The Girl Who Married a Tycoon Husband After Disfigurement

Chapter 68: Restless Night

Chapter 68

These three people were professional human traffickers. The reason they were able to enter the room smoothly was that the manager of this hotel was part of their organization.

Every year, tourists who came to visit this place would mysteriously disappear from this hotel. Some were taken away, while others were killed right in their hotel rooms, and they didn't even spare children. It was for this reason that the hotel was shrouded in an ominous atmosphere, filled with the resentful energy of these ghosts.

With a wave of his hand and the activation of a Fire Spirit Talisman, the three men were instantly consumed by flames and vanished without a trace.

Tang Xin slept deeply, completely oblivious to everything around her.

Ling Yue dispelled the barrier and returned to the bed to continue her cultivation.

On the other side, Zhu Yang tossed and turned, unable to sleep, his mind constantly replaying the scene from the stone gambling earlier that day. Thinking about the one million he had lost made his heart ache.

"Drip! Drip!" The sound of dripping water came from the bathroom.

Zhu Yang turned over, not thinking much of it, but then there was a rustling sound of footsteps.

The footsteps stopped at the edge of the bed. Zhu Yang felt as if someone had lain down next to him, assuming it was a colleague who had sleepwalked into the wrong bed. He turned over and came face to face with a pale, blood-covered face. He tried to scream, but no sound came out, and he fainted.

At the edge of the sky, the red sun slowly rose, its golden-red light illuminating the entire world. The clouds churned like waves, creating a beautiful, poetic scene.

Tang Xin rubbed her drowsy eyes, opening them with a satisfied expression. "It's morning... I slept so well." She usually dreamed every time she closed her eyes, but last night she didn't have a single dream, sleeping soundly until morning. Today, she felt completely refreshed.

Ling Yue got up, went over to the window, and opened the curtains and windows, letting in a warm breeze carrying the scent of the morning sun.

After stretching lazily, Ling Yue went to the bathroom to freshen up.

The two had just finished washing up and changing clothes when there was a knock at the door.

"Xin Xin, Yue, are you ready?" came Old Mr. Tang's affectionate voice from outside the door.

Tang Xin opened the door, greeting Old Mr. Tang with a radiant smile. "We've been ready for a while." She hooked her arm through his. "Where's Big Brother Lan?"

Old Mr. Tang patted the back of Tang Xin's hand indulgently, smiling at Ling Yue. "Lan Ji has gone down already. There are a lot of people eating breakfast early, so he went ahead to find seats."

Ling Yue nodded. "Let's go down then."

The three arrived at the downstairs restaurant, expecting it to be crowded with people eating breakfast, but instead found it nearly empty, with only a few people dining.

"Where is everyone?" Old Mr. Tang seemed perplexed. Today was the stone gambling exchange meeting. If they didn't eat breakfast soon, they wouldn't make it to the venue in time.

He took out his phone and called Zhu Yang, but the call rang for a long time with no answer.

Old Mr. Tang frowned in confusion and dialed Zhu Yang's number again.

"Hello..." A weary, weak voice came from the other end.

"President Zhu, it's Old Tang. It's getting late. Why haven't you all come down for breakfast yet?"

"We'll be right there..." Zhu Yang sat up weakly from the bed, recalling the horrifying scene from last night that sent shivers down his spine.

He glanced toward the bathroom, swallowing hard in fear. He couldn't tell if what happened last night was a dream or not, but it felt so real - that bloody figure had walked out from the bathroom.

He shook his head forcefully to clear the terrifying image from his mind, thinking that he would have to change rooms later.

"Old Jiang, wake up." Seeing the person on the other bed still sleeping, Zhu Yang reached over and shook him.

Old Jiang opened his eyes groggily, only to be met with Zhu Yang's face looming over him, making him scream in fright. He had also had a night filled with nightmares, and just thinking about them now made him scared.

"What are you doing? You scared me!" Zhu Yang was so startled that he fell back onto the floor with a painful thud.

Old Jiang was fully awake now. Seeing that it was already daylight outside, he let out a sigh of relief. "What time is it now?"

"It's almost seven. Let's hurry down, or we won't make it to the venue in time." Zhu Yang's brow furrowed as he slowly got up from the floor. He felt like this trip to Myanmar had been extremely unlucky for him. He had opened two raw stones, both of which were worthless, and on top of that, he had that horrifying dream last night. Being scared awake by his companion had made him fall and hurt himself.

The two men quickly washed up and headed for the restaurant.

"Old Zhu, I feel like the room we're staying in is unclean," Old Jiang said once they were out of the room.

Zhu Yang turned his head stiffly. "Did you encounter something unclean?"

Old Jiang nodded and recounted the nightmare he had had the previous night.

After hearing it, Zhu Yang's face went pale, and beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead. Old Jiang had the same dream as him - could it be that it wasn't a dream at all?

"What's wrong with you?" Old Jiang noticed Zhu Yang's pallid complexion.

"I encountered something too..." Zhu Yang said shakily. No, he had to change rooms today, no matter what.

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