The Evolution Of A Goblin To The Peak

Chapter 203 Too weak

Chapter 203 Too weak

Souta sighed and asked, "What can you do?"

Lumilia stopped for a few seconds after she heard his words. She then opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "I don’t know but I wanted to help you..."

"Fine, but we’re not going to fight. We’re going to leave this place as soon as possible. I came here to distract that woman but she could easily pinpoint my position." Souta couldn’t help but nod when he saw Lumilia’s serious look. He wanted to decline her help but he couldn’t do so.

"We’re going to leave?" Alice who was watching from the side suddenly said.

"Yeah, we’re no match for them. We’re just a student and couldn’t match them in terms of power." Souta answered her. He then looked at Yujin and Alice and said, "Still... I didn’t think that the two of you would come here even though it’s dangerous."

"Well, I just wanted to help my friend," Alice said in a low voice as she turned her head to the side not daring to look at Souta’s eyes.

"Never thought that the word friend would come out of your mouth," Souta commented as he looked at Yujin.

Yujin shrugged his shoulder and opened his palm. If these girls wanted to help Souta and he left then what would become of him. He would become a laughing stock. He unwillingly followed them in this place.

"Let’s not talk anymore. We should use the chaos to escape from this place." Souta said to them.

"Souta, someone is here..." Lynn suddenly said with a terrified expression while pointing above.

Souta, Yujin, Alice, and Lumilia opened their eyes widely and they looked up at the same time. The four of them knew that Lynn’s senses were incredible. They wouldn’t doubt her for something like this.

They saw a black figure of a woman. The figure looked like Frels but it had no eyes and mouth. It looks like a mannequin. It had a pitch-black color.

"That’s a [Doppelganger] spell..." Souta muttered in a low voice while looking at the black figure.

"[Doppelganger]...?" Lumilia muttered.

"[Doppelganger]. A powerful tier 2 spell. It possessed fifty percent power of the user’s full strength." Alice explained to them who doesn’t know [Doppelganger] spell.

Souta nodded at her words. Alice was right. That figure above was a doppelganger without a doubt.

He was a little bit surprised when Alice explained this spell. He didn’t think that she knew this rare dark attribute spell.

Compare to the [Dark Dominance] spell, this [Doppelganger] was weak. If Frels got serious and used the true power of the tier 3 spell [Dark Dominance] then she would be able to raze this village to the ground easily. She was holding back because they haven’t got the bloodstone.

Souta was sure that every living creature here would die once the six-circle officers got ahold of that bloodstone.

"Run!" He shouted and everyone followed his words without hesitation.

The black figure didn’t care about anyone. It only chased after Souta.



In the other part of the village...

One of the six-circle officers of the Deadly Sins was fighting a powerful vampire. The battle was fierce and the six-circle officer couldn’t easily finish the battle because the vampire was using the bloodstone to boost its strength.

Hundreds of civilians already died because of the battles that were happening around the village. The Guildmaster tried his best to protect them but a single six-circle officer blocked him. That’s what all it takes to stop a branch Guildmaster.

No one expected that this will happen. In this world, only the Deadly Sins know the movement of their organization. No person in the world knew this other than them.

"Haha! Die! Die! Die!"

Frels laughed madly as she rained down black beams towards the corps guardians that blocked her way.

Before Randolf left, he healed the wounds of the corps guardians. He knew that he couldn’t handle Frels with his own power. Plus, he knew that Yujin and the others went to Souta’s location.

There’s a lot of unexpected factors in this event. The appearance of this powerful group and the bloodstone of the vampire that was hiding here in this Ibish village. Randolf actually was interested in the bloodstone of the vampire but with this group wanting to get ahold of it he knew that he had to step back.

It was still not the time to show what he could do.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Souta collided with the black figure several times. Since the doppelganger only has fifty percent strength of the user then Souta and the other could handle it.

A huge serpent made of water flew in the sky before it descended down at a higher speed. It widely opened its mouth.

Souta looked up before he elbowed the face of the black figure then he kneed it on the stomach. After that, he felt pain in his side and found that the black figure kicked him. He just gritted his teeth and grabbed the leg of the black figure.

"Here we go!"

He roared as he threw the black figure away from him. Then, the huge water serpent went down and crashed the black figure.


Souta was holding on the thought that Frels wouldn’t kill him even though she always said that she’s going to kill him. At least he’s not going to die until she extracted how he modified his spell.

He frowned and said, "Alice! Yujin! Your turn!"

Alice and Yujin flashed from both sides. Both of them went to the side of the black figure and attacked it at the same time using their weapons.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

While they were fighting Souta and the rest were bringing the black figure slowly away from Frels. It was a good tactic considering Frels’ attitude towards him. If they destroyed the doppelganger easily then Frels would ignore the corps guardians to hunt him down.

Their coordination was good as they could handle the doppelganger of Frels. Lynn was tracking the movement of the black figure while Lumilia was casting spells to support Yujin and Alice who were fighting the black figure in close combat.

Frels was a dark attribute mage just like Souta but if her strength was reduced to half. They could handle her to some extent if they fought her in close-range combat.

While they were fighting the doppelganger, Lynn sensed something terrifying. She quickly turned around and shouted, "SOUTA!! BEHIND!!"

Souta was surprised when he heard her words. He didn’t doubt her so he quickly jumped away without looking behind him but it was too late.


A hand pierced his stomach from behind.


Souta spat a mouthful of blood as he looked down at the hand on his stomach. The hand was covered in his blood. He then heard a voice behind him.

"I came here to check the one who’s fighting Frels’ doppelganger but I didn’t expect that it was just a group of kids. Well, it’s surprising to see a girl who could sense me."

Souta’s vision was getting blurred. He opened his mouth and a huge amount of blood flow out. His body was getting numb. He saw an exquisite red stone on the hand on his chest.

With a single look, Souta guessed that it was the bloodstone. He slightly moved his eyes and saw that the red pillar in the center of the village broke down. They already killed the vampire.

"SOUTAAA!!!" Lynn shouted with a terrified expression when she saw a person pierced Souta’s stomach.

Alice and Lumilia stopped from moving as they turned their head and saw a shocking scene. Lumilia turned pale when she saw Souta. Her mana burst out of her body as she quickly rushed towards him.

"Wait! Don’t act recklessly!" Alice tried to stop Lumilia but Lumilia already dashed towards Souta. It was too late to stop her.

Yujin, who still maintained his calmness, looked at Alice and said, "Go! I’ll handle this doppelganger!"

Alice nodded at him with a gloomy expression. "Be careful." She said before she dashed towards Lumilia.


The man behind Souta was Gilven, one of the six-circle officers of the Deadly Sins. He slowly pulled out his hand on Souta’s stomach.

Souta fell to the ground with a "thud" sound. He closed his eyes and contacted Yuko through their connection.

’Let me borrow your strength Yuko. Also, don’t worry about me. I will get out of this situation alive.’

Gilven looked at the battle in the sky and sighed, "This certainly become a troublesome situation. I’m afraid that after this the huge countries will investigate who’s the culprit behind this event. I should start cleaning up all the witnesses here."

His battle with the vampire brought him some trouble because of the bloodstone but he still handled it and killed the vampire. He was different from Frels and his other comrades. He just wanted to finish this mission as soon as possible.

Gilven felt some movements and saw a blue-haired girl and purple-haired girl rushing towards him. It was Lumilia and Lynn.

Lynn was the closest to Souta so she’s the first one who arrived. Lynn quickly kneeled down in front of Souta. Tears were pouring out of her eyes. She ignored Gilven who was standing in front of them.

’This girl managed to sense me. She has a great sense and if she trained it she would become a famous sensory type mage in the future. I should kill her quickly to prevent her from becoming a famous person.’ Gilven thought while looking at Lynn. He then removed his eyes from Lynn and saw Lumilia in front of him.

"You will pay for what you did to Souta!!"

Lumilia brandished her sword and swung it towards Gilven. Gilven in return simply blocked her sword with his hand. He then saw Lumilia lifted up her hand and a huge water serpent formed above her.

The huge water serpent opened its mouth and rushed towards him.

Gilven squinted his eyes and he said, "Disperse..."

Soon after he said those words, powerful dense mana erupted out of his body. It destroyed the huge water serpent easily.

He then grabbed Lumilia’s sword and pinched it. The sword broke into tiny pieces like a fragile glass.

"Hmm...?" Gilven sensed some movements behind Lumilia. He moved his other hand and pushed Lumilia.

Lumilia flew like a rocket and crashed into Alice who was behind her.


"You’re letting your emotions control your body. That’s not a good sign if you wanted to become a great mage in the future." Gilven said before he stepped forward.


In a split second, he arrived in front of Lumilia and Alice. Alice quickly threw her spear in the air and used a combat arts that she knew.

[Ground Burrowing Spear]!!

The spear rotated in the air and it aimed towards Gilven’s head. After one second it flew towards him generating powerful momentum.

"Too weak..." Gilven snorted as he raised his hand and simply grabbed the spear in the air. He then used it to stab Lumilia who was in front of him.


Lumilia groaned in pain as blood flows out of her mouth. Her eyes still didn’t leave Gilven’s face. She opened her mouth and shouted, "LYNN!! TAKE SOUTA AND LEAVE THIS PLACE!!"

"Oh~ so you think you can hold me back?" Gilven looked at Lumilia and asked. He then slowly pulled out the spear out of her stomach but Lumilia grabbed it before he could do so.

"You’re in the way of a good show."

He moved his free hand and grabbed Alice’s hair who was behind Lumilia. He yanked her out and smashed her on the ground.


He then stepped on Alice’s back so that she couldn’t move. After taking care of some nuisance, he finally focused his attention on Lumilia.

"Is that boy worth it?" Gilven asked Lumilia. He then slightly glanced at the sky and saw the battle was still ongoing. He just checked if he could delay the cleanups.

When he found that Lumilia wasn’t replying to him, he once again asked her, "You’re sacrificing yourself so that he could live. Is he worth it?"

Lumilia smiled and said, "He saved me before so I owe him my life. If he’s going to survive at the exchange of my life then why not. I will gladly offer my life."

"Fine... I’ll kill you." Gilven yanked the spear using his great strength. But when he was about to stab Lumilia, someone grabbed his hand.

"You!!" Gilven turned his head and saw that it was Souta.


[Pet Resonance]!

[Transfer Boost]!

Souta was looking at Gilven with extreme bloodlust. His killing intent was all over the whole area.

Gilven was stunned. He felt that he was standing in front of a monster that killed countless creatures.

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