The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 124: Hidden Skill (3)

Chapter 124: Hidden Skill (3)

And then,


A “Tunnel Spider” that had emerged from the ground after a delay was killed by the Great Beheading Skill, its head and chest pierced through.

It paid the price for greedily intruding, thinking the owner had laid out a feast.


As the Tunnel Spider was naturally torn apart by the Great Beheading, something inside its body became visible.

Digging deep into it and pulling it apart revealed a few undigested items from its stomach.

These appeared to be remnants undigested during the process of digesting a dead hunter it had consumed, with the upper part of the body gone.

Despite the foul smell, Kang-hoo, without changing his expression, swiftly took only what was necessary.

Among the items, there was one that Kang-hoo found useful; the rest seemed sellable.

【Persistent Duel – Bracelet】

【Grade: 4th Grade】

【Health +100】

Compared to the 6th-grade bracelet he was wearing, the “Bracelet of Rising Vitality,” this one increased his health by a whopping 75.

There was no reason not to switch. Kang-hoo immediately put on the new bracelet.

“May your soul rest in peace.”

Kang-hoo prayed for the repose of the item’s former owner, who had met such a tragic end.


The effectiveness of the Black Moon Slash was clearly realized in the process of defeating the Black Guide this time.

In this manner, it was possible to hunt the Black Guide, which most hunters avoid.

Of course, due to the issue of dark energy recovery, it couldn’t be done frequently.

But, at least when the dark energy was fully recovered, it seemed possible to hunt one Black Guide each time.

“It seems right to use the ultimate skill enhancement opportunity linked to the assassin of ruthlessness on the clone technique.”

Kang-hoo made up his mind.

After killing Park Jun and obtaining the constellation of the assassin of ruthlessness during the rescue of Park Dong-jae,

He had been contemplating which basic skill would be best to enhance to the ultimate level.

Anything would naturally be good, but he aimed to link it to an essential skill if possible.

And after using the Black Moon Slash,

Kang-hoo painfully realized the power of a hidden skill is beyond what one could imagine.

However, unless the opponent is a fool, they wouldn’t simply watch Kang-hoo attempt to fully charge.

Monsters might find it difficult to predict hunters’ skills and miss the timing due to self-centered thinking.

But a quick-witted hunter would prepare to evade as soon as they saw the dark energy condensing at the tip of Kang-hoo’s dagger.

Then, the effort and time spent aiming for a one-strike kill with Black Moon Slash would be in vain.

No, it would be fortunate if it just became ineffective; it could even lead to a counterattack, endangering his life.

The choice was quickly made.

If it doesn’t seem right, it’s possible to change it up to 3 times, so adjustments can be made.

Soon, the “Clone Technique” skill was transformed into an ultimate skill under the effect of the constellation of the assassin of ruthlessness.

【Clone Technique】

【Skill Proficiency: Ultimate】

【Only the options added or changed by the user's settings are displayed.】

【The duration of the clone is increased from a total of 10 seconds to 20 seconds.】

【Originally, the clone had to be 'directly' controlled, but now it has the added ability to 'learn'.】

【Learning status can be checked separately by clicking the 'Learning' tab.】

“Learning up to the realm of the unconscious, huh? This definitely seems right.”

Kang-hoo nodded.

The identity of an assassin ultimately comes down to stealth and the clone technique.

Especially the clone technique, depending on the assassin hunter’s sense and response, can yield vastly different results.

Being able to kill an enemy that won’t die and turning a situation of death into an opportunity for survival.

From now on, it seemed necessary to dedicate oneself to training with the Hundred Day Slash and Black Moon Slash, if only for the clone’s learning.

The motivation for repetitive training was lacking since proficiency was always at its maximum, but now, it’s a different story.


Having met Jinho Young again, Kang-hoo confirmed that there were no issues with their cross-verification.

In other words, there were no errors or omissions in the information recorded on the map, and everything was as intended.

After all, the Jeonghwa Guild’s search team would go through the verification process once more, making it perfect information.

Before coming out,

Climbing up the hill towards the entrance, Kang-hoo surveyed the battlefield from a clear vantage point.

The battlefield had been adjusted, and Jang Si-hwan’s team was much closer than before.

“It’s impressive, I have to admit. But then again, it’s my plan, so it couldn’t be otherwise.”

Kang-hoo marveled at the coordination between Jang Si-hwan and Chae Gwanhyeong.

Jang Si-hwan was deploying spatial opening magic in succession, mobilizing Chae Gwanhyeong in the air.

Chae Gwanhyeong didn’t have wings or the ability to fly.

Yet, as if he could, Chae Gwanhyeong was pouring attacks on the giants from mid-air.

When about to fall due to gravity, Jang Si-hwan would lift Chae Gwanhyeong to a higher position again.

It was like infinite power, infinite rising, so Chae Gwanhyeong didn’t know how to fall from the air.

Kang-hoo couldn’t help but snicker to himself.

Not out of ridicule or derision, but because he had created such a formidable enemy.

Facing these opponents who freely utilized the ground and air, what preparations should he, an assassin, make?

Kang-hoo realized anew that the list of skills he needed seemed endlessly long.

After emerging from the Hell of Judgment, Kang-hoo returned with Jinho Young to the search team and completed the submission of their findings.

He wondered if there would be an additional rigorous verification process, but there was none.

It was probably confidence.

Everyone knew what would happen if they messed around in a matter involving the Jeonghwa Guild’s name.

Being targeted would be the least of their worries; they’d have to watch their backs every day.

So, they must have assumed it was properly sorted out. If any discrepancies were found later, they’d just deal with them then.

Kang-hoo put off Jinho Young’s suggestion to have a drink today for another time.

Wanting to see her reaction by turning her down once was the first reason.

The second was that Jeon Se-hyuk had come up to Seoul for some business with Park Dong-jae.

Meeting with Jeon Se-hyuk was more important, as they had to finalize the dungeon ownership transfer.

So, leaving a disappointed Jinho Young behind, he headed to Seoul Station, where the two were already waiting.

A drink with a woman he had met for the first time today was less important than…

A dungeon filled with skills ripe for the taking was far more crucial.

So, without hesitation, he chose Jeon Se-hyuk and Park Dong-jae. It was a choice fitting of Kang-hoo, who pursues practical benefits.

“Let’s go with this dungeon.”

“Sounds good. It seems like the most meaningful use of a dungeon. I’m really pleased.”

“I’ll cherish and manage the dungeon well, befitting the reputation of its original owner.”

“Thank you once again for saving Dong-jae. We will never forget it. Neither I nor Dong-jae will.”

“It feels good to have been of help with my little tricks.”

Though long-distance spatial movement can hardly be called a little trick.

Jeon Se-hyuk laughed it off, knowing that Kang-hoo was trying to be as humble as possible.

Even if he was being flattering for helping in exchange for dungeon ownership, it didn’t seem at all displeasing.

To Jeon Se-hyuk, Kang-hoo appeared to be very polite. In other words, he didn’t make pointless remarks.

“All the preliminary steps have been taken. Just enter the dungeon code here, and it will be forever owned by Mr. Seon-gyu.”

Though Park Dong-jae was present, he referred to Kang-hoo as Seon-gyu.

Jeon Se-hyuk had prepared the ownership transfer procedure on his mobile, entering the real name.

Unless one is a hunter without a birth registration, Kang-hoo, too, is a hunter with a national ID card.

In official procedures or documents, one’s real name must be used.

Of course, having one’s real name listed here doesn’t mean they’ll fall under the surveillance of the Hunter Public Safety Bureau.

The Hunter Public Safety Bureau only manages the overall database, including approvals, denials, and retrievals.

They hardly ever look into who owns which dungeon.

This is because there’s a shortage of personnel to manage the dungeons owned by the Hunter Public Safety Bureau itself.

When they can hardly manage their own affairs, they have no time to be concerned with what others have.

‘Even at the lowest estimate, this dungeon is worth at least 30 billion won. It would fetch that price even in a quick sale.’

Jeon Se-hyuk really spent a lot of money.

Even if he earns more and cherishes Park Dong-jae like a brother, such expenditure is not ordinary.

Kang-hoo sensed Jeon Se-hyuk’s desire to forge a strong bond of gratitude and favor within his thanks and kindness.

There is no kindness without reason.

Even if one isn’t consciously aware of it, there’s definitely a reason embedded in the unconscious.

For example, the desire to deepen ties with this person.

It’s like the “debt of gratitude” Kang-hoo aimed to instill in Lee Hyun-seok. There’s certainly a possibility.

It didn’t really matter.

Whatever the intention, the ownership of the dungeon was changing. Now, it’s Kang-hoo’s forever.

And Jeon Se-hyuk was still a person of great utility value in the future.

He is quite a righteous person.

He has a good relationship with Lee Hyun-seok and boasts a wide network in the Gyeongsang region.

Furthermore, he finds common ground with Kang-hoo in their mutual disdain for the Jeonghwa Guild and Eclipse.

【From now on, the complete ownership of Gyeongju Dungeon, registration number 331, is transferred to Hunter 'Shin Kang-hoo'.】

“Thank you.”

Kang-hoo expressed his gratitude once more.

A 30 billion won rescue mission.

For Kang-hoo, the task was so effortlessly manageable that he’d jump at another chance should it arise.

This ease was primarily due to the disorganized nature of their adversaries, the remnants of the Osho Mercenary Corps.

Kang-hoo had high hopes for the abilities of the main boss of the Gyeongju Dungeon, often referred to simply as Gyeongju Dungeon.

The boss’s skill involved enhancing the buffs he applied to himself, effectively amplifying them.

Maximizing the effects of buffs was crucial for conducting solo or small-group dungeon raids in the future.

With the right synergy, Kang-hoo and Park Dong-jae could effortlessly conquer most dungeons together.

Together, they could perform with the efficiency of three, no, more than four individuals—both in theory and practice.


“There… I don’t have money right now, but I really wanted to give you this, so I brought it.”

Park Dong-jae presented something with an awkward expression.

Perhaps because Jeon Se-hyuk had shown such grand gratitude, his own offering seemed somewhat modest in comparison.

“What is it?”

Jeon Se-hyuk, appearing more curious than Kang-hoo, nudged Park Dong-jae.

Then Park Dong-jae flinched and

carefully unwrapped something encased in cloth.

It was an item tenderly wrapped in a cloth reminiscent of something a grandmother in the countryside might use.

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