The Four Swords

Chapter 107: Better Hobbies

Chapter 107: Better Hobbies

Once I took care of the horses' needs, I found Princess Alina and Cali finishing up their portions of the camp rations around a rather bare wood pile. I hoped there would be a fire there soon. Sir Carrion and Lord Jacobson soon joined suit munching on their rations.

I should have thought about it before sending cityboys to collect firewood. Most of what they collected was small twigs but it was enough to get something started before I had to look for more. I am not sure which one of them pulled on a branch of a tree and brought that to light with green leaves still attached. They all had a lot to learn.

I left the group to gather at least enough wood to keep the fire lit for my watch before returning to the makeshift camp. Balor was complaining about the rations he was given, but Gavin was the only willing listener. Cali and Lord Jacobson seemed to be having a private conversation that put Princess Alina in an awkward position. She could either listen to the plump man complain or attempt a conversation with Carrion.

I stood back for a moment and watched things unfold. I wanted to involve myself as little as possible in the dramatic events of courtiers. It was strange seeing the different dynamics of the group.

Gavin patiently waited for Balor to finish his noisey concerns before gently addressing each point. It was almost too perfect and it unnerved me. His speeches to Balor tried to stir feelings of duty and honor, which the plump man seemed to have no concept of.

On the other side of the flames sat Carrion next to Alina. Carrion was expanding on his idea from Lord Jacobson's reception, enumerating his many qualities that Princess Alina might need to help her rule effectively. Alina kept trying to cut him off, but would not listen to the poor girl. She kept looking toward Calista in hopes that she might gain an ally against the man.

My eyes settled on the last pairing. Lord Jacobson and Lady Calista sat next to each other. Their words were soft enough that I could not hear what was being said. They seemed to forget that anyone else was around, ensuring that Alina would have to fight her own battle alone.

In my experience around Cali, she gravitated toward discussions of action and combat. Lord Jacobson must have had some marvelous story to keep her attention so completely. Or not. I noticed the newest Swordsman softly placed his hand in Cali's.

My insides burned with frustration. This generation of noblemen and women were narrowly single minded. It did not seem to matter to them that we had jobs to do, just as long as they could secure a mate. Lord Jacobson woke up still engaged to Princess Alina, but needs to hold someone else's affection before his head hits the pillow.

I took a deep breath. I should not let these things get to me. Maybe one day I will hold a woman's affection so easily.

"How can you even say that?! You're letting everyone walk all over me. And you. You never see my side. Why can't you act like you're already important instead of trying to act like a servant?" Balor exploded.

I missed the conversation leading up to the moment, but Balor's yells were loud enough that Sir John stirred with a sword drawn. Seeing no threat, he went back to sleep. I guess I needed to finally intervene.

"Sir Balor. That's quite enough. Go to bed," I commanded. I looked toward Alina's pleading eyes. "Princess Alina, it might be best if you get some rest as well."

Although nothing was audible, I could see the thanks in Alina's expression. It felt good to save a Princess. Alina grabbed Cali's hand and drug her toward the tent. Balor got up and looked at me square in the eyes.

"Do you need something?" I questioned, on the edge of mocking.

Balor looked me up and down as if he were trying to decide if he would win a fight. He would not. Instead the boy just shook his head and picked up his bedroll. He must have been confused because he started walking straight for the Princess's tent.

"Where do you think you're going?" My harsh tone made the men left around the fire turn to see Balor's actions.

"To bed," Balor motioned toward the tent.

"Good news, you're already in your bedroom. The tent is for the ladies."

"Great. Just great." I heard him grumble as he started to get settled in the space near Sir John. The rest of the boys started to stand waiting for me to give directions.

"I'm taking the first watch. You lot are welcome to get some sleep," I offered. A tinge of guilt overcame me. "But can I have a moment to speak to you, Sir Carrion."

I motioned for Carrion to join me a little bit from the fire. To my surprise, the last two members of the party sat back down discussing something. I had purposefully moved just outside of earshot but that worked both ways.

"Yes, Lord Holden?" Carrion stared at me with a look that might've been mistaken for contempt, if not for his one raised eyebrow. He was confused.

"I know it was not probably in your original plan for me to overhear your conversation with Princess Alina earlier. But if I may, I would like to offer some free advice." I waited for some type of acknowledgement. Receiving none, I proceeded.

"You said if you do not hear from the Princess before the next petitioner's court, you would know your answer. It is hard for you to hear from the Princess if you are not willing to listen," I tried to give Alina a better chance at expressing her desires to him. Far be it from me to tell him more.

"Lord Holden, perhaps it is you who needs to listen." Carrion smiled smugly

"I do not understand your meaning." I countered.

"Princess Alina reminded both of us recently that a Swordsman cannot marry someone from the Royal line. You have already made your decision on that front. Now it is time to let Alina make one for herself," Carrion smiled, attempting to be understanding of my perceived plight.

I was stunned into silence. My attempt to help this juvenile not embarrass himself further turned into him accusing me of having feelings for our Princess.

"Lord Holden, you already hold a position of honor. I thank you for your service. With recent events, my family's status might be called into question. I can see no better way to prove our loyalty to Ensis than uniting with the house of Phoenix to defeat our enemies," Carrion dipped his head politely. "Goodnight, Swordsman"

I stood there stunned. Carrion wanted to marry Alina just to make sure his loyalty was not put into question. These kids need better hobbies.

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