The God Of Power

Chapter 53:

Chapter 53: Chapter 53:

"Who are you? Why do you think you can take me on? You're just a bunch of children," Akuma Yaminoya stated, his voice laced with disdain.

"I am Noboru Chikara, and trust me, I am more than enough to defeat you. Now prepare yourself," Noboru challenged.

"You defeat me?" Akuma Yaminoya started to laugh. "You're just the same age or maybe even younger or older than those brats you are with. I mean, look at you..."

"Tell me, have you heard of the Blackstar Knight?" Noboru asked, cutting him off.

"Blackstar Knight, huh? I have heard of him. A mysterious knight that no one has ever seen. They say that his strength is greater than the gods and that he took down the Void Invasion my comrade Kuro Kage and his minions started in Aeritha Kingdom," Akuma Yaminoya said.

"He was the one who did that, and I was him," Noboru said as Akuma Yaminoya laughed.

"Yeah right, you expect me to believe that?" Akuma Yaminoya laughed as the air started to feel heavy.

"I will teach you not to underestimate me. I have no time for a weakling like you. Let's make this quick," Noboru said as the air grew heavier.

"I don't know what you're doing, but it won't work," Akuma Yaminoya scoffed. "I am the Void Queen's Chosen One."

"Oh, is that so? Then let's test that," Noboru said as he started walking towards Akuma Yaminoya.

Akuma Yaminoya's face turned serious, and the air grew heavier. "Let's do this," he declared.

Akuma Yaminoya threw the first punch, which was blocked by Noboru.

"Impossible, that was coated in Pure Void Energy. It should have erased you from existence," Akuma Yaminoya yelled.

"Sorry, but that won't work. After all, I am beyond existence erasure. Such pathetic and weak ideas of existence, I am not bound to it. I am above it," Noboru stated as his arm started to be coated in Omni Energy.

"That's not possible," Akuma Yaminoya said.

"Believe what you want, but come on, fight me. You were acting so strong earlier, calling me weak. Now come, you haven't hurt me," Noboru taunted as he started punching Akuma Yaminoya, who was starting to panic.

"What are you?" Akuma Yaminoya screamed as he tried to punch Noboru.

"I am Noboru Chikara," Noboru said as he dodged the punch and kicked him, sending him flying.

"This is impossible," Akuma Yaminoya yelled as he got up.

"Wake up to reality. Of course, it's possible; it's happening to you as we speak. You need to stop living in denial. Tell me, Akuma, do you believe I'm the Blackstar Knight now?" Noboru said as the air grew heavier.

"Yes," Akuma Yaminoya answered.

"Good, then prepare to meet your end," Noboru said as the air grew heavier again. "I've been practicing that Void Energy you use. Let's see how good I am, shall we?" Noboru said as he rushed at him.

"Void Wave," Akuma Yaminoya yelled, a wave of nothingness headed towards Noboru, who, with a mere hand gesture, sent it flying away.

"Oh look, I can control your Void Wave," Noboru said as he stood in front of him.

"Void Energy Blast," Akuma Yaminoya yelled.

Noboru simply swatted it away.

"That won't work," Noboru said as he punched him.

Akuma Yaminoya crashed into the wall.

"How... How are you doing this? It takes years to learn how to manipulate the void and not destroy your mind, turning all your memories, thoughts into nothingness. We, the Disciples, have been raised since children to control the energy, and you, what, learned it by looking at us? How damn it, how?" Akuma Yaminoya said as he got up.

"Oh, simple, I am simply just better than you," Noboru said, angering Akuma Yaminoya. "Now, I will show you just how good I am."

After Noboru said that, he raised his hand, and from the void pulled so much energy that even since it first came, never had so much void energy ever been drawn, and this wasn't just pure void energy; it was something more.

"Impossible, how are you drawing so much void energy? The same amount of void energy that consumed the kingdoms of old, yet it's not affecting anything. With only what, days of experience?" Akuma Yaminoya demanded.

"This is a even higher form of Higher Void Energy, or should I say, true void energy, the void before it became corrupted," Noboru answered.

"You shouldn't be able to access that. Only the Queen of the Void has that ability," Akuma Yaminoya said as Noboru smirked.

"Oh really? Then why are you sweating? Why are you scared? Why are you worried?" Noboru taunted.

"It's not possible. Only Yami-Sama can access the true void, and yet you're doing it. You're the demon. That's it, if Yami-Sama is the goddess, then you are the demon. Yes, you're the one. We need to protect the world from you by freeing her. We are right; the Disciples are right. You have to be the demon. You're the reason the Void Prison she is in was created. The reason she was sealed. We must kill you," Akuma Yaminoya said.

"What?" Noboru said, confused. He couldn't believe the stupidity this man was capable of. "I've seen idiots," Noboru said as he thought back to the Phoenix Kingdom, more specifically Kaito Danzo, his parents Hiroshi and Amaya Chikara, and his siblings Kouki and Meiyo, "but you are a special level of stupid," Noboru said.

"How dare you insult me," Akuma Yaminoya said.

"Shut up. I've had enough of you for today. Let's see how you handle this. Void Manipulation. Void Dragon Claw," Noboru said as the Void Energy formed into the shape of a Dragon Claw and descended upon Akuma Yaminoya.

"What is this?" Akuma Yaminoya wondered aloud.

"Oh sorry, that's me using TrueVoid Energy Shape Transformation," Noboru said, as there was no reply since the claw touched Akuma, erasing him from existence.

"What?" Sky, Layla, and Yumeko gasped.

"Higher Void Energy Shape Transformation?" Fire General Kai repeated.

"Wow," the three gasped, their eyes wide with shock and awe.

"Wait a minute, Noboru, how can you manipulate the void? Are you one of them, the Disciples Of Darkness?" Layla demanded.

"I don't think so, Layla," Sky said.

"What are you talking about, Sky? You saw what he did; he is obviously a Disciple," Layla yelled.

"Layla, calm down," Yumeko said.

"But..." Layla started to say.

"I agree with Yumeko. You should listen to her, Layla. It's not like him. He saved me. He wouldn't hurt any of us. Just remember he saved me from Red Sky. If he wanted to he could have destroyed me and red Sky. So trust me, Layla. He is on our side," Sky said.

"Ok, if Sky and you trust him, I will, but if he hurts you, I will personally kill him," Layla said.

"Thank you, Layla, Yumeko. I appreciate that. And no, Layla, I am not a Disciple, nor do I work for the Void," Noboru said.

"Then how are you manipulating the void?" Fire General Kai demanded.

"That's simple. I learned by watching how the Void Crystals and Void Energy users of this world did, back in Aeritha and, well, here," Noboru explained.

"Impossible, you can't learn just by seeing. Prove it; I will show my most famous technique, Fire General's Meteor Barrage. If you can replicate this, I will believe you," the Fire General said.

"It's not like I have anything to prove to you, but why not," Noboru said.

"Okay, so this is my most powerful technique," Fire General Kai said as he raised his hand in the sky towards the sun.

"So it's basically just a bunch of fireballs coming from the sun," Noboru said as Kai glared at him.

"Don't look at me like that. Let me guess, you draw energy from the sun and convert it into fire energy, then you make fireballs out of that energy and send them flying. It's not that complicated. Anybody with fire affinity can do it," Noboru said.

"Yes, but how did you know what I was doing?" Fire General Kai demanded.

"Your technique is kinda basic. Look," Noboru said as he aimed his hand towards the sun and, using fire aura, pulled several fireballs but Noboru took a step further, transforming them into giant, world-ending dragons. Yet, with his control, he made it so it only burnt a single piece of grass.

"Impossible! Not only did you replicate my technique just by seeing the first part, but you also managed to show control beyond me and even Fire God Ignis himself. By transforming the fireballs, or meteors as we call them, into giant, world-ending fire dragons and making them hit the earth, but only burning a single piece of grass," Fire General Kai said in amazement.

"Well, if I couldn't do that, I wouldn't be the legendary Blackstar Knight, now would I?" Noboru said, boasting.

"You are the Blackstar Knight," Fire General Kai acknowledged as Noboru nodded. Layla looked guilty after witnessing this.

"I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Noboru. I will never doubt you again," Layla apologized.

"It's fine. I know you did it out of care for your friend, and I'm glad you care about them like that," Noboru reassured her. "But anyways, I think it's best if you head off towards the capital now that the Disciples are dealt with."

"Yes, come on now. Your Wind God Kaze and my Fire God Ignis will be waiting for a debrief," Fire General Kai said as they prepared to leave.

"Bye, Noboru," Layla said.

"We'll see each other again," Yumeko added.

"Yeah, and the next time we meet, I will be stronger," Sky promised.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting for that, Sky," Noboru said as they went on their way, leaving the Lava Temple. A few moments later, Noboru walked up to the Braveheart Shield.

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