The Eternal battle

Chapter 278: Primordial Energy (1)

Chapter 278: Primordial Energy (1)

For young people, no matter how clever they are, they always have a fatal flaw, which is the arrogance of allowing their emotions to control their decisions even in the worst situations.

Although this group can ignore their feelings to some extent, but not enough.

In this case, the wisest option given their abilities would be to fight a two-on-three battle with Catherine Asmodeus supporting them with the illusion from behind and this would give them an easy victory. But Catherine Asmodeus's unwillingness to cooperate directly with men and her self-deception that she is stronger than them made her fight the battle alone, her battle which made her in a situation where she might die at any moment.

The same goes for Wulong Wuhe and Cang Sihe who kept refusing to fight together until they used up a lot of their energy and using their bloodline became dangerous to their lives and consumed everything they had without considering the need to help Sun Jie in. Her battle is the hardest.

The same for Sun Jie who tried to quickly beat Situ Liangheng alone while it was better to delay until help came.

On the other hand, Situ Lianheng and his group's mistake was their arrogance and desire to mess around a bit while they should end quickly if they fought seriously from the start, then even if Sun Jie's group cooperated from the start, they wouldn't have any chance of victory.

" Brat No, I don't think it's appropriate to call you like that, what's your name? "

" Shi Tu "

" Okay, Shi Tu, with your wisdom you are supposed to understand that you can't beat me right? That's what I want to say but looking at your calm looks like you have something to rely on, right? Are you ..."

" No "

Before Situ Lianheng could finish his words, Shi Tu interrupted him.

" I'm not the young master of any clan and I don't have a family of strong background because I am an orphan and I certainly don't belong to any strong influence, I am completely alone, though . You seem like a talented person, what do you think of working for me? "

Situ Lianheng sneered and said, " After wasting my life work, trying to recruit me? "

Shi Tu sighed and said," Useless? Huh, As expected, given the rage in your head, I'm sure you wouldn't back down even if I told you that you had no chance of defeating me, right? "

" How arrogant! even though your Shen level technique is stronger than the currently known techniques and allows you to fight a full step above your level, there are still three levels between us and I don't think you can do anything after the blood runs out, either ..."

Situ Lianheng 's eyes narrowed and he said sarcastically," How long have you been using the Shen level technique? You've been using more strength than your body can handle for so long, it's not strange that you could fall at any moment and I doubt you can last long. "

Situ Lianheng couldn't believe Shi Tu's words, even if he overestimated Shi Tu, it's completely impossible.

" Impossible? This is the word for weaks to justify their inability "

Shi Tu cracked his finger and a gray flame ignited on Sun Jie's corpse, this flame made Situ Lianheng feel danger and immediately turn away from Sun Jie.

Moments later, the gray flame disappeared and Sun Jie stood up completely intact.

"So that gray flame is your ability?"

Situ Lianheng thought of something and sneered, "So you can treat the rest of your friends and fight me?"

"Is that right Shi Tu? Hurry up then."

Sun Jie had no problem keeping up with what was happening because she was conscious throughout the whole standing, just couldn't move.

Sun Jie looked very excited, although she wouldn't be able to take revenge on Situ Lianheng by herself but at least she would participate and take the lion's share.

"No, I will not cure them. If I had this intention, I would have taken it from the beginning, as I did with you."

" so why... "

"Because you can't defeat him even if you all go on him together with all your might, you wouldn't listen to me if I told you this from the start and I only care about your life because I'm going to have to give an explanation to Alice which is annoying because when she gets upset she doesn't listen to what she's being told."

"Now that you are sure that you are weaker than him, step aside and let me deal with him."

Sun Jie had nothing to say although she wanted to deny, she could vaguely realize that Situ Lianheng was hiding a big trump card and it was not wrong to say that they might not win even if they cooperated from the start and it is also true that none of them would listen to Shi Tu and would even consider it an insult if he told them this before.

"Stop bragging"

Situ Lianheng seemed so upset with Shi Tu that he could no longer hide his anger due to the appearance of several veins on his head.

"Although I didn't watch everything but I watched the last moments of your fight, your limit is the fourth level of the second step even with the support of your sword, I don't know what trick you used to cripple Zhu Hen but it definitely won't work on me."

Shi Tu nodded and said,"You are right, my limit is the second level of the second step with the support of the Berserk God Art I was gradually able to temporarily raise my strength to the fourth level using the blood of the ones I killed."

Sun Jie looked worriedly at Shi Tu, she couldn't let her sister's man die like that right?

Sun Jie exchanged looks with the Yingjun duo and seemed to have the same thoughts as they drew their weapons, if they all cooperated, they might have a chance to win or at least escape.

None of them felt hesitant even though this meant giving up on the rest so they are only in a cooperative relationship and they don't have a death obligation with them.

"That's why I'll have to use it."



As soon as Shi Tu finished speaking, everyone noticed that the place was surrounded by a barrier.

"Blood Array? Does that mean you were creating this killing array? But I don't feel any suppression from this array. It's definitely neither a slaughter array nor a defense array."

"It's just a precaution so outsiders don't notice what's going on here, anyone can get in and out easily."

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