The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 171: What A Group Of Heroes Are Capable Of (6)

Chapter 171: What A Group Of Heroes Are Capable Of (6)

Alex's PoV:

The fragments of the condensed mana longsword fell on the ground after the condensed mana longsword was shattered by the huge cheetah.

"I gotta say, the space attributed mana is no joke! My hand feels like it was stinging when I took hold of your condensed mana longsword."

The huge cheetah spoke towards us while looking at Distere and me.

The huge cheetah's defense stat must have been too high that it allowed the huge cheetah to withstand the damage of the space attributed to mana.

Even I dare not touch space attributed mana since there would be a chance that the space attributed mana would distort the space near it.

The defense wasn't my forte since I focused on improving my speed stats and attack stats since those two stats would be needed for further improving my attack power when using my sword techniques.

Why would I need to improve my defense stat when I could just use the deflection sword technique to defend and counter against any enemy attacks?

That's one of my purpose for creating the deflection sword technique since I needed to focus on at most one or two stats or I would be at a disadvantage against enemies who focused on one stat if I became an all-rounder.

As what they had said, jack of all trades, master of none.

If I don't master any techniques and focused on any stats, my enemies would surely overwhelm me with their powerful attacks and high stats.

"If you won't attack me, then I'll just be the one to attack first!"

The huge cheetah yelled towards Distere and me as it built up force in its legs and released the build-up forces to launch itself towards Distere and me which caused the ground that it had jumped on to form a medium-sized crater.

The huge cheetah channeled mana at the tip of its nails and slashed its left hand first and followed another slash with its right hand.

Distere and I stepped backward, jumped from our position, and twisted our body to provide extra force for our condensed mana longsword.

After Distere and I was almost finished in our rotation, Distere and I swung the condensed mana sword towards the sharp nails of the huge cheetah.

The huge cheetah's sharp nails from both of its hands collided with Distere and my condensed mana longsword which caused some sparks and some grinding noises to reverberate in our fight against the huge cheetah.

The huge cheetah lunged itself towards Distere and me to pushed its sharp nail forward which caused Distere and I to be overpowered by the huge cheetah for a second which resulted in Distere and me being pushed back by a meter.

Distere and I then quickly jumped backward by two meters and after our feet landed on the ground, Distere and I jumped forward again and the two of us were now in mid-air.

Distere and I raised our condensed mana longsword towards our back and before Distere and I almost slammed the condensed mana longsword towards the huge cheetah, Distere and I transformed the condensed mana longsword into a heavy broadsword.

Distere and my slam towards the huge cheetah's sharp nails using the condensed mana heavy broadsword caused the huge cheetah to be pushed into the ground and a crater formed on the ground the huge cheetah was standing on.

The huge cheetah was indeed a high-level monster. The huge cheetah could withstand a full-force slam from Distere and my condensed mana heavy broadsword.

After Distere and I finished slamming the condensed mana heavy broadsword towards the huge cheetah, Distere and I quickly retracted the condensed mana heavy broadsword and transformed the condensed mana heavy broadsword into a longsword again.

Changing the condensed mana heavy broadsword into a longsword made Distere and I use less force in withdrawing the condensed mana longsword from the huge cheetah.

The huge cheetah jumped from the ground it was standing on and due to the ground, the huge cheetah was standing on unstable because of it having a crater formed on it, the huge cheetah accidentally slipped which caused the huge cheetah's body to flop on the ground.

Distere and I took this opportunity to jump towards the huge cheetah and position the condensed mana longsword to face towards the back of the huge cheetah.

Distere and my condensed mana longsword landed on the huge cheetah's back and spinal cord but the skin of the huge cheetah was so thick that Distere and I were having trouble penetrating the skin of the huge cheetah despite already adding the space attributed mana towards the condensed mana longsword.

The huge cheetah channeled most of its mana towards its skin where Distere and my condensed mana longsword were trying to penetrate its skin.

The channeled mana on the huge cheetah's skin aided the huge cheetah's defense which made it more difficult for Distere and me to penetrate the skin of the huge cheetah.

The huge cheetah tried to shake Distere and me away from its back but Distere and I retaliated by adding more weight into our bodies with the use of mana.

The huge cheetah was forcibly pinned towards the ground and the weight of Distere and I on its back caused the huge cheetah to cough out blood.

The huge cheetah tried to wriggle out of Distere and my grasp but as the huge cheetah was struggling to get off Distere and me from its back, Distere and I were adding more weight so Distere and my total weight on its back were 200 tonnes or more.

The huge cheetah's bone on its rib cage started to crack one by one as every second had passed by and more blood was coughed out from its body.

The huge cheetah was screaming in pain from having its ribs crushed by Distere and my weight.

It was unfortunate that Distere and my condensed mana longsword wasn't sharp enough to pierce through the thick skin of the high cheetah but instead, defeated the huge cheetah using other means than sword techniques.

The huge cheetah transformed back to its best form in an instant which allowed it to escape from Distere and my grasp due to Distere and I standing on the uneven back of the huge cheetah in beast form.

The huge cheetah didn't transform back into its human form which meant that there was a cooldown in using the [Anthropomorphic] skill.

The huge cheetah didn't refute or speak towards Distere and me which also meant that the huge cheetah couldn't speak while it was in its best form.

Well, that's one reason why an animal couldn't speak and it was all due to not having vocal cords of that of a human.

The huge cheetah was limping as the huge cheetah started to approach Distere and me by walking towards the two of us.

Distere and my weight attack on the huge cheetah's back must have caused internal damage in its body so that's why it's limping while walking towards Distere and me.

The huge cheetah pounced towards Distere and me when the huge cheetah reached a certain amount of distance between Distere and me and the huge cheetah.

The huge cheetah opened its mouth and revealed its numerous sharp teeth and I wouldn't doubt that the huge cheetah's teeth could crush hard rocks and bones.

The huge cheetah went towards Distere first and the reason why the huge cheetah attacked Distere first must have been because of Distere's appearance.

Distere was a 13-year-old so the huge cheetah must have thought that Distere was a much easier opponent than me which was a mistake on the huge cheetah's side.

Although I was a bit more powerful than Distere because of my system, Distere was much cruel than me and his knife and sword techniques were almost unparalleled in the heroes' party.

Only Axel and I could match and defeat Distere's knife and sword techniques. Sophie's forte was dagger techniques so even if she was talented, she couldn't surpass Distere in terms of knife and sword techniques.

Although, Sophie could almost defeat Distere in terms of knife techniques due to a dagger being almost similar to a knife.

The huge cheetah was now a meter away from Distere and due to the huge cheetah being within Distere and my attack range, Distere took control of the condensed mana longsword and slashed it towards the huge cheetah.

I didn't go against Distere on moving the condensed mana longsword since that would remove the force of Distere's slash towards the huge cheetah considering that Distere and I were holding the condensed mana longsword together.

As Distere slashed the condensed mana longsword towards the huge cheetah, the huge cheetah used its mana on its body to release it which resulted in the huge cheetah propelling itself out of the way of Distere's slash.

The huge cheetah must have anticipated that Distere would slash the condensed mana longsword towards itself so the huge cheetah had already planned an evasion tactic in avoiding Distere's slash.

Distere had also prepared for the scenario if the huge cheetah had evaded its sword slash so Distere threw the condensed mana longsword and the condensed mana longsword went back towards Distere like a boomerang which caused the condensed mana longsword to be heading towards the huge cheetah's back.

The condensed mana longsword finally penetrated the huge cheetah's skin so the condensed mana longsword was stuck on the huge cheetah's back.

It was clear that Distere and I had the upper hand against the huge cheetah. If Distere and I didn't have the upper hand against the huge cheetah despite teaming up with each other, then Distere and I might be hailed as a laughing stock in our hero's party.

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