The Emperor and the Knightess

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

Poliana was bleeding quite a bit, but what bothered her most was the fact that she was feeling dizzy and annoyed at the same time. An immense frustration and anger overwhelmed her, so Poliana kicked her bed hard. Her toes hurt, which angered her even more.

The doctors ran into the room and gasped when they saw the blood. They examined her and listened to her symptoms, which were abdominal and muscle pain, and in the end, the doctors called for the gynecologist for help.

After a long discussion among the doctors, the diagnosis was made.

Poliana was having her period.

The gynecologist explained, “After the war, your body probably began to relax, Marquess Winter. It was on its way back to a normal healthy state and when this sudden injury caused you extreme stress, it must’ve triggered your monthly bleeding again.”

Poliana muttered, “So my period stopped because of stress and it began again because of stress again? How ironic.”

It has been many years since she had her menstruation, and Poliana wasn’t happy about its return. Was it because of her period, or was her moodiness a coincidence? Either way, Poliana felt awful and angry.

Frustrated, Poliana acted like an injured wild animal. She became very wary of everyone, even the maids who were taking care of her. Everyone knew that she was very concerned for Lady Rebecca, so people were very understanding of Poliana’s rudeness. Her period certainly didn’t help her mood either.

The maids chatted among themselves.

“I have never seen Marquess Winter acting like that. She has always been tough on the other knights and the guards, but always kind to us. She must be in a lot of pain.”

“Exactly, and with what happened to Lady Rebecca… Marquess Winter is very close to her, right?”

“And this is her first period in five years, right? Can you imagine how awful her body must feel?”

The maids remembered the days when they were young and didn’t have to suffer from their periods every month. They used to feel so much freer at the time; they missed their childhood. As soon as they had their first menstruation, they were no longer treated like a child. They were considered women who could bear a child. Being treated as an adult was fun and exciting, but the women still sometimes missed their younger days when they had less to worry about.

In her bed, Poliana laid down as she chewed on a piece of jerky. She knew she was being rude and annoying to everyone ever since her period began, and she hated it. What bothered her the most was the fact that even though she knew she was being a jerk, she couldn’t stop.

Poliana promised herself that she would never abuse her power, but now, all she felt was her entire body aching and her mood worsening by the minute. Poliana couldn’t think straight at all.

The doctors and the maids treated Poliana with kindness. The doctors were nice to her since she was their patient and the maids were kind to her because they believed that Poliana was suffering from five years worth of period all at once.


Poliana punched her bed angrily. Every time she did, her ribs hurt along with her stomach and her hip. Pain killers didn’t help at all. The only thing the doctors could suggest to her was to be patient. She hasn’t had a period in five years, so it was normal for her to feel uncomfortable. The maids put a warm cloth on her stomach, but it didn’t help.

In the past, Poliana has been stabbed by swords and spears. She was shot by many arrows and she was punched several times as well. Her nose broke before and she experienced plenty of large cuts. There were times when she had to hold her sword with her palm scraped and bleeding. She even had to roll on the dirty ground naked.

All her life, Poliana had lived with various injuries. She had enough scars to prove it. She was used to sharp intense pain, but this dull constant throbbing was the worst thing she has ever experienced; it felt unbearable to her.

She felt so annoyed because she couldn’t control her annoyance. This symptom lasted until the last day of her period. The only people Poliana could muster to treat with politeness were Lady Stra, Lady Tory, Duke Luzo, and Duchess Luzo.

In the end, the National Day feast was carried on without the emperor or Poliana.


Lady Tory decided that it would be best not to spread the news of Lady Rebecca’s condition. This meant that Lady Tory and Lady Stra had to continue smiling throughout the feast as if nothing was wrong back home. This wasn’t very hard to do for the ladies because they were raised to be this way. They were taught to put a kind smile, even when someone was dying in front of them. They grew up in different kingdoms, but the two ladies were educated in similar ways.

Finally, the feast and all of the National Day celebrations ended. Most of the people from out of the town left Nanaba. The only guests left were Lady Tory, Lady Stra, and Poliana, who had to remain in the Nanaba castle as the emperor ordered.


Poliana’s period ended as well, and as soon as she felt better, she went around to apologize to everyone for her rudeness. She felt so guilty about her behavior.

Lady Stra and Lady Tory, who were younger than Poliana, acted very responsibly during the entire celebration period while Poliana, who was supposed to be working as well, acted like an absolute jerk. Remembering how she behaved made Poliana feel frustrated as well.

‘Why did I act like that? Why? Did I lose my mind for a few days or something?’

She flushed from the shame of it. The doctors assured her that it was okay and that she should remain in her bed. They informed her, “There is a good chance you will continue to have your monthly bleeding regularly from now on, Marquess Winter.”

This meant that she might have her period even during her work shifts. Lady Tory brought up the subject of the color of Poliana’s uniform. It was a bright blue because it looked elegant and it was also one of the cheapest dyes. The problem was that if any blood got on this color, it would become very noticeable. Lady Tory suggested that perhaps Poliana should get a red uniform but knowing what color blood turned into when it dried, Poliana couldn’t agree. Lady Tory was very smart, yet there were times like this when it was obvious that she was a proper lady who had never seen dried blood before.

Poliana thought to herself, ‘Black would be better to cover the blood.’

What was really important here, however, wasn’t the color Lady Tory suggested. It was the fact that Lady Tory thought of Poliana. The lady’s thoughtfulness made Poliana feel even guiltier. She said to Lady Tory, “I apologize again, Lady Tory, for my rudeness during the last few days. As soon as I return to Yapa, I will resign from my post.”

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