The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 861

861 The executioner

is that the prison for felons in the Brandi province? I heard that the people locked there are all unpardonable bad guys. It looks so depressing, ” Huang Daqian tilted his head, opened the curtain on one side of the carriage window, and muttered in a slightly nervous voice.

The four-wheeled carriage was on the way to the prison for the felons in Brandi province. Although it was still 2 – 3 miles away from the prison, they could see the grey building in the valley in the distance through the window of the carriage.

Perhaps it was a psychological effect or the prison for the serious criminals was full of gloominess, darkness and oppression. Even though the sun was shining high above their heads, from a distance, the prison for the serious criminals in the middle of the valley looked like a Vulture that was eating rotten flesh. It was definitely not pleasant. From a distance, people could even sense the decay and corpses over there.

“A few years ago, there was a notorious riot in the prison for the serious felons of brany province. Although this riot failed in the end, 60% of the prisoners in the prison died in the 7 days when the prison fell in the hands of those serious felons. Do you know how they died?” Zhou Dingan squinted his eyes and asked Huang Daqian.

Sure enough, Huang Daqian asked in a silly manner, ” how did he die? ”

the food in the prison was delivered from outside every day. Due to the riot, the food could not be delivered to the prison. Due to hunger, those prisoners ate people inside. Some prisoners even sacrificed dead bodies to the evil god, causing many prisoners to be contaminated by the evil law. Finally, they devoured each other. You eat me, I eat you. It’s said that those senior secret police of the investigation Bureau who entered the prison vomited. I heard that you can still smell the stench of blood when you enter the prison, ” Zhou ding ‘an described vividly. Yan Qianqian’s face started to turn pale as she revealed a disgusted expression.

In addition to Xia ping ‘an, there were six other people in the extended carriage. Lin luoyu seemed to have lost her usual interest in bickering. She sat opposite Xia ping’ an, her eyes scanning Xia ping ‘an’s face and body. Her eyes were full of inquiry, as if she wanted to find out some secret from Xia ping’ an. From the moment she got on the carriage this morning, Lin luoyu’s expression had been the same-Xia ping ‘an’s performance in the andis Castle yesterday was too eye-catching. Almost within a day, everyone in the Andrea Castle was shocked.

The other two were also new students from Andrea. The red-haired woman was called Doris, and the gray-eyed man with short light brown hair was called bonage. They were also new students who had gone to the prison for felons in Brandi province with Xia Pingan and the others to complete their executioner missions.

Although Xia Pingan’s gaze was looking at the prison in the distance through the window of the carriage, the focus of his eyes was not on the prison. He did not care about the so-called ” executioner’s Test ” that was about to come at all. In the palm of Xia Pingan’s left hand, there was still an incomplete five Fanny’s copper coin. There was only one copper coin, and the words that Fang ping had told him this morning were still echoing in Xia Pingan’s mind.

from the moment you leave Fort Andrea in the carriage, you’ve officially graduated. Soon, someone will contact you and tell you about the new mission. As a token, the person who contacts you will hold the other half of the five Fanny coin. He will be your contact person in the future, codenamed coin Feifei.

“A coin? Instructor, Do you not know who that person is?”

yes, I don’t know, because you’ve been chosen by the night watchmen. The night watchmen are the most special existence in the investigation Bureau. They only have code names to the outside world, and usually only have one-way contact, and their identity is strictly confidential. After telling you this, according to the confidentiality rules of the investigation Bureau, I will not mention this information to anyone in the future, and you can not mention this to anyone either!

If I leave Fort Andris just like this, don’t the others know that I’ve joined the night watchmen? ”

your file in andis Castle will record that you have completed your training in andis Castle with an outstanding performance in the first month. You will be promoted to a class 2 police officer in the investigation Bureau and appointed as an inspector in corand by the investigation Bureau. Inspector is your official identity. Many new students who graduated from andis Castle will be appointed as inspectors all over the country. This identity will not be suspicious!

so, I now have two identities, Pi Xiu.

yes, after completing the executioner’s mission today, you can officially report to the investigation Bureau in corand, ran ran.

“The salary is also two?”

ahem, you can ask coin when you contact him. I don’t know the exact salary of the night watchers, but everyone in the investigation Bureau knows that the night watchers have the most resources at their disposal, so the pay should be good.

The role of an inspector in the investigation Bureau was similar to that of plainclothes policemen and patrolmen in the police station, but they had greater freedom of movement. They were equivalent to the eyes and ears of the investigation Bureau stationed in various places and flexible forces that could be mobilized. There were many inspectors in the investigation Bureau, and the establishment was not small. Therefore, this official identity had no flaws and could be semi-public in the investigation Bureau. The role of the night watchman was highly confidential in the investigation Bureau, and their actions were also confidential. Even the personnel in the investigation Bureau only knew the code name of the night watchman, such as coin!


Soon, the carriage arrived at the gate of the prison for the felons. The prison guards opened the big black iron gate and let the carriage in. The prison was surrounded by high walls and barbed wire. From the inside of the carriage, there were forts and Sentry posts everywhere. The prison guards with guns patrolled back and forth on the forts. The carriage traveled through the narrow passage, and it felt like it couldn’t see the light of day. When the carriage stopped, it had arrived at an execution ground behind the prison.

Augustin, who was driving the carriage, got off and knocked on the door. you can get off now, Qingqing.

After getting out of the car, Xia Pingan looked around. The area of this execution ground was about the size of half a football field. It was surrounded by walls that were more than 20 meters high. The ground of the execution ground was covered with wild grass. A few guillotines were right next to them. On the guillotines were a set of tools used to hold the prisoners in place. The prisoners would have to kneel on the ground and not move their hands and feet. Then, they would stick their necks out from a hole and wait for their heads to be chopped off.

The prison was already prepared. A few men wearing red executioner headdresses were already standing by the guillotine with large knives.

Instructor August, who had a big beard, was communicating with a few prison officers.

The atmosphere of the execution ground was a bit gloomy and cold. However, many flies were constantly circling around the guillotines, which were attracted by the bloody smell around the guillotines.


For an executioner, it would be less stressful to shoot as it was not that bloody. They only needed to pull the trigger at a close distance. However, not everyone could bear the scene of a person’s head being chopped off and blood spurting out and rolling on the ground at a close distance.

It was not just Yan Qianqian. The female student called Doris was obviously nervous too. She clenched her fists and looked around in panic.

just treat those bad guys as livestock and kill them like pigs, Yingluo. Huang Dayan encouraged himself. Then, he saw Xia Pingan’s calm face and said, ” Pingan, Yingluo, aren’t you nervous? ”

the most effective way to protect the good is to let the evil die. To eliminate evil is to maintain good, so there’s nothing to be nervous about! Xia Pingan said calmly.

that’s right, well said. The most effective way to protect good people is to let the wicked die. This is the most important duty of our Investigation Bureau. The prisoners executed today are all scumbags who deserve to die. Only by sending them to hell can justice be realized.

Instructor August had already strode towards them with some red headcovers over the executioners ‘heads, ” the prison will soon bring the death row criminals to you today. They will be executed by decapitation. You will take turns to be the executioners while the others just watch on the side. Each of you will execute at least one person. This headcover can relieve your stress and help you get into character faster.

Instructor August distributed the red headbands to everyone.

Huang Daqian received one, Zhou ding ‘an also received one, Bogg also received one, Lin luoyu received one, Yan Qianqian and Doris hesitated for a moment, then gritted their teeth and received one.

Those who had received the head cover put on the bloody head cover well and covered their heads and faces, leaving a pair of eyes exposed through the gap of the head cover, which looked a bit weird.

When it was Xia Pingan’s turn, he shook his head and said, ” I don’t need it!

Augustin looked at Xia ping ‘an deeply and nodded.

Soon, nine prisoners in prison uniforms were escorted out by the prison guards, and a prison official who was supervising the execution ground read out the order to execute the beheading.

Alfred, male, 46 years old, was sentenced to death and beheaded by the superior roving court of brandy province in June 1573 of the seventh era of the Divine Calendar for trafficking and killing children. Today, his identity was verified and he will be executed in the prison for felons in brandy province.

As soon as the prison officer finished reading, a weak-looking man with messy black hair was taken to the guillotine and quickly fixed on it. He knelt down and stuck his head out of the iron shovel, like a lazy dog with a broken spine.

“Who’s going first?” Augustin looked at Xia Pingan and the others as he asked.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xia Pingan took a step forward and said, ” I’ll be the first, Yingluo.

“Alright!” Instructor August nodded and said to the others, ” open your eyes wide and watch. Don’t close your eyes. Whoever closes his eyes, I’ll ask him to clean up the bodies later and let him see as much as he wants.

Everyone was standing next to the guillotine, only a few meters away. This was a close distance to watch the execution.

Xia ping ‘an walked to the guillotine and took the big, shiny machete from the executioner beside him. Without even looking at the bastard kneeling on the ground, he chopped down. A stream of dirty blood spurted out from the man’s neck, and his head rolled to the ground.

A large circle of flies immediately flew over.

However, at the same time the head rolled down, Yan Qian Qian’s body went soft and she fell to the ground.

Doris turned around, took off the executioner’s mask, and started retching.

This kind of stimulation of death was very difficult to bear for many people who experienced it for the first time.

Xia Pingan handed the knife to the executioner beside him and calmly walked down from the guillotine.

Before Xia ping ‘an could walk down from the guillotine, he felt five points of divine power surging out from the top of the giant tower in his secret mandala.

Xia ping ‘an’s expression was calm, but his heart was excited because he had finally confirmed one thing. It seemed that as long as he killed the evil person, the giant tower would release divine power from the tower, as if it was a reward for him.


Besides immortal strength, there should be an evil soul wailing in raging flames in the prison cell under the huge tower.

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