The God Of Power

Chapter 51 - 51

Chapter 51: Chapter 51

"This should be interesting," Noboru said, his expression neutral.

"Let's do this!" Red Sky declared, his voice filled with confidence as he launched a powerful wind attack.

"Are you even trying?" Noboru asked, blocking the attack with a single finger.

"What the hell is this?" Red Sky demanded, his eyes wide with shock.

"This is the difference between the two of us. I am powerful while you... well, you are lucky to exist. Someone not worth my time," Noboru said, his voice filled with disdain.

"I'm not worthless. I'm the strongest version of that pathetic loser. The strongest of all time," Red Sky roared, his voice filled with rage.

"Oh, really, the strongest of all time? Well then, I guess I am going to show you the difference between us. Now, prepare yourself," Noboru warned, his voice serious.

"Bring it!" Red Sky challenged.

"Fine then. I guess I will," Noboru conceded, his expression neutral.

"Hmph, you're all talk and no action. I will show you true power. The power of the Red Wind," Red Sky said, his voice filled with arrogance. "Red Wind Dragon Avatar." As Red Sky did that, Red Wind enveloped his body and took the form of a giant Dragon made up of Red Wind.

"That's so lame," Noboru said as he thought back to a similar, more powerful version of this technique being used by his Grandfather Shin and Uncles Niju Chikara and Yami Chikara. "But I guess I will play along. You are nothing but a child throwing a tantrum. So let's end this childish game. Come, let me see the so-called power of the Red Wind."

"I will show you true power, the power of the Red Wind," Red Sky roared as he rushed at Noboru.

"Hmph, I can't believe you thought you had a chance. Well, let's end this game. I have something more important to do," Noboru said, his voice cold and dismissive.

"You are the one who doesn't know the power of the red wind," Red Sky said as he got close to him, raising his Red Wind Dragon Claw.

"I know, but this is getting boring," Noboru said, rolling his eyes. "I'm just going to end this." Noboru said as omni energy surrounded him, and with a single finger swipe, the dragon was no more.

"What? This can't be," Red Sky gasped, his voice filled with shock and disbelief.

"You are done," Noboru declared, his voice cold and emotionless as he appeared in front of Sky so fast that even saying he was bound to the concept of speed was an insult. He was so fast he was beyond the concept of speed. He then tapped Red Sky's head, who let out a blood-curling scream and passed out. As he did, his hair went back to the usual sky blue, and the red wind aura faded.

"Sky, are you okay?" Yumeko said, rushing over and checking on him.

"Yes, I'm fine Yumeko. Are you and Layla okay?" Sky asked, his voice filled with concern. "What happened? Did I beat the Void Lion?"

"We are fine. The Void Lion is gone. You didn't beat it; your other half sent it flying for so long the time was up, and void recalled it in itself because the void has a certain time limit. But your other half, he was the one who did all this," Yumeko said.

"What? What do you mean did I hurt you?" Sky asked, his voice filled with horror.

"You didn't hurt us. Your other half, not you, tried to claim us as his. He was really twisted and evil," Yumeko said, her voice shaky.

"What did he do?" Sky demanded, his voice laced with rage.

"He tried to do what a husband and wife do on their wedding night with both of us. He was also very vulgar and disrespectful," Yumeko explained hugging herself and shivering in disgust. "And not just me, he tried to do the same to Layla."

"That bastard," Sky roared, his eyes filled with rage. 'I... I... tried to.. I almost ...' Sky was cut off by Yumeko

"Noboru here saved us and beat him. But don't worry, he won't hurt anyone else ever again. He's unconscious," Yumeko said as she looked at him.

"Yeah, thanks for saving us," Layla added, her voice laced with relief.

"Don't mention it. I couldn't let the Wind God's daughter and his future son-in-law die at the hands of some weakling," Noboru said, his tone dismissive. "But hey, it seems the sleeping beauties finally woke up."

"Sleeping Beauty, huh? I'm more of a prince, but thanks for saving us," Sky said.

"I don't want to be a damsel in distress," Yumeko mumbled.

"You aren't a damsel in distress, Yumeko. Your Wind Spirit mode did better than me," Layla said.

"Wait a minute, Yumeko, you can summon a wind spirit? That's so cool," Sky said, making her blush.

"Well, that was a fun time, but I've got to head to the lava temple; that's where I'm meant to be. I was on the way there, and I saw red wind all over the town and decided to check it out," Noboru said as he was about to leave, but Sky stopped him.

"Wait, Noboru, we were heading there, or we were meant to head there, but we got distracted wanting to save the town from the Void Beasts. We should stick together since we are all going there," Sky suggested.

"I see, that does seem wise," Noboru said.

"So, Noboru, who are you? Why are you going to the Lava Temple, and where did you come from?" Sky asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"You have a lot of questions," Noboru noted, his voice laced with amusement.

"Yeah, well, we don't really know anything about you, and it's kind of suspicious that you just showed up out of nowhere and saved us all the time. I think it's only fair that you tell us something about yourself," Sky countered.

"You do make a fair point, and it's only right I share with you, but now is not the time, maybe at a later date," Noboru said, his tone firm.

"Oh, come on, Noboru, just tell us something about yourself," Yumeko pleaded, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Fine, I will tell you one thing. My name is Noboru Chikara, and I am actually the prince of two kingdoms. I was disowned from the Phoenix Kingdom and made the Dragon Kingdom, but it was destroyed, so I am here after my Uncle used a forbidden technique to send me here," Noboru explained.

"That's weird; we haven't heard of any Chikara family or those kingdoms," Yumeko said.

"That's because they don't exist in this place. They are in another dimension," Noboru said, wondering if his home would be able to handle him now that he had ascended this high, something higher than even the outer realms Ayame described to him, and this void seemed to be on the level of Ayame's realm.


Come, we have to head to the Lava Temple now," Noboru said, his tone firm.

"Yeah, you're right," Sky agreed.

"Let's go," Yumeko said, her tone determined.

"Right," Layla agreed.

The group set off for the Lava Temple, ready for anything.

"Hey, Noboru, are you going to help us fight the Disciples Of Darkness cult and protect the Braveheart Shield?" Sky asked, curious.

"Yeah, that's what I am here to do. To prevent the Void from taking over the world. So yes, I will be fighting the cult," Noboru explained.

"That's good," Sky replied, relieved.

"We will have a better chance with you on our side," Yumeko added, her voice filled with confidence.

"Yeah, thanks for agreeing to help us, Noboru," Layla said, grateful.

"No problem," Noboru said.

"So, Noboru, what's that power you use? It doesn't seem like aura and that bloodline power you said you have that turns all attacks into illusions. That can't be your only power. So what else can you do?" Sky said.

"Well, let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve," Noboru replied, his tone cryptic.

"That's not fair," Yumeko pouted.

"Oh, come on, Noboru, you can't just tease us like that. It's not fair," Layla whined as she got a devious idea and went up to Noboru and pulled his arm into her giant chest.

"Hey, what are you doing, Layla?" Noboru asked, somewhat embarrassed.

"No-bo-ru- kun, are you sure you can't tell your Layla onee-chan one of your secrets?" Layla cooed, her voice seductive.

"La... Layla, I am pretty sure I can't tell you anything about that," Noboru said, turning away from the giant bust Layla had, and the way she was looking at him was not helping. 'Damn it, I can't have these kinds of thoughts. I loved Ayame-Chan and only her.'

"But Noboru-Kun, I really want to know more about you. You're such a mystery," Layla pouted, her eyes filling with sadness.

"I'm sorry, but don't you want to figure it out yourselves? After all, how would it feel if I told you everything about myself," Noboru reasoned, his tone firm.

"I guess you're right, Noboru-kun," Layla relented, her expression disappointed.

"Sorry, Layla, but maybe one day I'll tell you," Noboru said, trying to cheer her up.

"That would be nice," Layla agreed, her voice filled with hope as they made their way to the temple.

"So, Noboru, are there any secret passages into the temple, or are we just gonna have to fight our way in?" Sky asked.

"Well, I could teleport us in," Noboru offered.

"Really, that's awesome," Sky replied, his voice filled with excitement.

"That's awesome, but why didn't you just teleport us to the temple in the first place?" Yumeko asked.

"Well, it was more me giving you and Layla time to heal the wounds Red Sky gave you. I didn't want to take the chance and get in a bad situation and then not have anyone who could help me," Noboru said.

"That makes sense," Sky admitted.

"So, Noboru, how much farther is it to the temple?" Layla asked, changing the subject.

"It's not much farther," Noboru replied.

"That's a relief," Sky sighed, glad the journey was almost over.

"Don't get too relaxed; we still have to defeat the cult and get the Braveheart Shield," Yumeko warned.

"Yeah, I know, but at least we're close to our destination," Sky replied.

"That's true," Yumeko agreed, her voice soft as Layla also agreed.

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