The Eternal battle

Chapter 248: Waste (2)

Chapter 248: Waste (2)

" Sister-in-law, you have no idea what kind of gift I brought for you, listen to me first and then judge ....."

" No need, no matter how great the gift is, it's less important than the friendship that arises from facing death together. "

Jiao Lang looked between Mingzhi Mei and Die Yingming, then sighed.

" You two are really a couple. Okay, I'll let her live but don't regret it later. "

" I will not. "

Suddenly, Jiao Lang formed some seals and shot a strange light towards Yin Shuang.

" What is this? You just promised me! "

Mingzhi Mei asked in dismay, thinking that Jiao Lang had back on his word.

Jiao Lang didn't get angry and showed an amused expression and said, " Nothing, since she mocked my mother, I made her forever sterile so that she would never know what it would be like to be a mother, that is if she survives. "

" What do you mean by ' if she survives '? "

Mingzhi Mei looked a little suspicious but didn't follow through because there was more important now.

Then Jiao Lang got off the Stage and sat beside Shi Tu with an upset expression on his face.

" What a waste "

Shi Tu agreed and said, " True, I wonder how all those who deceived by you will feel when they know that you get refused when you made an honest promise "

" Tsk, it's not funny. "

" Do you want to make a bet with me? "

Suddenly, Shi Tu said

Gu Xu rushed toward the Wushuang Ranying and Yin Shuang for treatment but he soon frowned deeply and then shook his head and sigh.

Seeing this, Mingzhi Mei seemed to realize what Jiao Lang had meant and quickly said, " Elder Gu, what's wrong? If you can't save them, then an expert must be called in quickly before it's too late. "

Gu Xu shook his head and said, " Impossible, external injuries are not very serious but serious internal injuries too, their veins have been completely smashed and there are many cracks in the Dantian, they will not be able to live until the arrival of an expert, let alone take them to an expert "

Gu Xu looked at Mingzhi with some pity and said, " you have missed a great opportunity on people destined to die. "

" What? Impossible! can't you do anything? "

Gu Xu shook his head deficit but he stole a look at the Jiao Lang and seemed somewhat despised, as well as Tantai Renxian and Dugu Lingtian.

They have the same thought and is that Jiao Lang has deceived her to not give the gift because he didn't expect her to win so he deceived her taking advantage of her kindness, after all, Jiao Lang already paired in their hearts with deceiving and shamelessly.

" No, there has to be a solution "

Mingzhi Mei shook her head in disbelief, completely convinced that there was some solution, wanted to believe it because he didn't deserve to die just because of such a silly fight.

" Don't tire yourself, even I cannot extend their life much until the arrival of a medical expert, there is no hope. "

Gu Xu tried to console her and said, " Don't worry, this isn't your fault. You did your best and no one will blame you. All the blame is on him because of his bad personality. "

It didn't seem that Mingzhi Mei had heard what Gu Xu had said, and she seemed to be overwhelmed in her contemplation.

' No, if there was no solution why would he say that? '

Mingzhi Mei learned her lesson well, which is to think deeply about everything Jiao Lang says because it is mostly true and since he said ' If she survives ' this means that there is some way to save them and their death isn't certain.

Suddenly, Mingzhi Mei's eyes brightened, and looked towards Shi Tu, from what he had previously shown, that strange gray energy had a high healing ability and he might be able to save them from now on.

But her face quickly darkened, a technique like this must have a heavy price, no problem using it to treat his brother Jiao Lang, but strangers? She didn't think Shi Tu was kind enough to do something like this or that he had actually saved them.

" There is no side effect "

Die Yingming said, " But he will not help even if you ask him. That man will not help anyone unless he gets something in return, he doesn't like to do something meaningless. "

Mingzhi Mei showed disappointment and was upset at her lack of resourcefulness, but Die Yingming continued with a forced smile.

" But they seem very lucky. Previously, Shi Tu had also promised me to give you a great gift if you survived. "

" Really? "

Mingzhi Mei's face shone in excitement as if she had found the light in the darkness.

" Yes "

Mingzhi Mei didn't hesitate to run quickly towards Shi Tu and bowed her head straight

" Please, can you save their lives? "

Even though she was asking for her promised gift, she didn't mention it and made it seem like she was asking him, most likely to give Shi Tu some face or perhaps ashamed of the fact that she is forcing him to rescue strangers he doesn't want to save.

" Sister-in-law, my gift is much greater than Jiao Lang and much greater than you can imagine, are you really sure? "

" Yes "

Mingzhi Mei answered firmly and without hesitation.

Shi Tu smiled and then split his finger and a gray aura exploded around Wushuang Ranying and Yin Shuang and their injuries began to heal very quickly.

" Thank you very much "

Mingzhi Mei nodded her head again very sincerely towards Shi Tu and then hurried to inspect the condition of Wushuang Ranying and Yin Shuang.

Shi Tu looked at Jiao Lang with a triumphant look and said, "It seems that I win the bet this time. The Primordial Energy that he instilled in them has not been wasted beforehand. "

" Tsk "

Jiao Lang flicked his tongue in frustration and said, " And here I thought that I would make fun of you because of your overconfidence and preparation to help them in advance, but I really didn't expect that she would learn her lesson so quickly. "

Jiao Lang looked towards Shi Tu and said, " She's a good wife, and it seems that Die Yingming knows how to choose, unlike someone I know. "

Shi Tu didn't respond to Jiao Lang's mockery and stared at Mingzhi Mei deeply and said sarcastically, " Promise a great gift from the Heavenly Sly Emperor and someone with seven Heavenly Titles wasted for two rubbish lives? What a waste "

Shi Tu shook his head and didn't know what to say, with these two promises, many things could be accomplished.

Previously, simply making a Heavenly Title owed a favor or obtaining a verbal promise from him to provide help was enough to allow the scum to become a flying dragon in the sky.

Nobody will ever waste this good because it is a pillar and deterrent at the same time, with this promise, no one will ever dare to cause trouble, not even Sovereign Realms for fear of having to face a Heavenly Title.

but now? two promises were wasted for saving unimportant trash.

If people knew that, who knew what kind of expressions they would show?

Jiao Lang sneered and said, " I don't think it is right to describe them as trash anymore. They were saved using two promises from us. Their lives now can be compared to the top ten treasures. "

" Heh, I think that's true. Wushuang Ranying and Yin Shuang, it seems I should remember these two names very well. "

After some silence, Jiao Lang resigned and said, " Well, as promised, I will teach the daughter of Etray, But are you okay? It's just a doll for you to get her Vital Yin, why do you want to spend all this for? "

" It's still mine and holds the rank of a concubine, I have some obligations toward her. "

Jiao Lang sneered and said

" Obligations? Tsk, who do you think you are talking to? You just think it will be a problem if she die when you are not there, at least before you reach the Yin-Yang realm, she shouldn't die. "

" Whatever "

Shi Tu shrugged his shoulders and said no more.

Jiao Lang's eyes narrowed and said, " In that case, I can't wait to see how you will treat her after you take her Vital Yin and lose her usefulness to you. "

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