The Four Swords

Chapter 57: Thank you

Chapter 57: Thank you

I stood from the table with anger still coursing through my veins. I wanted to lash out, but instead I tried to bottle my emotions.

"Thank you for the conversation, Your Majesty. It was most enlightening," I managed with the most even tone I could muster while standing to leave. I would not give King Caderyn the satisfaction of knowing how deeply his words cut me.

My aim hit its mark. The sovereign balled his fists. With his mouth tightly pinched and eyes narrowed, he stared daggers at me.

I turned to exit. My shadows were good men. Each had his hand resting on the pommel of their respective swords, ready to defend me if the king's anger turned into something physical. One of them shut the door behind us.

Every fiber of my being wanted to collapse on the floor. The King hated me. There was a chance I'd break Alina's heart. My father surely would be disappointed in me if he knew I was just a lackey in the king's plans. I felt the weight of my current situation as I continued toward the main doors of the castle.

I hardly noticed that my feet were picking up speed until a firm hand clasped my shoulder. I turned to see my shadows' worried faces.

Finley removed his hand. "You cannot run from your problems. Is there anything we can do to help?"

I added my shadows to the list of people that I disappointed. My chest wanted to collapse in on itself. They should be guarding real members of the royal family and not a charlatan like myself.

"No, my friends. Thank you for your concern." I muttered. I meant the sentiment but could not muster a more pleasant demeanor.

The two men shared a look. Finley was the one to coax Alejo to speak with a knowing nod in his direction.

"The King is a bully. He will calm down in a few days when his level head returns. You're a better man than many who have been caught in his crosshairs just by the way you handled yourself," Alejo offered.

"Thank you," I managed.

"Also if you don't perk up in the next few days, I'm going to have to start cracking jokes. It's not pretty. The Queen was not exaggerating. You've been warned." Alejo added genuinely.

I laughed listlessly. These men are a credit to their kingdom. With a renewed spirit, I found my way home for the night.

The next day, my residual anger toward my situation fueled my training. I lost to no one. The victories were mirthless since I did not engage in my usual level of chatter. The Swordsmen all gave me a wide berth, knowing the full sting of the King's temper themselves.

After one particularly short sparring match, I noticed Cali again at the end of the training field near the gardens. My friend had some bad habits, but this one is particularly irksome.

I set my mind against going to speak to her. If she wanted me to go save Alina again or do a favor for the Queen, I might as well go home. I could not step foot in the same wing of the castle as the King at the moment.

Distracted, I did not notice my next opponent. I looked up to see Finley standing in front of me. Is it even allowed for guards to spar with the people they are supposed to be protecting?

"Hello, Finley. Are you even allowed to fight with me? Isn't that a bit counterproductive?" I inquired.

"I'm not here to spar with you, Jack. I just wanted you to know that Lady Calista is waiting for you at the edge of the field," Finley offered. Oh, that.

"I see that. Thank you," I responded coolly.

"Are you not going to go and see what she needs?" Finley straightened his broad shoulders in an authoritative manner.

I sighed. He did not look like he was going to leave me alone until I went to speak to her. To be fair, Cali has done nothing wrong. She has been a good friend to both Alina and myself. Also, nothing says I have to do what she requests if it involves the royal family.

I turned on my heel, letting my actions and not my words answer Finley's question. My shadow followed closely behind me. Somewhere along the way, Alejo joined us.

"Hello Cali. Is something wrong?" I greeted before fully closing the distance between us. If I needed to make an excuse for not going to the royal wing, the more time the better.

Cali's quizzical expression met my tired one before she softened. "Hello Jack. No. Nothing is wrong," she responded with flushed cheeks. Did I embarrass her by asking that?

I tried to lighten the uncomfortable tension that fell between us. "That's good. What brings you to the field today? Do you finally just get to watch? Or were you hoping for a rematch with Benate?"

An instant smile ran across her face. She was proud of herself, as she should be. " No," she hesitated. I think she was contemplating that rematch. " I came to thank you for yesterday. Being included in training meant a lot to me. I hoped to return the favor."

"What do you mean?" How could she return the favor?

" I just wanted you to be the first to know that some men from the clan of Bear arrived at the castle not too long ago requesting a Swordsmen Council meeting. Hopefully that gives you a leg up today so you can look good later in that meeting," Cali beamed.

"Thank you, Cali. That's great news!" I managed. The scouts we were waiting for finally arrived! I would sadly miss that meeting.

"No problem, Jack!" She turned to leave and I found myself unwilling to look away. Her presence warmed me today in the same way her hand did yesterday. She was a good friend.

Now all I had to do was come up with a good enough reason for my father to believe that I need to miss that meeting. What 'project' might the King send me to research? My time was running low, and sadly so were my ideas

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