The Goblin's Leveling System!

Chapter 178: Obliterating The Level 77,000 Great Forest Spirit

Chapter 178: Obliterating The Level 77,000 Great Forest Spirit

Alex's PoV:

The level 77,000 great forest spirit was currently fighting against Pedonar and Sophie while Pedonar and Sophie were trying to force the level 77,000 great forest spirit to create an opening.

Aileen's attack was on standby but it would only be contained for at least a minute since the dragonic mana in the condensed sphere of dragonic mana was running rampant.

Aileen had a hard time keeping the condensed sphere of dragonic mana aimed towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit due to the heavy weight of the condensed sphere of dragonic mana.

Although Aileen had a much stronger constitution than most of the heroes due to her possessing a direct lineage from the dragon race, the condensed sphere of dragonic mana's weight was still unbearable for her because of exhausting almost all her mana and stamina.

Aileen should be able to last much longer than a minute if both of her mana and stamina were restored but I couldn't cast any healing spells that could restore stamina since I don't know any of such skills yet.

I also can't transfer my mana towards Aileen since the collision between two different types of mana would cause a sudden backfire in her mana pool.

Currently, most of Aileen's mana in her mana pool and body was filled with dragonic mana and it was due to seeing the flow of orange-colored mana in Aileen's mana pool and body that I presumed that the orange-colored mana was dragonic mana instead of the usual blue-colored mana that I usually saw using [Mana Sense].

Different types of mana have different colors if it was perceived by a [Mana Sense] skill. I mostly saw numerous blue-colored mana in the surroundings and that's why I could absorb it at a much faster rate.

The darker the color of a certain man, the denser the mana located within that spot.

By using [Mana Sense], I could see some light-orange-colored mana inside Aileen's body while dark-orange-colored mana in the condensed sphere of dragonic mana.

There was a minuscule amount of dragonic mana that was being released from the condensed sphere of dragonic mana so the energy of the condensed sphere of dragonic mana was slowly declining as every second passed by.

Although it was insignificant, it could still potentially affect the damage it would inflict towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit.

There was also a possibility that the level 77,000 great forest spirit would notice the existence of the dragonic mana that was exuded by the condensed sphere of dragonic mana because of the unusual movement of the surrounding mana.

The minuscule amount of dragonic mana that was exuded from the condensed sphere of dragonic mana was repelling the surrounding mana but was barely noticeable.

Only if the level 77,000 great forest spirit focused some of its concentration to discern the unusual flow of mana would that amount of dragonic mana be visible. Since the level 77,000 great forest spirit was occupied in concentrating its movements and attack towards Pedonar and Sophie, there would be at least a 0.1% chance that the level 77,000 great forest spirit would notice the unusual flow of mana and it would only be labeled as a mere coincidence.

Although, the chances of the unusual mana flow being detected would increase if the level 77,000 great forest spirit was near or within the location that the unusual flow of mana was located.

Pedonar and Sophie made sure not to let the level 77,000 great forest spirit near Aileen by several meters while I also intercepted the level 77,000 great forest spirit if it happened to glance towards Aileen's location.

There were only 20 seconds left before the condensed sphere of dragonic mana would be out of Aileen's control or even less or more than that.

Pedonar and Sophie had not yet forced the level 77,000 great forest spirit to reveal a wide opening for Aileen's attack to successfully hit the level 77,000 great forest spirit without missing a part of the level 77,000 great forest spirit's body.

I was forced into a situation where I had to make a move against the level 77,000 great forest spirit to catch it off-guard and restrict its movements for a short amount of time.

Aileen's condensed sphere of dragonic mana must be a high-speed attack like a beam attack of some sort but restricting the level 77,000 great forest spirit's movements would provide more chances for the condensed sphere of dragonic mana to eliminate the level 77,000 great forest spirit.

I released 5% of my mana to launch myself towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit at a fast speed that the level 77,000 great forest spirit barely detected my movements but did not react or intercept them.

I had a hard time moving my body while I was launched at high speed but I was able to finally aim my body towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit.

I hastily manipulated the mana stored inside my mana pool to cover my body while transforming the mana that had covered my body into space-attributed mana.

I passed through the level 77,000 great forest spirit's body while being enveloped with space-attributed mana and it caused the level 77,000 great forest spirit's body to split into two.

I had passed through the level 77,000 great forest spirit's abdomen so the level 77,000 great forest spirit's body was split into two while some of my space-attributed mana lingered on the level 77,000 great forest spirit's body.

Now that the space-attributed mana was on level 77,000 great forest spirit's body, I could now activate the skill I had learned from a skill scroll. I had obtained this skill scroll by stealing the stuff that was scattered in Mathew's room that was also deemed as "useless" by Mathew.

The skill contained in the skill scroll that I had stolen from Mathew was [Space Immobilization]. I had practiced the [Space Immobilization] skill when I was training on my own before the travel to Monster's Abode.

I had not used it yet since there wasn't a time that was best suited for it to be used up until now. The [Space Immobilization] skill immobilized the target that had mana by sealing the space around the target even if the amount of mana was meager.

Also, I could cast the [Space Immobilization] skill on any object or even space as long as that object or space contained mana in it.

It was the perfect ability to use towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit that doesn't have any physical body but a humanoid body made up of mana.

I stopped my movements using wind magic and I was now a meter behind the level 77,000 great forest spirit. Being near a powerful monster such as the level 77,000 great forest spirit was tantamount to suicide but since its power had dwindled from being continuously attacked by Pedonar, Sophie, and Aileen, I don't have to worry about the level 77,000 great forest spirit being a threat to my life.

As long as I had my mana to use skills that were related to the escape-type magic skills, I wouldn't be caught by the level 77,000 great forest spirit as long as I didn't care less.

After seeing that I was behind the level 77,000 great forest spirit, Aileen perfectly aimed the condensed sphere of dragonic mana towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit.

The level 77,000 great forest spirit wasn't able to move out of its place and was still fusing its severed upper and lower body while using the mana in its humanoid body to release the space-attributed mana that I had latched on its humanoid body.

I signaled Pedonar and Sophie to not attack the level 77,000 great forest spirit since it was still busy from fusing its body and attacking the level 77,000 great forest spirit would only alert the level 77,000 great forest to move away from its current location.

Aileen had finished aiming the condensed sphere of dragonic mana towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit and she started to release the condensed sphere of dragonic mana.

The condensed sphere of dragonic mana started to deform from its perfectly spherical shape and the surrounding mana started to forcefully change its flow.

It was inevitable for the level 77,000 great forest spirit to discover the existence of the condensed sphere of dragonic mana so that's why I made sure to be near the level 77,000 great forest spirit.

The level 77,000 great forest spirit struggled to propel its upper body out of the way of the condensed sphere of dragonic mana. The level 77,000 great forest spirit ended its fusion with its upper and lower body so the lower body was only partially connected with the upper body of the level 77,000 great forest spirit.

Like hell, I would allow the level 77,000 great forest spirit to escape!

I used ten percent of my mana to release a burst of mana behind my body to propel myself towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit. I then touch the humanoid body of the level 77,000 great forest spirit while activating the [Space Immobilization] skill using 40% of my mana.

The level 77,000 great forest spirit was bound in its current location with the use of the [Space Immobilization] skill.

I was now out of the direction of the condensed sphere of dragonic mana and I soon landed on the ground head first.

Aileen released the condensed sphere of dragonic mana towards the level 77,000 great forest spirit and a thick beam of orange light obliterated the level 77,000 great forest spirit.

Finally! The troublesome level 77,000 great forests spirit was obliterated! I thought to myself while removing my head from the ground.

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