The Dynasty of Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 17

C17 – Martial Hall

Ni Huibo observed his elder uncle and couldn’t help but think that he seemed to have aged a decade in an instant.

The matter he had left unspoken must be concerning Ni Situo, right?

From their several altercations, it was clear to Ni Huibo that Ni Situo harbored some unfriendliness towards him.

He was puzzled by Ni Situo’s cold demeanor, as he couldn’t recall any wrongdoing on his part, especially not recently.

Maybe Ni Situo simply took a disliking to him?

Could it be because he spent his days idly in the small courtyard, like a good-for-nothing?

If that were true, then he had only himself to blame.

With these thoughts, Ni Huibo resolved to make a change.

Should any future conflicts with Ni Situo arise, he vowed to step aside proactively, primarily to ease his elder uncle’s worries.

After securing the courtyard door, Ni Huibo retreated indoors and shelved these concerns for the time being.

His mind was preoccupied with more pressing questions: Was his father alive or dead? Had his mother fallen victim to his father’s enemies? If his mother had indeed passed, where was she laid to rest? And just how formidable was his father’s nemesis, who seemed unshakeable even by the Ni family’s standards?

These urgent curiosities gnawed at him, but he knew that his immediate priority was to grow stronger. To seek justice for his father, to proudly claim his heritage, and to witness his father living a safe and healthy life, he had to gain power.

​Determined, Ni Huibo left the courtyard and approached a servant.

“Could you tell me where our clansmen go to train?” he inquired.

Despite his composed facade, Ni Huibo’s clenched fists betrayed his inner turmoil.

“The Martial Hall is the usual place. It’s centrally located within the Ni mansion, and it’s quite popular. I’ll show you the way,” the servant replied.

Recognizing Ni Huibo’s status from the courtyard he’d emerged from, the servant promptly led the way.

They arrived at a grand courtyard entrance.

The servant excused himself and departed, his expression one of admiration.

Ni Huibo gazed up at the expansive and impressive courtyard before him, noting the large plaque hanging prominently above the entrance, inscribed with the words “Martial Hall.”

Two guards stood at attention on either side of the entrance to the Martial Hall, tasked with barring entry to those without the proper qualifications for cultivation.

As Ni Huibo approached the door, the guards promptly raised their hands to halt him. “Identify yourself. Without the clan head’s permission, you may not enter.”

It seemed they had not met him before.

Ni Huibo was aware that his elder uncle had only just granted him permission to cultivate, and it was likely that his order had not yet been rescinded. Not wishing to cause trouble for the guards, he was about to turn back when he noticed someone hurrying toward the Martial Hall. This person bowed upon seeing Ni Huibo and whispered something to an Immortal Cultivation Hall guard before departing.

The guard’s initially puzzled expression turned to one of profound astonishment.

Was this indeed Ni Huibo?

The guards quickly saluted him, their minds swirling with questions. How had the patriarch suddenly allowed Ni Huibo to begin his cultivation? Hadn’t there been rumors that he was no good?

Yet they kept their musings to themselves, saying instead, “Please, come in.”

With a nod of thanks to the swiftly departing figure, Ni Huibo acknowledged the guards with a fist-and-palm salute. “Much appreciated.” And with that, he crossed the threshold into the Ni family’s Martial Hall for the first time.

Inside the courtyard, Ni Huibo’s gaze fell upon a vast stage constructed from numerous stone slabs, which from a distance appeared as if made from a single piece. The stage was a colossal cylinder, thirty meters in radius and three feet in height.

On the stage, a fierce battle was underway.

The man in the black robe appeared to be losing ground, but in a moment’s notice, he exploited his opponent’s lapse in concentration, hooking the enemy’s calf with his foot. As his adversary stumbled, the black robe’s fist came hurtling towards his face.

“Thank you for the match,” said the man in the black robe with a smile, offering a courteous hand gesture before leaping down from the stage.

“Ni Yong is truly formidable!”

“Indeed, Ni Yong’s talent ranks among the top within our Ni family.”

“It makes sense that Ni Yanlang would lose to him.”

A chorus of admiration quickly rose from those around.

Ni Huibo then looked up at the young man, realizing he was Ni Yong.

Ni Yong had returned from the Leap Test with good results, and his name had been a frequent topic of conversation within the Ni family lately. Unfamiliar with the place, Ni Huibo decided to approach him for guidance.

With that thought, once the crowd had dispersed, he approached and said, “My name is Ni Huibo. Are you Ni Yong by any chance?”

Upon hearing this, a flicker of recognition crossed Ni Yong’s eyes. So this was Ni Huibo? Recently, the most talked-about topic had been the contest between Ni Huibo and Ni Situo. Ni Huibo was once considered a fool and a disgrace by the Ni family, but to everyone’s surprise, he had managed to hold his own against Ni Situo.

It was no wonder that Ni Huibo seemed undisturbed by external matters, with clear eyes and a serene demeanor. He was certainly not the failure they had described.

Ni Yong, eager to befriend Ni Huibo, responded with a smile, “That’s me. What can I do for you?”

Ni Huibo’s opinion of Ni Yong had greatly improved. He earnestly replied, “It’s my first time at the Ni family’s Martial Hall, and I’m not yet acquainted with how things work here. Could you possibly show me around?”

“Of course!” Ni Yong replied with a smile. “Just remember that the Martial Hall is where the Ni family members spar and hone their skills. On the stage, we can engage in spirited bouts, but it’s crucial not to be overly harsh and endanger lives. Also, take note of the weapon racks on either side of the stage. They hold a variety of weapons, from swords and spears to sabers and halberds, suitable for both melee and ranged combat. If you don’t have a preferred weapon, feel free to choose one from there.”

Having covered the stage, Ni Yong gestured towards the two-story pavilion behind it and continued, “The pavilion houses various martial arts secrets and techniques. There are methods for swords, blades, staffs, and more. Don’t assume that wielding a weapon makes you unbeatable. It’s only the foolhardy who swing their weapons wildly. The intricacies of these martial arts secrets will become apparent as you study them. For now, don’t rush into learning different techniques. Find a weapon that feels right for you first.”

“I’m sixteen this year, and we’re about the same age, so feel free to call me by my name from now on,” Ni Yong said with a smile.

“Thank you, Brother Ni Yong!” Ni Huibo responded with an immediate nod. Ni Yong was likely the first of the Ni family’s younger generation to extend such kindness to him, and Ni Huibo felt a growing fondness for him.

Ni Yong went on, “The matter I mentioned isn’t of great importance. Since you’ve been allowed into the Martial Hall today, the patriarch must have given you permission to practice immortal techniques. You’ll understand all this in time. The secret cultivation scriptures are the legacy of every family, which is why such a book is forbidden within the Ni family. If you wish to study it, you’ll need to place in the top five in the family competition. You’re in luck; the competition starts in two months. Train hard in these martial skills and show those who underestimated you what you’re capable of!”

Witnessing Ni Yong’s passionate demeanor, Ni Huibo felt an even stronger sense of kinship with him.

Having said goodbye to Ni Yong, Ni Huibo wasted no more time. He made a beeline for the weapon rack and began to select the weapons he preferred.

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