The Dynasty of Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 3

C3 – As a Chef

Leaving the courtyard, Ni Ruiyuan arrived at the ancestral hall.

A young man and two girls knelt on the ground, following the resounding call of the Ni family’s flamen, they meticulously kowtowed and prayed for blessings from their ancestors.

Flanking the ancestral hall stood the Ni family’s most influential members, led by Ni Xianjian. The group ranged from the elderly, some over seventy, to the youth, with the youngest being only twenty.

This diversity in age was a reflection of their varying levels of cultivation. Ni Xianjian, the family’s most powerful figure, had reached the late period of the second level at the Mystic Gate. He was on the cusp of advancing to the third level and earning the title of a minor sect master.

​The twenty-year-old was Ni Situo, a standout among the Ni family’s younger generation and also Ni Xianjian’s son. At eighteen, Ni Situo’s talent was assessed as first stage medium grade, yet he was overlooked by the Imperial Court. Upon his return, he was assigned to the Immortal Cultivation Hall in Mightcairn as a deacon. He has since reached the early period of the second level, the stage of the Taoist Hall.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, Ni Situo could, in about a decade, take over as the Ni family’s premier cultivator from his father, Ni Xianjian.

​As the incense stick finished burning, the flamen directed the three children to stand and offer their bows to Ni Xianjian and the other elders.

“Great blessing!”

With a loud proclamation, the flamen passed a white porcelain bottle containing “Immortal Dew” to Ni Xianjian. A supple willow twig was inserted into the bottle, its tip gently drooping. Ni Xianjian, with practiced ease, dipped the twig into the “Immortal Dew” and anointed each of the three individuals before him.

The trio spoke in unison, “Thank you, Mystic Gate!”

Mystic Gate referred to Ni Xianjian’s realm.

This was indeed a blessing.

From emperors to commoner leaders, it was customary to use this method to represent the deities and bestow divine grace upon those of a lower status and realm.

With the ceremony complete, the blessing came to an end. Next, Ni Xianjian himself would escort the three test participants to the Immortal Cultivation Sacrificial Platform, hundreds of miles away from Mightcairn. The round trip was expected to take about a month.

“Situo, come here.” At the doorway, Ni Xianjian suddenly remembered something and gestured for Ni Situo, who was following behind him, to approach.

“Father.” Ni Situo bowed respectfully. Clad in white, his presence was commanding, bearing a resemblance to Ni Xianjian.

“There’s no need for you to accompany us this time. Just look after the household. Remember…” Ni Xianjian leaned in, whispering a few words into Ni Situo’s ear.

Ni Situo’s demeanor became stern, and he nodded, saying, “Father, you can count on me.”


At the flamen’s call, the Ni family embarked on their majestic journey.

Ni Ruiyuan watched the procession depart, then turned to walk back but was stopped by Ni Situo.

He bowed and inquired, “Aunt, is he doing well?”

Ni Ruiyuan nodded, “He’s unchanged.”

Ni Situo smiled with relief. “That’s reassuring. Father instructed me to stay behind, and I believe you understand his reasons, so…”

“Do you fear I might release Huibo?” Ni Ruiyuan interjected.

Ni Situo quickly clarified, “Aunt, that’s not what I’m suggesting…”

Ni Ruiyuan reassured him, “Worry not, I assure you he won’t step outside the Ni household.” With those words, she turned and departed.

Watching Ni Ruiyuan’s retreating figure, Ni Situo was lost in contemplation.

He pondered the implications of her words.

His aunt had obviously spoken with Ni Huibo, but why was she so certain he wouldn’t leave?

A young man confined for sixteen years, presented with such an excellent chance, wouldn’t he naturally consider exploring the outside world or taking steps towards gaining his freedom?

Was he like a spirit animal that had been tamed? No matter how fierce his wild nature, after more than a decade, had he succumbed to despair?

Or was this merely a tactic of his?

Ni Situo was eager to inquire about the reasons from Ni Ruiyuan, yet he feared that such a direct approach would be impolite and unbecoming of the poise expected of the Ni family’s future heir.

He glanced toward the small courtyard and ultimately resolved to see for himself.


In the courtyard, a young man sat cross-legged on a bed.

His expression was serene, but his forehead, nose tip, cheeks, and neck were coated with a sheen of fine sweat. The droplets merged and streamed down, quickly drenching his clothes.

The young man’s body quivered slightly. The tremors were subtle, yet they betrayed the intense pain he was enduring.

For about ten years, his body would periodically perform strange, uncontrollable feats. His strength, for instance, would surge, allowing him to flatten coins with ease. He could leap from the ground to the roof, only snapping out of it when the cool breeze hit him.

These uncontrollable episodes were brief, but their impact was profound. Each time, a searing heat would erupt within him, radiating from his core and lasting roughly two hours before settling down.

Now was such a moment, the heat coursing through him. He sat on the bed, attempting the cultivation techniques he’d read about, trying to use sheer willpower to subdue the energy, but to little avail. He had yet to discover the path to true cultivation and remained a mere mortal. His prior plea to Ni Ruiyuan for guidance was driven by a desire to master control over his body at all times.

Four hours flew by, and his sweat poured like rain. He rose, visibly exhausted. The frequency of these uncontrollable episodes was increasing, and he dreaded what might eventually transpire if they persisted.

For the first time, he experienced a sense of unease about his own body.

However, this feeling of uneasiness quickly faded away. He returned to his usual self, changed into clean clothes, and began to heat some water, looking forward to a refreshing bath. Afterward, he harvested vegetables from his garden and cooked a hearty meal.

The aroma of the food drifted outside and caught the attention of Ni Situo, who had just arrived.

He lingered at the door, inhaling deeply. Drawn by the enticing scent, he leaned in for a closer sniff through the crack in the door. It was, without a doubt, delicious.

He didn’t plan to enter. Instead, he peered inside and saw Ni Huibo bringing out dishes, arranging them meticulously on the stone table in the courtyard. The source of the tantalizing aroma was these very dishes.

Ni Huibo’s cooking skills were exceptional. It seemed that in this lifetime, he might well be destined to be a chef.

Ni Huibo had missed the opportunity to participate in this year’s talent test. His next chance wouldn’t come until his birthday in four years. But the question lingered: would an opportunity present itself then?

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