The Genius Assassin Who Takes it All

Chapter 133: Jeju Island (2)

Chapter 133: Jeju Island (2)

Contrary to my expectations of a long call, the conversation between Lee Ye-rin and the client ended quickly.

Though she used several phones and the sound was faint, I could still catch some of the conversation.

Of course, it wasn’t enough to grasp the full context. Soon after, Lee Ye-rin continued speaking.

-The negotiation is over.

“What did they say?”

-They agreed to accept everything. But if the bleeding doesn’t stop, they’ll revert to the original proposal.

“They’re asking for accountability.”

-They’re saying to earn their keep.

“Let’s accept it. As I mentioned earlier, what they want from me doesn’t seem to be about dealing damage.”

-That’s right.

“It’s just a simple task for me.”

-When should I notify them to commence?

“Tell them I’ll head to Jeju Airport as soon as it gets light. Around 8 AM.”

-Mr. Kang-hoo, you’ve always been quick to act, which I appreciate. You never hesitate, do you?

“Think of it as having a good client.”

-Then I’ll send the relevant documents right away, including information about the person we’ll meet tomorrow.


The call ended.

My phone kept vibrating during the call, and it turned out there were numerous texts from Yun Sang-mi.

【Was Kang-hoo really Shin Kang-hoo?】

【Sister Seo-yeon talked about you before. I talked about you too!】

【Back then, I thought you were Sun-kyu, and she thought you were Kang-hoo. It seems we were talking about the same person under different names, doesn’t it?】

【I just talked with Sister Seo-yeon. Is this okay? We’ve really been marked by Eclipse.】

Yun Sang-mi had written everything she wanted to say despite not receiving any replies, showing her determination.

Kang-hoo replied.

【Check the Eclipse website for the hit list. See how many are on it. There are over 200, excluding me. Don’t worry.】

【Really. And I don’t think you’re in any danger, brother.】

【Ah! Thank you so much for taking care of me last time. It was the first time I ever received such care.】

【I wish you’d spit on your tongue before lying. Anyway, I’m doing well. Let’s meet again.】

【Take care, brother.】

Although it was a brief text conversation, Yun Sang-mi’s concern was genuinely appreciated.

A heartfelt concern is only possible with a warm heart.

“I better get some sleep.”

Kang-hoo lay down on the bed and, as always, played some classical music before falling asleep.

It’s time to boost recovery with the full effects of the constellation.

At that moment.

Baek Seon-tae, having finished a tiring day, returned home and couldn’t take his eyes off his monitor.

As a member of the Jajang military faction from Yeosu, Baek Seon-tae generally had no reason to focus on news from other regions.

However, he was very interested in the notorious domestic criminal organization, Eclipse.

Especially, he found the monthly published hit list from Eclipse always intriguing to follow.

Typically, being on that list meant you were a challenging and difficult opponent.

Usually, before anyone gets on that hit list, they are eliminated by investigators or hounds representing the organization.

Just then.


The face of the newly updated person on the list was too familiar.

It was the man known as Jung Sun-kyu.

While also an assassin, this man had inspired Baek Seon-tae to genuinely want to learn.

He was registered on the hit list, under his real name, Shin Kang-hoo.

“Mr. Sun-kyu, or should I say, Mr. Kang-hoo, did you kill Cha So-hee and Jin Hyo-young? Or rather, when did Cha So-hee die?”

One learns facts late if they are not attentive to the world’s news.

Cha So-hee’s death had happened some time ago, but it was kept confidential and only recently became known.

Cha So-hee had been a hunter whom Baek Seon-tae met just once, renowned for her excellent fire manipulation skills.

For Baek Seon-tae, facing a master of fire-based abilities was daunting.

It turned out that Kang Dong-hyun’s favorite hound had been killed by Kang-hoo, as had Jin Hyo-young’s.

“My eyes weren’t mistaken.”

He bit his lip hard.

From the first time he saw Kang-hoo, he sensed something extraordinary about him, and he was right.

Of course, there were disappointments.

“Why don’t you contact me? Really, not sending any messages… Every single move was a work of art.”

Kang-hoo had unilaterally received his contact details and SNS, which remained silent to date.

He had hoped Kang-hoo would contact him sooner, but now he worried he might be forgotten.

“Maybe I should leave Yeosu behind. It’s not fun anymore, and playing the boss of this alley has grown tedious.”

Baek Seon-tae’s eyes deepened as he habitually brought a canned beer to his lips.

To make it big, one must play in the big waters. Yeosu felt too small for him.

And somehow.

He thought following Kang-hoo might provide a breakthrough that could surpass his current stagnant growth.

Yes, it was a vague hope. But it seemed like Kang-hoo knew a different path that could lead somewhere else.

As dawn dispelled the darkness and the eastern sky began to reveal a red hue,

Emilia, who had planned to return to France on a morning flight, reopened her packed suitcase.

This was because her plans had changed.

It was the person she was talking to on the phone who had changed her usually unchangeable schedule.

“Vincent, what sudden wind has blown you here?”

It was indeed Vincent Meyer.

They had known each other for a long time as members of The Thirteen Stars, though they weren’t close.

They had never truly shown their true feelings to each other. They were more like strict business partners.

I’m going with El. I want to travel around Korea a bit, and while at it, see some familiar faces.“

“It seems there are quite a few in Korea. Casey has also signed an agreement with the Jeonghwa Guild, and they are currently raiding that dungeon…”

-Yu Cheonghwa is also there, and Jang Si-hwan and Chae Gwanhyeong will come out of the dungeon if we wait. Maybe we can call Takashi too?

“That hermit won’t come out. If he does, it will surely be a clone.”

-A clone coming means the same as the original. It’s all the same.

“Seriously. You should have told me earlier. How can I make arrangements on such short notice?”

-I’ll pay double the flight cancellation fee. So, delay it a bit. Let’s see each other’s faces.

“Alright, contact me as soon as you arrive in Seoul. It’ll be my first time greeting Lady Elizabeth.”

-El has high expectations for you. She acknowledged you as someone more beautiful than herself.

“Don’t start a fight over strange things. Just come quickly.”

-We’re taking off soon. Let’s meet when I land.

It seemed like the gathering would be bigger than expected.

Jang Si-hwan, Chae Gwanhyeong, Yu Cheonghwa, Casey Rex, Elizabeth, Vincent Meyer, and herself.

At least seven people’s participation was certain. Perhaps they could also call Takashi from Japan.

Meeting colleagues was always enjoyable, but Emilia was curious why Vincent was coming to Korea.

He wasn’t someone who would travel just to see people. There had to be something significant he was here for.

Something had caught his attention, but she couldn’t guess what it was.

“Should I prepare some welcoming food?”

Emilia enjoyed cooking, so she thought it might be a good opportunity to show off her culinary skills.

At the same time, she was curious to see how Elizabeth, who had recently joined as a new face, would react.

“Is the Saint of Salvation the truth or a hypocrite?” Emilia thought there was a 99% chance of the latter.

Because this damn world favors those who can pretend to be truthful more than the truth itself.


As planned, upon arriving at Jeju Airport, Kang-hoo was greeted by a comforting energy and couldn’t help but smile.

He hadn’t yet seen the city, but just feeling the gentle warmth enveloping his body made him feel as if he had returned to a peaceful, cozy hometown. It was almost magical.

The airport operated in collaboration with the Hunter Public Safety Bureau and the Groo Guild for processing.

Due to the stringent security measures in place, a significant number of criminals were detected at the checkpoint stage.

Just as Kang-hoo entered, two hunters were being led away in handcuffs.

As expected.

On the many display boards around the airport, the recently arrested hunters’ information and list of crimes were displayed.

【Oh Daegi】

【Assaulted the hunter ‘Kim Seok’ at a public gambling hall in Jeongseon, Gangwon Province, and fled with 1 billion won.】


【Unilaterally assaulted a female passenger sitting next to him on a KTX train heading to Seoul Station and fled.】

Typically, the charges filed with the Hunter Public Safety Bureau are recorded, and it was the same for these two hunters.

Cases like Kang-hoo’s, where the deaths leave no trace, or the deceased deserved to die, do not constitute charges.

More precisely, even if there are charges, it is closer to turning a blind eye.

Nonetheless, Kang-hoo had no issues and quickly completed the procedures to exit the gate.

Numerous guilds were actively promoting nearby, specializing in gathering, mining, and exploration.

Presumably, the Groo Guild monopolized the core elements, while subcontracting the rest.

Otherwise, such aggressive recruitment wouldn’t be allowed.

Just then.

“Mr. Shin Kang-hoo, over here!”

An official from the Groo Guild, recognizing Kang-hoo, called out his name.

Turning, he saw a man wearing a badge with the laurel symbol of the Groo Guild.

“Is that you?”

“Yes, that’s right. I’m from the Groo Guild. I’ll ensure your safe passage to the meeting place. Please, this way.”

The man bowed politely and carefully guided Kang-hoo to where he needed to go.

A secure limousine, which he had once ridden thanks to Jung Yuri, was ready.

After Kang-hoo boarded, the man cautiously continued.

“You may have received some materials earlier, but I have organized them for better readability. Please, feel free to look at this.”

The man handed over materials that were much tidier than the ones received before.

“Thank you.”

“I’ll ensure a quiet ride to the site. If you need me, just press the bell. Take care.”

Soon, a barrier that perfectly soundproofed and isolated the driver and passenger seats was raised.

At the same time, another barrier was activated.

The structure was thoroughly soundproof and bulletproof, a thoughtful provision by the Groo Guild.

He reviewed the content again.

As he had learned earlier, there would be 9 members in the team, making a total of 10 including Kang-hoo.

The composition was a typical firepower setup.

One tank, four mages, four archers.

This type of team is commonly called a heavy damage party, focusing on maximizing damage output.

What’s most important here? The only melee dealer and the key to aggro, the tank?


“If there’s no bleed, all nine are useless.”

It was the presence of a bleed dealer like Kang-hoo. This setup was missing the most crucial puzzle piece.

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