The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

This show is pretty simple - one person just has to pass 13 levels, and if they pass, they'll get a reward and advance to the finals.

After the finals, they can win a prize of one million dollars.

That's all there is to it, it's not like an idol audition where you debut, it's purely based on your abilities.

Shang Yu thought she could participate in this first, and then consider taking part in idol auditions later.

The idea of hopping and jumping around in front of others, and having them vote whether you stay or leave, she wasn't used to that format yet, so she wanted to warm up first.

This show "Men and Women Charge Ahead" looked fun with these levels, so she thought she'd start with this!

She clicked to register directly. This show doesn't judge your looks or connections.

It only cares about your abilities!

Shang Yu looked at these levels, the last three being the most difficult, of course, in the eyes of humans.

But in her eyes, they were full of gaming experiences!

After registering, the competition was tomorrow afternoon at 1 pm, at the address: Scenic Bay No. 36.

She noted down the address, planning to get some sleep, even though she wasn't tired. Humans needed sleep, so she had to keep up appearances.

She had just fallen asleep when she received a message - her bank card had been credited.

Two notifications sounded, along with a sudden message from Pei Liechuan.

[Liechuan: Up all night?]

Shang Yu: "......"

Did this guy install surveillance cameras in her room?

[Liechuan: I didn't install any surveillance on you, just a guess, and it's clearly right.]

[Liechuan: Rest for a bit, I won't come find you today.]

[Yu: I'm not tired, did you forget who I am?]

[Liechuan: You're tired.]


There's a kind of tired that comes when that man thinks you're tired.

[Yu: Alright, I'll sleep.]

[Liechuan: As long as the money came through.]

[Yu: How do you know everything?]

[Liechuan: Because... it's a secret, sleep now.]

Shang Yu felt that Pei Liechuan was really strange, was he just too smart or did he have some special ability?

He really was quite strange—

Shang Yu put down her phone and focused on sleeping, anyway, she would uncover all his secrets.

The strangest thing was his blood... this guy was really not normal.

Shang Yu slept until the afternoon. Her family didn't disturb her, and there were many snacks in her villa that she hadn't touched, so they probably thought she had eaten snacks in her room.

After washing up in the bathroom, when she was leaving, she saw Yu Yuan imitating body movements from her phone.

She dried her face and looked at it like it was a monster: "What are you doing?"

"Weight loss exercises, I heard if I do this I can become slim as a lightning bolt."

It twisted its butt and waist, oh, it looked like its whole body was moving.

Shang Yu felt she might need to raise a new demonic beast, take the opportunity while still young to raise one with a better brain, this one wasn't cutting it.

She dried her face and sat at the computer to research, having learned quite a bit about this world over the past few days, and finding everything novel.

Next to her, Yu Yuan's phone kept making sounds—

"First, we must pay attention to what we eat, we can't starve ourselves just because we want to lose weight, we need to diet and exercise to get a nice figure."

"Some mothers' figures changed after giving birth, if they learn from me for three months, they'll look like an 18-year-old girl..."


Shang Yu looked at Yu Yuan, really, she didn't know if she'd get another chance to swap out this demonic beast, this one truly seemed to have too small a brain, incapable of thinking.

Yu Yuan sensed her gaze: "Yu Yu, do you want to learn too?"

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