The Gene Gamer

Chapter 62: Heaven's Will

Chapter 62: Heaven's Will

Keeping some of the meat and bones along with a trace of its energy, he left it there and went to a distance before concealing his aura. 


Detecting the energy they have thirsted for a long time, many undeads and demons gathered near the remains of the undead, each trying to devour it whole. But in this place where many powerful undeads gathered, even getting a tiny piece was a hard task. 

Monsters who came early would store it within themselves as they can't use it for themselves without refining it, otherwise it would become poison instead. 

As the monsters gathered, they would kill each other to reduce the competition while the creature who got a piece would be ganged up on and brutally slaughtered by several monsters. 

Earlier, a demon bird had the piece in its mouth. Almost as it had got it, it tried to fly away and escape but instead of the sky it hoped for, it was caught in the mouth of a giant spider as it was sucked out of all the essence in its body. 

The spider proceeded to get the piece but it was also ripped apart by several lower-level demons led by a peak-first tier worm with wings on its back. 

In the temptation of a piece left by a second-tier undead, even the intelligent peak first-tier creatures would participate in it, killing the demons nearby as they fight against each other. 

Silently gazing all of it happening, no emotion was shown in Cylius's eyes. These were his prey and he would be sure to enjoy all of them.

At the start, some undeads were hesitant to participate as they felt that this was a huge trap prepared for them, but seeing that there were no ambushes and unusual auras nearby they relaxed and joined the battle. 

As they were fighting, unknown to the creatures, a web of death yin energy spread out underground, covering the whole mountain. The energy was deadly, as even the soil resistant to the negative energy had been destroyed by it.

This was his trap, created to kill all of the monsters here to get their essence. 

When all of the spectators join, the real trap would begin. 

Raising his hand, a giant rock wall towering a hundred meters was built. Following the motion of his hand, the rocks were uplifted in an instant, locking the whole mountain in a circular cage. 

The wall radiated a glaring blue aura that looked noble and mighty.

Seeing that a giant wall had been built suddenly secluding them, the monsters were flustered. The weak paid not much attention while the strong showed confusion and fear.

When anything touched the blue aura surrounding the wall, whether it was energy or matter, they would be repelled two meters away from the wall. 

Close to the wall, a forbidden zone was formed as even the oxygen and molecules in the air had been repelled away. 

Along with the wall, dark gray energy got out from the ground as it filled the whole cage. The insides of the cage had been filled with the dark gray energy, as the scene inside it was blurry with mist covering the vision. 

The lower-stage monsters instantly died off to this mist while the strong persisted on. 

But as time passed, they could no longer as they fell to the ground one by one, decomposing with speed the bare eye could see. 

As the mist absorbed the bodies, it became stronger and stronger until even a breath of it could kill a maturity stage undead but the peak stage was different from the maturity stage, all of their stats would be boosted and they would also become harder to kill. 

With time, the strong fell down one by one until only seven peak grade undeads along with one demon was left.


Undeads and demons were somewhat similar as they both needed lifeforce but there was a difference between them. 

Undead were creatures who had resurrected from death and needed lifeforce to continue existing while demons were creatures that needed lifeforce to improve. 

Undeads needed lifeforce to continue existing and also to improve so the lifeforce they had acquired would be divided into two, resulting in their advancement being slower while demons didn't need lifeforce to continue existing.

They were destructive and had the nature against all lifeforms. So the advancement of them would be faster than undeads while they could also become an undead after death if the requirements meet.

If not for this place being more favorable for undeads to be born, the ratio would be much different, with the demons outnumbering the undeads by a large margin. 


The eight creatures left had no way out, they tried everything, from attacking the wall to digging downwards, nothing worked. 

That's why they were in despair, in their mind there was only one choice left and it was to kill each other and gain enough power to escape from this place.

They knew that the others weren't stupid, there was always the possibility of a sneak attack, so they looked warily at each other, as they backed away. 

Suddenly, the only demon here, a giant eagle with four wings cast its eyes towards the three eyed fox. As if sensing that it was looking at it, the three eyed fox let out a bark as it grit its teeth.

As the two stared at each other, the eagle dived towards the fox at a fast speed. 

The air was sliced as the eagle dived towards the fox, the hundred meters height of the cage was passed by the eagle in a blink with it diving towards the fox at a fast speed.

The fox, already knowing it was the eagle's target evaded sideways as a small ball of fire with a dark tinge in it concentrated in the fox's mouth. 

The small ball of fire with the size of a thumbnail shot towards the eagle. 

Shooting at a speed the ordinary eye would look as a red beam of laser, the fireball scorched the air in its way.

The eagle couldn't dodge due to the speed it was diving but it could choose to defend. The air around the eagle was forced out, as the fire was extinguished in an instant when it became close to the eagle.

The fox was surprised and scared once it saw the ball of fire get extinguished so without any further, it tried to retreat only to meet with the resistance of the wall and get repelled back two meters.

Seeing an opportunity, the eagle rushed to the fox, but just as it was about to rush an invisible hand kept it its grasp, making it stop in place. 

The eagle struggled but to no avail, the grasp only became tighter and tighter until it could no longer bear as it screeched out piercingly. 

With a pushi, the demon was crushed by the pressure, but instead of the pieces flying everywhere, it all stayed in one place. 

The pieces in their vision were suddenly gone, the place where it had been was now empty. 

The surrounding undeads noticed this scene, scared for their life tried to escape this deadly place at all costs.

But without their notice, a man with a mask had appeared within the center of the cage. Inside the mask, the only thing visible was the man's amused thin smile.

Although through the mask one couldn't see the expression, they could feel that the man was looking at them as if they were mere toys, existing solely to entertain him. 

Indeed they were toys to him, toys that existed solely to keep him entertained so he was going to enjoy this process.

Walking towards the fox step by step he was calm. 

Just as he reached the fox, a hole was created above the fox's head, and without it noticing, it had gone into the hole silently. 

As the hole had devoured the fox whole, he walked towards the next target but unknowingly a red stream of liquid got out of his mouth and dripped down his chin. 

One by one, only one was left. 

Grabbing the giant python by the middle, it tried to resist, but it was in vain as it was thrown into the hole. 

The hole could be said to be his personal refiner, all the undeads and demons he had placed there would be torn by the spatial fluctuations, and their energy would be absorbed by him. 

His body couldn't store all of that but with the dimension rune's help, he could use it to create a small space hole to refine all the lifeforce, essence, and energy to absorb it himself. 

This was his third time doing this large hunting event and also a week since he had started doing this.

He hunted three second-tier creatures and used their residual essence as a bait to kill a large number of undeads, and absorb their energy for recovery.

After today's result, he was sure to recover to his peak state and might even advance further a little. 

The plan had been changed once again.

The plan fluctuated and modified a lot since he had come to this planet, almost like the whole world is trying to ruin his plans. 

Although he was annoyed, he had no power over in this field, things like destiny and fate, he can't control them. 


His next plan would be going to the Pit of Abyss in a team preferably and see what it held for him. Although he knew it was dangerous, something was attracting him towards it and he felt that if he didn't go, he would miss something very important. 

Although the chance of him dying was greater, he wanted to try it. Even though he had a goal now, he was tempted to go. More precisely, his reason was being twisted to make him go. 

This was wrong... terribly so. 

If he was still at first-tier or was a normal person, he wouldn't have felt this. The feeling of being controlled and being brainwashed. 

His logic twisted, and the breach in the contract becoming bigger making the other personalities getting out easier. 

Forcing himself to calm down, he indeed noticed a fault in his soul. 

It was being affected, something like controlled by a greater thing, if not for his perception, he wouldn't have noticed the slight difference within his soul. 

Going by his original thinking, he was more inclined to think that the heavens was getting in his way, trying to influence his decisions and kill him. If it was a great existence trying to do that they could do it without any restraints while the heaven's will had its own rules.

Even though it was almighty, it was shackled by the rules it created. 

Going by this train of thought, he found out more traces of the heaven's will affecting his decision.

From when he had boarded the pace ship to meeting up with Farold and suddenly thinking Farold was the protagonist with little traces that made no sense...

To suddenly wanting to give people problems by bullying them, to having a beef with Farold. All of it pointed to someone or something influencing his decisions. 

But even if he knew this, he had no choice but to give in. 

He didn't know the existence of other worlds, it might not even be possible that this world was the ending and the one and only existence. 

If he resisted it, he would be squashed like a bug, and this way his chance of dying would be higher.

It would give him problems one after another each bigger than the previous, the first few he might be able to overcome it but there would be a day he can't resist and die. 

Whether he dies or not, he would strive to reach his goal whether the consequence was massacring millions or becoming the enemy of the whole world!

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