The Duke's Masked Wife

Chapter 214

214 Dynamic duo (2)

Alessandra slowly opened her eyes to the rays of the sun shining down on her from the window. They had both fallen asleep, forgetting to pull the curtain across and eat dinner. Alessandra tried to shift her body only to realize the strong grip around her waist. With how close Edgar intended they should sleep, she felt like a teddy bear being squeezed by a child.

Alessandra thought it must have been comforting for Edgar to lay like this with her. He held her as if she would disappear in the middle of the night. His warmth throughout the night was comforting but in the morning it was hard for her to make a grand escape from the bed.

“Go back to sleep,” she heard Edgar’s voice behind her.

Alessandra turned her head and asked, “How long have you been awake?”

“Since the sky changed. No one has returned yet as it is still early. You can rest for a bit more,” Edgar replied.

“The sun is directly on my face. Please release me for a moment so I...” Alessandra’s voice trailed off as Edgar got up from the bed to take care of it. ‘It’s like having a big puppy,’ she thought. One mention of something and Edgar was quick to either give or do it for her.

“Are you hungry? You were sound asleep so I did not wake you for food.”

Now that she was free to move, Alessandra sat up on her side of the bed and watched Edgar.”A little bit but I can wait until breakfast. The food from last night might be no good now. Are we still going to mess with the others?”

“Why would we let such a good moment pass?” Edgar asked. He sat on the edge of the bed beside Alessandra. His eyes went straight to the marks on her exposed chest. He had bitten her nipples quite a few times and only now worried if he had overdone it. “Are you alright?” He asked and reached out to fix her hair.


“Yes,” Alessandra replied.

“I may have bitten you too much last night,” Edgar said, regretting his actions a little bit. If he could turn back time and do it all over again, he would have done the same.

“Oh,” Alessandra’s cheeks turned red. She looked down at her chest to see red marks were visible because the straps of the night dress had fallen off her shoulder. Alessandra pulled the straps back up to hide the marks. “I am alright. Nothing hurts but I will have to hide them from Sally. I will have to wear a dress that needs to be buttoned up from the back.”

“I can help you get dressed,” Edgar happily offered his services.

“No thank you. I can do it myself. I am going to clean up and get dressed before the others arrive. We should not let them return and see us together or the plan will fail. Excuse me,” Alessandra said, trying to leave the bed but Edgar did not move and remained seated like he was waiting for something. “Is there something you need from me?”

“Yes, I could do well with a-”

“A carriage!” Alessandra exclaimed. The sound was faint but she was certain she heard a carriage outside.

Edgar found it to be unfortunate that he heard it too. “They have perfect timing, don’t they? Go ahead and get ready for the day. I will go downstairs and start the plan.”

“Alright,” Alessandra replied, excited to scheme with Edgar. His plans to tease someone were fun when it was targeted at others.

Alessandra wanted Alfred and everyone else to stop meddling in their relationship. Whatever was meant to happen between her and Edgar should happen naturally. She expected Alfred to be a little bit more understanding of her and Edgar trying to take things slow as he was aware of the contract and the fact they had only recently decided to make things real.

Edgar left the bed without the kiss he had been expecting while Alessandra hurried to the bathroom to get ready without Sally so the marks would not be seen.

‘I should fire all of them and hire people who will just do their job,’ Edgar thought as he left the bedroom and went downstairs. All he would need to do was build a house on his land for Alfred and put Sally and Caleb there.

Edgar reached the bottom of the stairs at the same time Caleb opened the front door. “Did all of you get lost and forget which way was home yesterday?”

“No, there was a problem with the carriage wheel so ugh,” Caleb scratched the back of his head. He was not used to lying to Edgar and didn’t like how Edgar’s grandmother requested they lie.

“You did not think I would buy that lie, did you? Do not hide behind him,” Edgar called out to Sally. She was acting like he would think Caleb grew two extra legs behind him. He could clearly see her hiding. “And where is the sly fox?”

“Right here?” Alfred held his hand up as he walked past Sally and Caleb. “Forgive us for not returning yesterday. Problems came up when we tried to return. Is the Duchess still sleeping? It is quite early.”

“I do not know.”

Alfred narrowed his eyes at this. “What do you mean by you do not know? Were you out of bed for a long time? You should have checked on her occasionally.”

“We did not sleep in the same bedroom last night. When will the butler arrive? I did not have anything to eat last night.” Edgar left the trio to walk inside the kitchen. Luckily, evidence of him not eating was still there.

“Is it just me or is the Duke more moody than usual? These days I thought he looked happy,” Caleb said then looked at Alfred who would know better. “Alfred- He’s gone,” he watched Alfred follow after Edgar. “It seems like the Duke and Duchess are not getting along.”

“But we left them on such good terms. I will check on her,” said Sally.

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