The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 432: Accidental Emergence

Chapter 432: Accidental Emergence

After all, he was still too careless!

After scaring away the troublemakers, Sun Shaozong immediately gathered the people from the arrest house center and others to have a head count. As expected, there was no kitchen helper named Liu among them.

And before his disappearance, Liu had even brought tea to the Junior Monk.

In addition, Sun Shaozong was also keenly aware that the string of red sandalwood rosary beads that the Junior Monk had originally worn on his wrist had also disappeared.

He didn’t need to ask; it must have been the First Master who took the opportunity to bewitch Liu, so he quietly slipped out of the arrest house and spread the news. It was also because Sun Shaozong couldn't make up his mind before and didn't think carefully enough, which gave the First Master a chance to take advantage of the situation.

Presumably, soon after, the monks of Fayuan Temple would arrive upon hearing the news. These monks were different from ordinary people; they were organized, with backgrounds and ideological armed forces, and fighting them would definitely be much more troublesome.


If handled properly, these monks would also be the best audience, able to make perfect witnesses for their plans to change pillars.

Of course, it all depended on the progress of Miaoyu, and if things didn’t go according to his wishes, the child's fate would have to be blamed.

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong's face was filled with awe. He gazed at the First Master for a long time before sneering and saying, "Do you know how serious it is to incite the people to besiege the prison?”

The First Master had just seen Sun Shaozong's unparalleled divine power, and at this moment he couldn't help but feel a little scared. However, upon hearing Sun Shaozong's questioning, he still stood on his neck and said, "I am thinking of all the living beings in the world and taking the action of eliminating demons and defending the way. What is the crime?”


This monk was quite righteous.

Sun Shaozong's face was even more ferocious, and he stared straight at the First Master until his feet were soft. He then spoke out and ordered, "Lock these monks in one place, Zhou Da. You can personally watch outside the door, and no one is allowed to approach at will.”

“In addition, gather all the female prisoners in the institute and let them supervise each other. If there is another one who dares to go out without permission, I will severely punish them together.”

Since it was discovered that someone in the arrest house center had leaked the news, Zhou Da's heart was filled with anxiety, fearing that it might affect him. Now, at the command of Sun Shaozong, he had to personally guard several monks to perform meritorious deeds, and he quickly responded with joy.

First, he led several monks to the rest rooms and instructed the prisoners to find any cell they wanted; even if it was for urination, they would take care of it inside the cell.

At this moment, Sun Shaozong called out to Lin Delu again, first demanding the confession of the interrogation and then instructing him to go to the street to retrieve Qiu Yunfei and Zhao Wuwei. He ordered them to lead the government officials to block the street intersections on both sides so that no more people would come and provoke him.

After everything was arranged properly, Sun Shaozong looked up at the sky and saw that the sun had already revealed half of its face, indicating that the eclipse had also come to an end.

However, the subsequent impact of this solar eclipse might not be easy to pass, especially at the moment when ”there are two rulers,” Emperor Guangde and Emperor Taizong, stand side by side, and it was unknown what kind of trouble would arise in the court as a result.

After a while of sighing, Sun Shaozong moved out the tables and chairs on his own, and in the middle of the courtyard, he read through the confession just now. No matter what the outcome of the child was, a major case of human life was still to be solved.

According to the First Master, this task was not originally his responsibility, but the master of ceremonies was not in the temple, so he took over this task temporarily.

And the four monks accompanying him were all temporarily assigned to him by the master of ceremonies rather than being designated by himself.

So this was how it was.

The suspicion of the First Master has been greatly reduced; after all, it was originally a temporary replacement mission, and the accompanying personnel were not designated by him. The solar eclipse couldn’t be predicted in advance. Thus, carrying a dagger with him and coincidentally having the possibility of killing the Junior Monk was not completely non-existent.

But logically speaking, with so many coincidences stacked together, it was always somewhat farfetched.

And the next focus was, naturally, the actions of everyone in the darkness.

According to the statement of the First Master, he shouted at the time and rushed towards the lecherous mother and son on the bed. However, as soon as he took a few steps, he was forcefully pushed back.

When he stumbled backward in the darkness, he didn't know who he had tripped over. After he got up again, he was confused and couldn't figure out the direction, so he didn't dare to act recklessly anymore.

And these words have also been corroborated by the testimony of others.

Firstly, Wei Ruolan stated that in the darkness, someone had indeed shouted and rushed towards him, but he pushed him back.

Next was a monk named Jiezhi, who was preparing to pounce on the bedside in the darkness when he accidentally stepped onto someone else's calf. The person fell backward and he also fell forward.

But after the monk fell to the ground, he happened to touch a copper delivery basin and instinctively grabbed it, smashing it at the head of the bed.

And the statement of the monk Jiezhi corresponded to the confession of Wei Ruolan.

According to Wei Ruolan, after he pushed Monk Jiexian back, he was on strict alert when he was suddenly hit by a hidden weapon. As the wind was so blatant, he lowered his head and avoided it. He even cursed and said, "What a bald thief! How dare you even use a weapon?!”

However, after flashing the hidden weapon, Wei Ruolan regretted it because he was protecting Miaoyu at the time. What would he do if the hidden weapon hit Miaoyu?

So he immediately turned around and, according to his memory, grabbed ”Miaoyu” to inquire with concern. However, he made a mistake and accidentally grabbed the arm of the midwife.

The midwife had originally listened to the Masters' words and wanted to eliminate the demons and defend the way, and coincidentally, she was closest to the bedside. So she reached out and grabbed the child's swaddling clothes, and she was fighting with the lustful nun. Unexpectedly, a copper basin flew over her back and hit her head, causing her to scream.

In severe pain, the midwife covered her head and staggered back a few steps, but suddenly someone grabbed her arm. She was about to shout when she heard the person's inquiry about whether she had ever been injured.

The midwife vaguely recognized that the voice was from the young and handsome Lord Wei. When she panicked, he followed Wei Ruolan's pulling force and half pushed and half fell into Wei Ruolan's arms.

Throughout the entire process, Wei Ruolan and the midwife were almost at one go, with no blank time for committing the crime, so the suspicion of committing the crime could be ruled out.

As for the other two, Jie Chen and Jie Zhi, after they got up from the ground, there was a blank time for them to act alone without contact with outsiders, so there was still a possibility of committing crimes.

However, the two of them went towards the child in the dark, so the suspect value didn’t increase but decreased.

As for the other two monks, they both claimed that due to the fierce shouting from the crowd and the fact that they couldn't see their fingers in the darkness, they stood still without any action.

The only one who stated in his confession that he had come into contact with the Junior Monk in the dark was Miaoyu.

According to her statement, she was worried that Wei Ruolan wouldn’t be able to fight alone in the darkness when she heard several monks shouting to eliminate demons and defend the path. She then took a few oblique steps around Wei Ruolan and prepared to fight alongside him.

As soon as Miaoyu stood firm on her feet, someone touched her in the darkness, and the person naturally belonged to the fat Monk Jiexian.

At first, the Junior Monk wanted to push Miaoyu aside and squeeze her to the bed, but later, he probably recognized Miaoyu's identity and wholeheartedly took advantage of it.

Miaoyu was struggling to resist his salty pig hand in the darkness when the Junior Monk let out a muffled snort. Immediately, the whole person rushed forward and pressed her directly under him.

Miaoyu was pressed by a two-hundred-pound meatball and almost couldn't bear her breath. She struggled desperately but couldn't escape until the lantern was lit in the room and Wei Ruolan helped her, which prevented the tragedy of suffocation and death.

Although it was possible that the killer might have been crushed by his deathbed counterattack after attacking the Junior Monk, considering that Miaoyu, as a weak woman, has a serious lack of ” defense-breaking ability,” let alone breaking through the protection of the heavy fat and cutting off his throat and carotid artery.

Moreover, Miaoyu and the Junior Monk have no connection at all; they just accidentally collided with each other, and there was no motive to assassinate him.

Therefore, this confession should be true and reliable.

In this way, the most suspected ones at present are the two monks who claimed to be standing still.

The problem was that, although they couldn’t prove their innocence on their own, he didn’t have any evidence to prove that one of them was the murderer.


It seemed that it was still necessary to delve deeper to see if there were any interests and motives for killing among several monks before continuing to make a judgment.

Just as he was thinking of this, he heard the people outside the yard sizzling and shouting.

At first, Sun Shaozong felt a sigh of relief in his heart, but then he furrowed his brows. Originally, he thought it was Qiu Yunfei and Zhao Wuwei had arrived, but upon closer inspection, the sound of horse hooves actually increased.

Only Qiu Yunfei and Zhao Wuwei were qualified to ride horses to patrol the streets among the constable officials, but the hooves of these horses rumble at least more than twenty in size!

Were the monks from Fayuan Temple here?

These guys were ostentatious, with dozens of people galloping into the inner mansion together. Compared to those monks who drove luxury cars to show off their wealth in later generations, they might even surpass them.

Sun Shaozong's heart was full of slander, and he was too lazy to disturb others. He got up and went out alone to welcome them.

Although these monks were aggressive and had organized backgrounds and great support, they held the sign of ”laws” in their hands, and it was not a problem for them to compete with them morally.

As for using force…

With Sun Shaozong's current strength level, as long as the opponent didn’t use remote weapons, a hundred or ten people might not be enough for him to move his muscles and bones!

The only thing to worry about was the prolonged standoff with those monks, which might startle the court. If any big shots from the court came and supported these monks in their demonic defense, Sun Shaozong would have no serious reason to stop them.


Where was Miaoyu? She shouldn’t be delayed for so long.

With thoughts in his heart, Sun Shaozong walked out of the arrest house with his chest high and prepared for a verbal battle!

However, as soon as he left, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Because the person who jumped down from the horse was not the monks from Fayuan Temple. They were a group of Dragon Guards!

What were the people of Dragon Guard doing here?

Was it that the Town Governor Liu Hui, wanted to use this opportunity of the eclipse to make some big moves?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw one of the Dragon Guards, holding a whip and casually arched his hand. He stared at Sun Shaozong with a sharp stab and asked, "May I ask, are you Inspector Sun?”

This attitude…

It was not respectful.

Sun Shaozong's gaze turned to his shoulder, and he saw that he was just a Deputy of a Hundred Households with three gold lines and one silver line, three levels behind his own Captain of Five Bars.

Reasonably speaking, as an Inspector of a Thousand Households, even a colleague at the same level should be afraid of him for more than three points. However, this person was just a Deputy of a Hundred Households, but his attitude was somewhat rebellious and domineering.

“May I check…”

“Are you from the Southern Detective Department?”

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