The Dynasty of Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 40

C40 – The Quota Has Already Been Confirmed

This was the harsh reality.

Five individuals at the late stage of the first level had emerged, and with their strength only at the middle stage, they stood no chance in competition.

Centered on the stage were five people: Ni Situo, Ni Shang, Ni Huibo, along with two young men who had fortuitously joined their ranks. Despite knowing they were about to be challenged and likely eliminated, their expressions bore no sign of defeat. Their presence here would not go unnoticed in the future, ensuring they would receive a certain level of recognition.

​In such a critical situation, Ni Huibo and Ni Yong would not let personal loyalties cloud their judgment. They would only choose to challenge those they were most likely to defeat.

From his vantage point on the high platform, Ni Xianjian surveyed the crowd. Noticing everyone had assembled, he declared in a booming voice, “Very well! Now, all those who have been eliminated will have one opportunity to issue a challenge. Should they succeed, they will take the place of the defeated and become part of the top five, earning the right to enter the forbidden area.”

His voice, amplified by an unseen force, reverberated with impressive might.

​The audience absorbed every word, yet a hush fell over the crowd. The previous day’s contests had laid bare the gulf between the middle and late stages. To challenge now would be to invite disgrace upon oneself.

However, there were two notable exceptions.

Ni Yirong and Ni Yong simultaneously stepped forward.

“I wish to challenge Yang Feng.”

“I wish to challenge Yang Meng.”

Their actions hardly caused a ripple of surprise among the onlookers.

Onstage, the two named disciples responded with wry smiles and stepped forward.


With no challengers, Ni Huibo found himself with time to spare. He casually made his way to the edge of the platform to wait.

The pair in question were certainly strong, standing out in the middle stage of the first level, but the disparity in their abilities was still significant.

As Ni Huibo settled down to meditate, the battle on the stage swiftly concluded.

​”That was quick!” he thought to himself, a mix of surprise and admiration stirring within him.

Ni Yirong and Ni Yong had reached the pinnacle of the first level. Should they successfully advance to the second level, their prospects would be incredibly promising, potentially even rivaling Ni Xianjian’s achievements. Their innate talent was a powerful ally in their ascent.

“I’m not sure about my own talent. Without the power within me and the Lifedrinker Orb continuously drawing in spiritual energy, I might be lagging behind them,” Ni Huibo mused, maintaining a calm expression while his hands were clenched tightly.

“Ni Yirong and Ni Yong have emerged victorious, securing their places in the top five! Does anyone else wish to challenge them?” Ni Xianjian proclaimed from the stage, his eyes twinkling with mirth as he gazed upon the triumphant pair, clearly pleased. Despite a few unexpected turns, the overall outcome had unfolded much as he had anticipated.

A hush fell over the crowd below the stage.

“In that case, this year’s Ni Family Competition is hereby concluded. As the Patriarch, I declare the victors to be Ni Situo, Ni Huibo, Ni Shang, Ni Yirong, and Ni Yong.”

“Furthermore, they will be granted access to the Martial Hall’s forbidden area, where they may each select a cultivation method of their choice.”

With these words, Ni Xianjian clapped his hands, signaling the approach of several white-haired elders who followed in his wake. These esteemed elders of the Ni family typically oversaw the sacred forbidden area and seldom made public appearances.

​Expressions of envy and anticipation danced across the faces of the younger family members gathered below. The Martial Hall’s forbidden area was shrouded in mystery within the Ni family, a place few had ever ventured. Ni Xianjian’s demeanor suggested that he was about to reveal the entrance then and there.

Ni Huibo and his peers stood together in the center of the martial arts field, silently awaiting the unveiling of the entrance.

The Martial Hall was situated adjacent to the Ni family estate, bordered on three sides by flat land and backed by the Mountain. The entrance to the forbidden area was nestled against the mountainside, marked by a massive stone door exuding an air of antiquity. The door stood imposingly, its presence both weighty and profound.

Intricate, unusual patterns adorned the stone door, which, despite being crafted by human hands, seemed as though it was part of nature itself. Moss clung to its surface, hinting at its ancient existence.

Two lofty towers flanked the stone door, constructed of rich mahogany. These were more familiar to the clan members, who would often glance their way during visits to the Martial Hall. The towers served as the residence for the family’s elders.

The elders of the Ni family set themselves apart from those of other families by typically refraining from meddling in family affairs. They served as the guardians of the sacred grounds, emerging only when the family’s very survival was at stake.

For this reason, only they could initiate the opening of the sacred grounds, as they alone possessed the knowledge of its activation.

“Elders,” Ni Xianjian greeted, bowing with his hands clasped before the venerable men, his gaze brimming with respect. “As the head of the Ni family, I humbly request that you unlock the Martial Hall’s sacred grounds, allowing the younger generation to seek their fortunes.”

“Xianjian, these youngsters are quite impressive,” remarked an elder, his hand fondly stroking his white beard. He turned to his peers and said, “Brothers, let’s begin.”

“Indeed, let’s not delay them any further,” they agreed, smiling and nodding in approval. The elders were heartened to see such promising talent in their lineage. Without further ado, they each produced a jade stone from within their sleeves.

The jades were translucent and uniquely shaped, each glowing with a soft, jade-green sheen.

Exchanging knowing glances, the elders made their way to the imposing stone door.

Ni Xianjian chided the five awestruck youths with a chuckle, “What are you waiting for? Come along! The elders are here to escort you into the sacred grounds.”

Startled, Ni Huibo’s face lit up with excitement, and he hurried after them, the others quickly falling in step behind him.

Approaching the entrance, the stone door loomed ever larger, its ancient presence enveloping them, the faint dampness of moss adding to the enveloping sense of mystery.

The five elders positioned themselves before the door, where one could discern five recesses. Each elder placed their jade into a corresponding groove.

The earth quivered gently as the massive stone door began to swing inward, its movement accompanied by a deep, resonant sound.

For Ni Huibo and his companions, this was their inaugural visit to the sacred grounds. They watched in awe as the formidable gateway yielded, revealing the secrets that lay beyond.

“This intricate mechanism was crafted by the finest artisans of a bygone era,” one elder explained with pride. “It represents the pinnacle of worldly craftsmanship. Even the family head would struggle to open this door without considerable effort.”

Observing the shock on their faces, the elder at the back couldn’t resist a boastful remark, clearly pleased with himself.

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