The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

"What a bastard!!" Shang Nuo gritted his teeth, he just saw it!!

Shang Yu actually kissed Pei Liechuan!

It must be Pei Liechuan's scheme!!

Otherwise, how could the innocent cousin do such a thing to Pei Liechuan.

It must be Pei Liechuan's fault!!

Shang Nuo regretted not taking a photo just now, now this situation definitely cannot be exposed.

He also needs to consider his cousin, she definitely doesn't want her grandparents to find out.

After all, she's still young, it's considered an early romance.

And, he has no evidence, if she says he didn't, he'll get his legs broken by his father, saying he's framing his cousin.

Shang Nuo stared at the direction where Pei Liechuan had disappeared, no way!

He must strive to become the richest, only then can he protect his cousin, so that she won't be bullied by Pei Liechuan in the future, they can't hold their heads up straight.

He posted a message in the brothers' group: 【From today on, everyone must work hard.】

Shang Luo: 【... Have you been possessed by Grandpa?】

Shang Nuo: 【You don't know the seriousness of the matter! Pei Liechuan will be our common enemy from now on!】

Shang Quan: 【Did you lose money on an investment again?】

Shang Quan: 【To be honest, it's only your own fault, you can't blame Pei Liechuan.】

Shang Nuo: 【It's not about money, you don't understand, you'll know soon! This matter is about Shang Yu!】

Shang Hui: 【That's my sister, what's it to you.】

Shang Nuo: 【Hui brother, I must have been Lü Dongbin in my previous life!】

Shang Luo: 【Brother, he said you're a dog, go bite his Lü Dongbin.】

Shang Nuo left the group, he drove home, he doesn't live here anymore.

He grumbled, just wait until your own sister is kidnapped, then you'll only have Shang Wan the little scorpion left.

He heard from Shang Luo about Shang Wan's matter, now he's also a bit afraid of women.


Shang Yu walked into the living room and was stopped by Shang Wan.

She was heading towards her own villa, Shang Wan was running behind her: "Sister, have you had dinner tonight?"


"Sister, I made something delicious, it won't make you fat, do you want to try it?"


"Sister, why aren't you talking to me?"


"Shang Yu!" Shang Wan saw that she was about to reach her door, she stomped her feet: "Talk to me!"

Shang Yu looked at the little shorty, she grabbed her little head and threw her back, Shang Wan staggered and almost fell.

While she had already entered the door and closed it.

Shang Wan quickly stabilized herself and rushed out, almost bumping her nose on the door.

"Shang Yu!"

Shang Wan just realized, this Shang Yu is really heartless!

"I won't give up!" She glared at her door: "I'll come again tomorrow!"

Someday, she will make her talk to her!


Shang Yu went upstairs and saw Yuanyuan was spinning in the air.

"Yuanyuan, you're back, I thought you weren't coming back today. Did you bring your ID card? I heard you need an ID card to check into a hotel~"

Shang Yu tossed it back and forth in her hand like a stress ball.

"What nonsense are you talking about."

She threw it onto the bed, it bounced a few times, then she walked over to the computer and turned it on.

"I can already smell the scent of blood, and... " Yuanyuan flew in front of her: "... the scent of desire."

Shang Yu looked at it: "You have this function?"

Which hair should she start plucking first?

Yuanyuan stood with her round waist: "No, I guessed it, because you must like Chuan Chuan, after all, Chuan Chuan is very capable, his blood is also fragrant, and he has feelings for you too, you two are very suitable!"

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