The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Because Old Lady Wang always looked at her as if she was trying to marry above her station with her son, Li Mingwei did not initially want to teach Liu Yizhu to play the zither.

But thinking that her grandfather often helped poor students, she did not refuse Mr. Jin's request. Her grandfather always said that people from poor families often have talent, but it's hard for them to become nobles. He was always willing to help whoever he could help. It would be unreasonable for her to not help when she was able to.

However, she soon found the joy in teaching Liu Yizhu - angering Old Lady Wang to death! Hahaha!

Old Lady Wang usually did not seem close to people and had a bad temper, but she truly cared about her son from the bottom of her heart. She could not even stand hearing others say one bad thing about him. She was afraid Li Mingwei would do something to her son. Every day during the zither lessons, she would bring a stool over to watch them, staring at them with eyes as big as red lanterns, afraid Li Mingwei would take advantage of any chance to get close to Liu Yizhu if she was not paying attention.

Li Mingwei did not want to get near Liu Yizhu at all. Just thinking about the bugs in the zither made her nauseous. She found a small teaching whip that Mr. Jin usually used and instructed Liu Yizhu from afar.

If Liu Yizhu made a mistake or played too slowly, she would snap the whip at him and deliberately yell loudly, "You're so stupid!"

After scolding Liu Yizhu, she would sneak a peek at Old Lady Wang's face to see if she was unhappy, which made Li Mingwei happy.

"Oh! Too slow again, stupid!"

"Wrong, wrong!"

"How did you place first in the exam playing like this? Your classmates must have let you win on purpose."

Old Lady Wang was furious but did not dare to say much more, because Li Mingwei had deliberately chosen a piece she could play very well to show off her skills earlier, crushing Liu Yizhu badly. Now Old Lady Wang was a little afraid of offending Li Mingwei in case she refused to continue teaching her son.

She could endure some anger, but she could not delay her son's important endeavor.

Seeing Old Lady Wang's flushed old face, Li Mingwei turned her back to hide her mouth while she laughed gleefully like a sly cat who caught a mouse.

Liu Yizhu secretly glanced at her, a trace of indulgence flashing through his eyes. He did not dare to look back at his mother. As the victim in the battle between the two women, he had no right to participate.

Of course, Old Lady Wang would not just sit back and do nothing. She soon found herself a little helper for a two against one fight. How could she lose?

Li Mingwei thought Old Lady Wang had left in anger and would not come back. But not long after, Old Lady Wang came back bringing another person Li Mingwei knew well - the girl who saw her fight with the Cui Family Girl at the rouge shop and did not dare to step in. She remembered her name was Dong Qin.

Old Lady Wang led Dong Qin in with a smiling face and introduced her to everyone, "This is the young lady from the Dong family, Dong Qin. She heard Liu Yizhu was learning to play the zither and wanted to come watch. I'm too old to understand these things you young people do. She is close in age with Liu Yizhu so they can chat."

She added meaningfully, "Our Dong Qin is graceful, virtuous, gentle, understanding and polite. She has not been engaged at her age, a rare good girl."

Everything was fine until the last sentence. Li Mingwei almost rolled her eyes out of her sockets. Not being engaged did not make someone a good girl! That day on the street when Dong Qin called her a fox spirit, Li Mingwei did not see any of her polite virtues.

Graceful and virtuous? More like ungrateful and shameless! She knew it would look bad if word got out so she did not dare to fight, yet she did not try to restrain her good friend either, leading to Li Mingwei getting punched twice.

Dong Qin smiled at them, "I've come uninvited. I hope I'm not intruding?"

Li Mingwei quickly waved her hands, "No intrusion at all! What is there to intrude? Please come sit by me!"

Even though Dong Qin did not hit her last time, there was still some resentment between them. Dong Qin felt a bit uneasy that Li Mingwei was so enthusiastic toward her now.

Li Mingwei smiled, "Dong Qin, Dong Qin, just hearing your name I can tell you must understand the zither well. Come, let's discuss the art together!"

Dong Qin... She knew it. A wolf giving New Year blessings to a chicken could not be up to any good. She looked awkwardly at Liu Yizhu. Somewhat embarrassed, she said, "I, I don't know how to play the zither."

Mr. Jin could not even find a second zither in Qingshi Town. Of course she did not know how. Otherwise, Li Mingwei would not have said that.

"You don't know? That's fine! Liu Yizhu here doesn't know either. He's also learning now. It's simple, come listen."

Liu Yizhu expressionlessly glanced at Li Mingwei. He had not said a single word, yet she still found an opportunity to belittle him when putting down Dong Qin. Did he not make good progress these days? In her eyes, was he still counted in the group of people who did not know anything?

Dong Qin tentatively asked, "Very Simple?"

"Simple. Liu Yizhu is just a bit stupid. It's been several days and he has barely grasped the basics. You will be different. Just hearing your name, I can tell you have talent and will definitely learn better than him."

Dong Qin gnashed her teeth. She would have to be an idiot to believe Li Mingwei's nonsense. Even someone as incredible as Liu Yizhu could not learn it well. How could she possibly do better? This fox spirit just wanted to embarrass her in front of Liu Yizhu!

Hearing her son belittled again, especially in front of his potential match, Old Lady Wang's face did not look pleasant either. Right now she wished she could be the folk hero Zhong Kui carrying two big axes, charging over to flip this evil spirit of a woman over!

She took a deep breath to restrain herself. Dong Qin was still here. She must not lose her temper. She must not lose her temper! She had Dong Qin sit down, "You just walked over, you must be tired. No rush to learn anything. Wait until Liu Yizhu learns it, then slowly learn from him."

Dong Qin understood her intention. Her little face blushing slightly as she nodded, "I'll listen to Old Lady Wang."

Liu Yizhu finally could not stand it, "I won't have time to teach you."

"Child, what nonsense..."

"You don't even know how. Don't randomly promise things to others. You did not even ask me about this matter today either." Liu Yizhu said strongly. "No next time."

Old Lady Wang was rendered speechless. She forced out a smile and held the hand of the stunned Dong Qin to comfort her, "Ignore him. Let's sit."

Since Dong Qin had already come, she naturally would not leave so easily. She gave Old Lady Wang's hand a light reassuring squeeze as well and sat down. Old Lady Wang was even more pleased with her now.

But before Dong Qin's bottom touched the stool, Li Mingwei stopped her, "Oh, that's my seat. Please sit somewhere else."

Dong Qin stood straight back up and angrily glared at the stool under Li Mingwei. Sure enough that woman was targeting her!

Li Mingwei gestured at Mr. Jin across from her and explained, "I'm going to sit there later to play chess with Mr. Jin. Or why don't you sit down first to play a game with Mr. Jin?"

Mr. Jin paused his chess piece arrangements and looked up at Dong Qin, gesturing for her to go ahead. Dong Qin glanced at Mr. Jin then down at the chessboard and black and white chess pieces on the table. She...she did not know how to play chess either...

Old Lady Wang glared at Li Mingwei before quickly pulling over another stool for Dong Qin.

But Li Mingwei ignored her. Holding the teaching whip, she circled a section on the zither sheet music and said to Liu Yizhu, "Play this part ten times!"

Liu Yizhu looked at her innocently. What had he done wrong to deserve another ten repetitions?

Li Mingwei cockily tossed her head. You did nothing wrong. I just want to punish you. What can you do!

Liu Yizhu resignedly nodded.

Seeing he was obedient now, Li Mingwei sat down across from Mr. Jin, "You first, Sir."

"Very good, very good!" Mr. Jin laughed heartily as he placed down his black chess piece. Today's show was wonderful entertainment he could not get enough of!

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