The Fine Food Broadcaster

Chapter 28 Little Miser

Chapter 28 Little Miser

While everyone was either surprised, happy or frustrated by Ye Feis out of this world broadcasting, the man himself was already done with todays broadcasting.

However, it was not yet time for this trash to rest. As soon as the broadcast was over, he quickly brought up his PP Account, found Feng Tianlais username and private messaged him.

Supervisor Feng, are you online?

Feng Tianlai was in the midst of great excitement. Ye Fei had bestowed a grand surprise today. HX230,000 rewards, ah! It was quite unbelievable that a newcomer could achieve results like this.

Moreover, he had received instruction from the Vice President Li to nurture Ye Feis talent to the best of his ability and to fulfil whatever request Broadcaster Ye Fei has in any way possible.

When he heard his own PP Account chirped with a message from Ye Fei, he immediately rushed over to answer, Deity Ye, haha, congratulations, ah. Today youre quite the astonishing man, ah, no, I should say youre quite the astonishing deity. Your broadcast today is just too amazing, even now the entire platform cant stop talking about it.

Ye Fei sent out a surprise face emoji, and asked, What are they talking about?


The f*ck, What you ask? This brat just raked in HX230,000 worth of reward and youre asking me what the entire platform is talking about?

This ahem, everyone is talking about your god-level performance, ah. Heavens, I still feel like Im in the middle of a dream.

Ye Fei gave laughed, Oh, is that so? So, thats it, ah? Thats nothing, thats all in the past now.

Fen Tianlai was nearly overwhelmed by Ye Feis reply. Look at this, just let everyone look at this carefully, ah. These are the words of a true god-level genius, ah. While everyone was writhing and howling in the wake of his success, the man of the hour was as calm as the eye of a storm. This is nothing? Your little nothing already smashed the newcomer record to bits, even now the entire QQ Platform was in an uproar, some of those people were nearly irritated to death, you know? To call this nothing? You sure have some guts.

Feng Tianlai sat stock still in his seat, staring at Ye Feis message. After a long time, he still wasnt sure how to answer.

Before he could think of something, Ye Fei had already sent him another message: Supervisor Feng, please send my portion of the reward from today as soon as possible, ah.

Feng Tianlai,

He was thoroughly aghast, confused, puzzled and confounded. Just what is going on, ah? Deity Ye was a grand deity who recklessly use all kinds of expensive ingredients to make his dishes. From the comments of those gourmet spectators, those were all super expensive things, ah. No, beyond expensive, they were rare and precious items that were served to the emperors in the past, ah. Only a super rich and super influential person could have access to these kinds of ingredients, ah. But, but why are you asking for money from me? How vulgar, ah.

Supervisor Feng? Are you there Supervisor Feng?

When Feng Tianlai did not answer, Ye Fei felt a little anxious. He knew that he had managed to gather quite a lot of reward money today, but if the Platform refused to hand over the money, his effort for the day would all be wasted.

When Feng Tianlai noticed Ye Feis continuous prompting, he finally recovered enough to quickly answer. Deity Ye, please be at ease. If you wish to withdraw the funds by today, I shall handle the matter personally.

Ye Fei nodded to himself, and answered, Yes, Id like to make the withdrawals today. Please hurry, I have one terrible habit, that is, until my money is all safe in my own account, I get really anxious. Im really afraid that the money would fly away.

Feng Tianlai sank his head down on the table, this Ye Fei nearly shocked him to death. For a long moment, he did not move.

Ye Fei, you are a great deity who had just collected over HX230,000 in just a little over two hours, ah. Why are you speaking like a little miser now, ah? Running after money like theres no tomorrow.

However, Feng Tianlai did not dare to offend Ye Fei. He was, after all, their most important broadcaster on the entire platform. No matter what, they have to fulfil Ye Feis every wish.

Deity Ye, please be at ease. I shall handle it right now. Should I transfer the money to the same account as before?

Thats right, please put everything into that account. I have no other business aside from this. Please do handle this matter quickly. Many thanks.

With that, Ye Fei really did log off.

Looking at Ye Feis greyed out icon, Feng Tianlai was nearly in tears. Surely this person was just too materialistic? Too miserly? The first thing out of his mouth was money business. Now that the money talk was over, this guy just simply dropped their connection. Aiyo, wei, you should at least spend some time chatting with me, right? Isnt it common sense to communicate with the people youre going to work with in the future? Whats with the super quick disconnection?

This Deity Ye is really unusual, ah. In the end, all Feng Tianlai could do was smile bitterly and shake his head.

Feng Tianlai was certainly efficient, within 20 minutes, Ye Feis portion of the reward was soon transferred into his account. The total was HX165,020.10. It was all perfectly calculated, not a single cent was missing.

When it came to money, Ye Fei was really happy with QQ Platforms efficiency. At the very least, they were swift in their execution and did not try to find ways to deduct his money.

Ye Feis heart was floating near the ceiling as he looked at the message alert from the bank. However, two minutes later, a new message alert came from the bank.

He reluctantly opened the message and felt the pinch like a physical thing. The System had once again bitten off 90% of his reward money. A total of HX148,518.09 had been taken away from his personal account

Seeing such a grand amount disappear, Ye Fei felt the pain all the way down to his balls.

System, youre too much. You refuse to even let a single cent go, ah.

DCB System answered, It is the principle of the thing.

Ye Fei didnt know whether to laugh or cry, does a System even have principles?

However, he did not bother to waste his strength arguing with the System. Instead, he spent his time calculating what leftover money he had.

Lets see, this great me managed to collect HX165,020.10, that shameless System took away HX148,518.09. I still have HX16,502.01. F**k it, Im rich, Im really rich!

When he found out that he still had that much money in his account, Ye Fei became so excited that he no longer bothered to argue with the System.

This was the first time he managed to get his hands on HX16,000. To Ye Fei, this kind of money was astronomical, if he were to compare, well, this amount was equivalent to at least four or five months salary.

Hahahaha, daddy is rich, really rich, ah. Ye Fei was feeling very happy and was howling his happiness to the ceiling.

Exactly two howls later, he suddenly went quiet. He dashed to the door, and opened it carefully to glance about. When rent lady Ma Cuihua did not materialize, he closed the door with a crash and began to laugh loudly to himself.

HX16,000, ah. Its HX16,000. Daddys account actually has HX16,000 in it. M*therf*cker, daddy never has to eat another packet of instant noodle anymore. No longer have to choose cheap fast food under HX10 anymore. I want to have a feast. A big feast costing at least HX11!

Here, an interesting facet about this person revealed itself. After earning HX16,000 in one day, his greatest ambition was to eat a Grand Meal costing HX11. There was probably only one such idiot in the entire universe.

In the midst of his happiness, Ye Fei heard the nearly forgotten voice of the System, In view of your success in making 10 times more money with the second broadcasting, we shall award you with a special skill. Do you wish to accept?

At this, Ye Feis howling laughter halted.

He stood there for a long time before asking, What do you mean, System? You wish to award me with a special skill?


What kind of skill?

DCB System said apathetically, Our wish is to increase the Hosts cooking ability. Our only goal is to ensure that the Host is on the road to becoming the greatest Fine Food Broadcaster who will sweep away all his opponents.

Yes, yes,

Your current cooking ability has greatly increased with the assistance of the System, however, thus far the attraction for your broadcasting was mainly due to the ingredients used, and not your own ability.

Ye Fei thought about it for a moment. What the System said was true, yesterdays dish generated incredible interest the moment he used the Rose Oil to fry potatoes. Which gave off quite an incredible visual impact.

Then, theres the second dish which uses the incredibly rare and expensive court tribute Spring Snow Tofu, giving the audience an incredible shock.

It was just as the System had said, the reason why he was given so much reward had a lot to do with the rare and expensive ingredients provided by the System. Tasting Everything Under Heaven and I Am a Foodie had not stopped talking about the ingredients the entire time they were throwing airplanes at him. As for the flavour, well, its not like they know whether the food really tasted good or not.

Could the System really have some ways of increasing his cooking skills? If that was true, then he had to take up the Systems offer, right? He had to do everything he could to attract his audiences attention, ah.

But, what could the special skill be?

Ye Fei was intrigued.

[Gumihou: Hes an idiot, isnt he? An idiot.]

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