The Dormant Vampire Queen Awakens

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Shang Yu propped her head up with her hand and looked at the time on her phone.

From behind came shouts through the loudspeakers.

"So awesome, Wei Ran broke her own record!!"

"Oh my god, she broke her own record in just 2 minutes and 10 seconds!"


People online were getting riled up too. This woman is so incredible, and she's good-looking too!

[Just go pro already!!]

[The national team needs to snap her up quick!]

[She's so pretty, ahhhh I love you sis.]


"Alas, the champion is definitely going to be Wei Ran, after all we've all run the course before and got stuck at the 7th obstacle."

"Don't even say it, the 7th obstacle is really too hard, my arm strength just can't support my body weight."

"I fell in the water at the 7th obstacle too."


A few people whispered among themselves, while the announcer up front was introducing Liu Weiran, saying she was from the provincial sports academy, but didn't join the national team due to a leg injury, and is now working as a model.

"Even with my leg injury, I won't forget how to run. I'll keep working hard, thank you everyone." Liu Weiran's words up front were very touching.

"Damn, injured leg but still runs that fast."

"She's definitely going to be the women's champion."

"That's it for the running, second place is definitely Li Shan, she ran 3 minutes last time which is also a great result."

"I'm just here for the fridge, as long as I finish the course the time doesn't matter to me."

"Online they're all saying Liu Weiran is so inspiring, someone dug up her Trembling Voice account, damn her new followers are exploding too fast."

"Is this for real?"


Yu Yuan crouched at the highest point, after watching the course she flew over: "Yu Yu, why did you come to take part in this? For you it's just having legs right?"

Shang Yu slightly raised her brow: "It's not that easy actually."

Yu Yuan: "?"

Shang Yu lazily said: "I still need two seconds."


Yu Yuan looked around: "Yu Yu, you need to keep a low profile, if you run too fast you might get taken away for experiments."

Shang Yu thought about it, that did seem possible—

"The best time for the boys is 1 minute and 53 seconds, so just run 1 minute and 20 seconds, don't finish the battle in two seconds."

"Okay." Shang Yu stood up, the announcer up front had stopped introducing people, and it was finally her turn.

Yu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, this mother's heart was being worked hard.

"Go Yu Yu, you're the best!" Yu Yuan flew up to the highest signboard, from here she could see the whole course.

The host sent Liu Weiran off with a smile: "Next up, let's welcome contestant number 10!"

As Liu Weiran was walking off the stage, she saw the girl passing by her shoulder, and froze for a moment. This girl is so good-looking!

She stopped in her tracks, and her assistant quickly handed her a towel: "Ran Jie, what's wrong?"

The assistant looked at her quizzically.

"It's nothing, how's everything going with Trembling Voice?"

"Don't worry Jie, this time I hired 30,000 paid trolls, they're constantly posting about you, and getting people to follow you, no one will notice."


Liu Weiran watched the girl's retreating back disappear, not knowing why, but she felt a sense of crisis.

That girl just looked average, but her face was too beautiful.

She couldn't let the heat she bought with paid trolls get stolen by someone else.

Now she just hoped the girl would make a mistake...

It's impossible, how could anyone run faster than her, she's run this course dozens of times, there can't be any mistakes!

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