The Extra’s Survival: Logging into the Game Master System!

Chapter 36: [Goblins and Goblins!]

[GM Points: 7350!]

'Well. I hope I can score good enough to upgrade my all my gear to C-Grade,' I thought as I first aimed at one of the red goblins in the front and then charged my gun with 100 MP. This was enough to kill a smaller pelikan, it should be enough for this one too, right?

I thought as I then pressed the trigger…


The mana bullet flew at a rapid speed, before deviating from the path a bit. And then it reached the giant pelikan in the front, before piercing one of its wings.


The young pelikan gave a deafening cry before losing its balance in the air, and slowly falling on the ground.


And then I charged another shot, this time with 500 MP. That shot hit that falling Pelikan at it's core, before creating a giant hole in it's stomach.

[You have killed a D-Grade Monster: Soldier Pelikan!]

[+50,000 Points!]

[+1250 GM Points!]

A few seconds after that pelikan fell on the ground, another crisp message came.

[You have killed a D-Grade Monster: Demonic Goblin Rider!]

[+100,000 Points!]

[+2500 GM Points!]

I don't know what killed that red goblin, but I was happy. Not because I got the points, but I was able to gauge the strength of those monsters. They were freaky strong… but another fact that made me narrow my eyes was that I was still dealing with D-Grade monsters.

Those goblins paused their halt before they looked in my direction as I observed my next target. Though before I could mark anyone else, I saw about two of the red goblin riders flying towards me at a rapid speed.

Taking a deep sigh, I then pointed my guns towards them…

-Bang! Bang!

The Pelikans were big targets, they were easy to shoot. Hence I wasn't worried about them as much.

[You have killed a D-Grade Monster: Soldier Pelikan!]

[You have killed a D-Grade Monster: Soldier Pelikan!]

What I was worried about were the red goblins that jumped from those pelikan and reached about 10 meters away from me. They were ferocious, they looked dangerous, demonic and all the other negative words I could think of.

The only thing good about this situation was…

[Title: Goblin Hunter!

Grade: F


-For each E-Ranked Goblin killed, the user gets +1 Agility for 20 seconds!]

Since I was pressed on time, I decided to use all my points on this at once. Whatever I get out of it, I think it will be better than what I already have.

And the result was.

[Title: Goblin Hunter!

Grade: E


-When fighting against goblins, all stats increased by a factor of 1.25!

-For each E-Ranked Goblin killed, the user gets +1 Agility for 20 seconds!

-For each D-Ranked Goblin Killed, the user gets +5 Agility for 20 seconds!]

'Better than nothing,' I sighed before I looked at those goblins and


Activated my skills against them, increasing my base physical stats by 50 each.

Perhaps they sensed my sudden increase in strength, so they started running towards me. I could see their strange marks shining as well, but I can't let them activate their special phase, right? We aren't playing power ranger here anyways.

Using 1000MP for each shot


[You have killed a D-Grade Monster: Demonic Goblin Rider!]

[You have killed a D-Grade Monster: Demonic Goblin Rider!]

'I think I should do something about the noise this gun produces. It won't be useful for silent killing at all,' I thought as I looked at the dead bodies of the two monsters.

They seemed strong. Just a bad match.

My eyes slowly looked at the water goblins jumping up and around me, closing all the paths from where I could escape. Their numbers were twice as high as before when I was with the group. And they were increasing even more as time was passing…

Not only that, but three of the giant pelikans were closing in on me again.

"Well. Let's just get over with it," I mumbled as I pointed my gun at those water goblins first.

-Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!….

[In the Safe Zone!]

"Told you it was the right decision to get back to here early," Olivia spoke as she looked at the giant pelikans flying above in the sky. Beside her was Samantha, who had her mouth shut with her eyes wide open.

Their breaths were heavy, with visible terror in their eyes. All the girls were observing the scene presented in front of them wondering what would have happened to them if they didn't decide to return to the safe zone a few hours earlier than planned.

"How are we supposed to fight them?" Luke, who was previously filled with confidence, now looked scared as he tightened the grip on his weapon. He was sure he could fight one of them… maybe two. But that many… there was no way he could.

Whatever plan he was making before, now crumbled in the reality presented in front of him.

"I wonder if he is okay," Julia looked in the empty street at a distance, as her eyes traced the guy who saved her before. Her heart wanted to see him again, but her brain had already told her that it's impossible now.

Everyone else present there was waiting for the time to end. So they could escape this madness one way or another. This game which they were enjoying before, has become that same nightmare it was the day it began.

"Someone is coming. I think it's the group of Mark and Alice. I see the NPCs and Alex there as well," one of the scouts with highetened sight spoke as she looked at the rows of boat coming in their direction.

The distance was still at least 3 kilometers away but with the fast rowing speed along with their increased strength, they should cover the entire distance within the next 20 minutes or so. But will they be able to survive those 20 minutes, was another question that they did not know the answer to.

The people around the scout asked a dozen questions, while the scout narrated the scene of the players and NPCs rowing the boats with their life on the line. Each of them had a horrified look in their eyes, while they raced against time to reach the safe zone.

Though surprisingly, none of the flying monsters or goblins attacked them. Instead, the flying monsters flew past them, into the direction from where the group was coming from. It was a fortunate yet strange event that made everyone confused yet thankful.

Time passed as minutes turned one by one. Everyone held their breath praying for the group to reach the safe zone, whether they knew the group or not, they just kept praying that their schoolmates should return back to the safe zone safely.

And after the 20 minutes that seemed like eternity, the boat entered the safe zone area, creating a joyous event that everyone started celebrating. The group of NPCs and players reached the building from where they ran up to the rest of the players, before falling on the floor, finally letting go of all the tension that they had built up.

"ALICE!" Julia ran towards the fallen tired girl, who was barely awake after the shock she had witnessed. She had no energy to talk to anyone but still, she barely looked at panicked Julia who asked,

"Where is Adrian?!"

And only then she realized that one of her party members was missing on their journey back to the safe zone.

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