopped the dome.

The dust cleared as it showed three slightly injured admirals staring at Rei.

"Hmm not injured enough yet." Rei said as he looked at the conditions of the admirals.

"Enkidu." Rei called as golden chains shot from him surprising the admirals before latching onto their bringing them to their knees.

"Sate sate sate, what shall I do with you guys?" Rei asked with a smile like a demons.

"Let's see..." Rei said walking towards Kizaru.

"Since you like kicking so much i'll do you a favour and remove one of your arms, hey it's more incentive to use your legs no?" Rei said slashing Taema cutting the right arm of Kizaru off.

"ARRGGG!" Kizaru shouted as blood flowed from his shoulder.

"Now Red Dog..." Rei ignored Kizaru as he approached Akainu. But before he could do anything Garp appeared punching towards him. Quickly retracting Enkidu, Rei blocked the punch with Taema. The force caused him to shoot towards the walls.


A loud clashing sound could be heard as Rei hit the metal walls.

"Oi Garp! Can't you see i was dealing with Red Dog over there?!" Rei shouted getting out of the crater in the wall.

"Execute Fire Fist Ace!!!" Sengoku suddenly shouted as the executioner blades where about to hit Ace.

"STOP IIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!" Luffy shouted unleashing his conquerors haki all the way to the platform. People started to fall as Luffy resumed his run towards Ace.

"Hahaha finally, now the war has entered the final stretch." Rei said looking at Luffy.

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