The Eternal battle

Chapter 237: Newbies Crush (4)

Chapter 237: Newbies Crush (4)

Wushuang Ranying was silent a little and didn't find anything to say, but thinking about it and except when they mocked her, everything they said was correct, from the reason for not meeting anyone to newbies crushing to Jiao Lang's analysis of Jiang Beizhou's actions , Wushuang Ranying was not stupid and could say that What they said is absolutely correct, all it is that Jiao Lang's tongue is so sharp and ruthless that it annoyed her.

Wushuang Ranying might be irritable, but she is by no means narrow-minded, so after hearing Tantai Renxian's words, she decided to observe Shi Tu's fight, although he didn't bode well given his lazy attitude.

" Amitabha, the Benefactor appears self-assured "

Shi Tu smiled and answered, " Buddha said Pranja is Pranja, but Pranja is not Pranja, what will happen will happen and what will not happen will not happen, If it does happen then it has happened and if it doesn't then it might happen "

Wushuang Ranying frowned  a little, she didn't know anything about Buddhism, so she cannot say anything, especially as the sutras of Buddhism is usually not understood.

Ba Zhi looked confused for a moment before enlightenment appeared and then bowed very respectfully in front of Shi Tu.

" This poor monk thanks the Benefactor for his kindness. "

" No need, I just explained why I'm relaxing. Should we start fighting? "

" Even though the poor monk owes the Benefactor, this poor monk will not back down. "

" Certainly "

Ba Zhi grabbed his stick and shake it, using his other hand to form some seals.

In front of Ba Zhi, a radiant golden light gathered and quickly transformed into a Buddha figure the same size as Ba Zhi.

" Dharma? Not bad, but this is far from the standard required. "

Although the dharma displayed by Ba Zhi is impressive to a person of his level, it is not a thing for Shi Tu.

Shi Tu without taking any postures or forming any seals, a giant golden Buddha appeared behind Shi Tu naturally and smoothly. This Buddha is so dazzling that its light looked like the sun and the Buddhist laws that emanate from it are so deep that the Buddhism laws of Ba Zhi dispersed and surrendered it. 

" This ...."

Ba Zhi was stunned of Buddha behind Shi Tu who looked exactly like a living golden Buddha.

Ba Zhi quickly got down on his knees and closed his eyes after his dharma had been destroyed, and although he bled some blood from his mouth corner, he seemed extremely happy and drowned in enlightenment.

Shi Tu looked at Gu Xu and said, 

" Now, what is the result of this fight? "

Gu Xu stared at Shi Tu sharply before saying with a smile.

" It is your victory, although you didn't fight him, but your understanding of Buddhism exceeds him so much that you are able to enter him into a state of enlightenment easily, in this case anyone can eliminate Ba Zhi and since you won, his 39th position is yours now.''

" Shi Tu "

Jiao Lang pointed towards Wushuang Ranying and said, "It seems that there are those who are not convinced of the result. "

Wushuang Ranying said in displeasure, " Unlike some people, Fellow Shi Tu has relied on his own understanding in order to achieve victory, although he is not strong enough and this trick only works on Buddhist cultivators, but this doesn't change the fact that it is his own ability. "

" In short, you are not convinced but you have no argument to complain? "

Shi Tu turned to Gu Xu said, " Since everyone doubts my abilities, what about facing someone else? I don't mind that since I'm bored and it would be nice to move my joints a little bit "

Gu Xu felt a little confused, according to his analysis of Shi Tu's character, he is not assumed to be the type who cares about what other people think nor has he any objection about the result as long as it is Shi Tu's own ability, after all the wise action is to defeat the opponent with less efforts and without showing a lot of cards and that's exactly what Shi Tu did.

Young people may not understand it but Gu Xu understands it very well.

Though and since he wanted to see more of Shi Tu's abilities, he didn't object and said

" It's okay, but as long as you rely on your cultivation base only. "

Everyone nodded in agreement with Gu Xu, with this, Shi Tu will have to fight with his own ability without any outside forces or any tricks and they will be able to see his true level.

" Certainly "

" In this case I will be your opponent. "

The fourth and last person brought by Gu Xu came forward

" My name is Sikong Hun, ranked 41."

Shi Tu smiled and answered, " I am Shi Tu, if I were placed in the ranking, I think I would be first. "

Without warning, Sikong Hun rushed towards Shi Tu, it looked like a rocket-propelled grenade but what was impressive was that there is nothing indicating his attack rather an energy storm appeared around him in an instant and he took one step.

In the next moment, Sikong Hun stood in front of Shi Tu and punched him with all his might without restraining himself.

" Since you're so cocky, let me teach you a lesson "

Sikong Hun's punch was so powerful that the ground behind Shi Tu was completely shattered.

Though, this punch never hit Shi Tu.

" An afterimage? "

" Your back is exposed "

When Sikong Hun turn to the sound source, Shi Tu was already standing behind him and drew him a quick punch targeted ruthlessly the most sensitive place - Dantian

Before Shi Tu's punch reached a faint light appeared that covered the Dantian area.

This light managed to block Shi Tu's punch easily and gave Sikong Hun enough time to counterattack, but before his punch reached Shi Tu, a golden path appeared on the ground allowing Shi Tu to retreat.

" Ninth Level Mortal Defensive Treasure? "

Shi Tu was immediately able to discern the level of this treasure and showed no expression.

Weapons and treasures are divided into five Grades that correspond to the five steps, which are the Mortal Grad, Ancient Grad, Immortal Grad, Transcendent Grad, Sovereign Grad, and each grad is divided into nine levels.

What Sikong Hun just used is a level 9 mortal defensive treasure with his cultivation base at first step seventh level, it is not strange that he has such a thing.

" I thought that the use of external force is prohibited "

Sikong Hun mocked and said, " Elder Gu said that it only applies to you, no one said I had to stick to this. "

Sikong Hun took out two metal gloves and put on them.

" A level 9 mortal weapon? That's a bit too much "

If Shi Tu used Primordial Energy, it would be easy for him to crush Sikong Hun with one blow, but he felt that this was an exaggeration, especially since he wanted to try his new body.

" Demon Star Steps "

Shi Tu disappeared from his place and at the next moment appeared behind Sikong Hun, targeting his arm joint in place of Dantian.

This was a sudden and swift attack, so Sikong Hun couldn't help but take this hit, although it was not very strong but it definitely did some damage.

Sikong Hun gathered his power and turned quickly to hit Shi Tu, who had already disappeared and appeared behind him again, targeting another arm joint and once again managed to escape before get hit by Sikong Hun


This continued to happen many times and very quickly, causing a storm to form around Sikong Hun that was continuing to rotate in place.

He tried several times to break this vicious circle, but every time he tried to escape, he was fiercely targeted in order to push him and prevent him from leaving, and he could not do anything but continue chasing Shi Tu and spinning in place because Shi Tu surpassed him so much in speed thanks to Demon Star Steps. So much so, that for a moment he thought that he was facing more than one Shi Tu.

" One time, just one stroke is enough. "

Sikong Hun tried to persevere as he was convinced that one hit was enough to wipe out Shi Tu.

But no matter how long it took, he was unable to touch Shi Tu and only got hit in many sensitive places that were considered weaknesses such as the joints of his arms, feet, side and neck, and although Shi Tu's blows were not that strong, their effect began to appear after the repeated beating.

" You bastard! stop running like rats and fight me right after and in fairness. "

Sikong Hun roared in anger due to the humiliation he was subjected to, never imagining that he would be incapable of even delivering one blow to a person five levels weaker than him while continuing to take punches.

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