The Eternal battle

Chapter 289: Father's Advice

Chapter 289: Father's Advice

Raskreia rushed with all speed to where Die Yingming told her.

While running, Raskreia took out a red pill with three clear lines and gave a refreshing perfume to the body

This pill is called the Supreme Blood Concentration Pill and it is a Third Grad Pill that is only for vampires and its effect is to temporarily increase the concentration of blood in the body in order to increase physical abilities since the core of a vampire's strength is their own blood.

'I must hurry, I must not allow anyone to lay hands on Shi Tu's corpse and disrespect it, given his performance, there will inevitably be some who want to obtain his corpse in order to obtain his secrets especially after the spread of what happened in his previous battles and the fact that he possesses Shen ..... huh? '

Suddenly Raskreia felt like she realized something.

' Why Die Yingming is not following? '

Raskreia looked back and didn't see any trace of him which means he doesn't care that much to hurry up with her.

' Is it possible that he doesn't really care about his brother? what about Arcana? Does she really don't care? Shi Tu's eyes can't be that bad for people, right? '

As she drew closer, questions in her mind increased but she didn't find an answer and decided to just ignore all these doubts.

Eventually, Raskreia came and saw some about twenty people trying to advance but fortunately, there were two people blocking the way and not letting anyone pass.

As soon as they saw Raskreia's arrival they screamed, " Go away "

" The deceased's family has come and you still want to scramble for the corpse? Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? "

After Raskreia arrived and heard what was said, the majority couldn't help but get back.

Apparently, those blocking the way were trying to win the favor of Raskreia and Arcana and this drew everyone's contempt but they couldn't act rudely.

This is the Madness Academy, everyone here is crazy and doesn't care about giving a face to anyone as long as it means getting a lucky chance but there are some moral barriers they can't cross.

At least in public.

In fact, the same goes for those who are trying to gain the favor of Raskreia, only that they are the first to arrive and they have tried all the ways in order to get something from Shi Tu's body but to no avail so they decide to try to use the situation to get on the good side of Raskreia.

Raskreia clasped her hands and said respectfully.

"Fellows, this is the body of my dead husband, I hope you will give me some face and allow me to bury it properly and I will be grateful to you. "

" No problem "

Someone who also seemed to have just arrived stepped forward and said before anyone else responded.

" No problem but I want to borrow the corpse for a while, I hope little sister Raskreia doesn't mind? I just want to check the corpse for clues about the killer. "

The young man maintained a proud and heroic appearance and calmly took out a special token and showed it to Raskreia.

" As you can see, I'm is Xing Yuan, currently ranked tenth and a member of the Law Enforcement Squad, I hope Little Sister will cooperate with us and if has some clues please let us know to make our work easier. "

Searching for clues about the killer? Bullshit!!

Even the idiot here can know Xing Yuan's intentions, he wants to dig for Shi Tu's secrets, specifically the Shen Level Technique.

He even dares to blackmail Raskreia to obediently handing over Shi Tu's secrets along with some benefits quickly if she wants to obtain Shi Tu's body and provide a decent burial.

If Xing Yuan only wanted Shi Tu's secrets, no one would complain, everyone is here for this reason but he threatens Raskreia with her husband's corpse? Not many could stand this arrogant and insolent tone.

Although everyone is here for the same reason, but they wouldn't exaggerate it like that, everyone wanted to have a chance before Raskreia came to claim Shi Tu's body.

" Is he crazy? It's okay to be fair competition and try to get benefits but that's so shameless, isn't he afraid of Raskreia and Arcana's revenge? "

Someone shook his head and said, " You may not know this, but it was his wife, Arcana, who threw him out of the Knowledge Pavilion here coldly, she might not care anymore. "

" Even so, he still faces Raskreia who is also a Title Talent as she is the princess of the vampire clan. "

Soon someone recognized his background and said, " That's because of his background, Xing Yuan has a great background as well and he has an acceptable excuse for doing things. the vampire clan wouldn't interfere, don't you know their thinking? "

Someone else responded in dissatisfaction, " Who cares about his background? We are here at the Madness Academy, we may not be good people, but there are things that never should do, what if he is strong? Here, we can do anything if have power, not background "

" That's right if we back down and don't try to bring justice, how can we be different from those who bully the weak and fear the strong? I don't care, and regardless of the results, I will teach him a lesson. "

Everyone agreed with this and everyone was about to cooperate to teach Xing Yuan a lesson because this act simply brings shame and only degenerates do.

Raskreia's eyes darkened with anger, if it weren't for the fact that Xing Yuan is much stronger than her, she would have attacked him.

What Raskreia didn't understand is why Arcana hasn't arrived yet? So Die Yingming and Jiao Lang did not come, do not care?

But even if they don't care, they must be smart enough to what's going to happen and that someone will try to obtain Shen level technique from Shi Tu's corpse.

But why does none of them care?

Amidst these questions, Raskreia came to a sudden realization.

Her father taught her not to think everything as it seems, and if things don't make sense, she has to think about other seemingly illogical possibilities to get the facts.

The reason for everything is Shi Tu's death, but what if Shi Tu didn't die?

What everyone wants is Shen level technique from Shi Tu's corpse, but since Shi Tu has not died, this is definitely a fake corpse.

It's not that they don't care, they know very well that this is a fake corpse and that Shi Tu is still alive!!

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